Florida Launches New Mobile Friendly Unemployment Claims Site

April 9, 2020

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity has rolled out a new mobile friendly online application site in an effort to solve problems that have plagued the agency after a surge in COVID-19 related claims.

“The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity is committed to ensuring Floridians are able to receive the benefits owed to them during this global pandemic,” said Ken Lawson, Executive Director of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. “The team is working around the clock to make the process for applying for Reemployment Assistance as easy as possible for Floridians.”

Floridians who do not have a current open  claim should complete their application online at www.FloridaJobs.org/RAApplication.

To utilize the user-friendly online application or to download the paper application, Floridians should visit www.FloridaJobs.org/COVID-19. If a person chooses to file a paper application, they should mail their application to DEO, and a representative will call when their application is processed.

Paper applications can be mailed to:

Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
P.O. Box 5350
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5350

CareerSource locations across the state are available to assist with completing and submitting an online application. They are also available to provide paper applications.


47 Responses to “Florida Launches New Mobile Friendly Unemployment Claims Site”

  1. Zachary Dowis on April 20th, 2020 10:47 am

    Say resolved-completed but I haven’t received any emails or money. Can anyone elaborate?

  2. Pissed off on April 20th, 2020 10:39 am

    Been trying everyday for weeks. Finally making progress on Connect only for it to go to page down for maintenance and will be back up at 12 noon. R U FING KIDDING ME HERE. Right in the middle of trying to fill this damn thing out. This is a JOKE. FU DeSantis, Crooked Rick Scott and worthless POS Trump. You republicans are responsible for letting this happen. Hope your happy in Trump’s world

  3. Diana Jupiter on April 19th, 2020 11:37 am

    I was already on unemployment and have called the 833 number aqnd they say I will get the 13 week extension and the $600 federal CARS but have gotten nothing- Tuesday is my last time to get unemployment unless the 13 week extension is applied and my balance on CORRECT is one week- I was told they are trying to update the computers and the new money/weeks will be put in and the $600 will come soon with week ending April 4th the beginning and ending in end of July- In addition to that I got a 12 week, and then another 12 week which means 24 weeks, I want to know if I can get a 15 week extension instead of 13 week, so that my unemployment will end with 39 weeks as other states-Otherwise, unless I find a job, mine will end with 37 weeks–it is confusing and Florida is the lowest $$ amount, and lowest amount of weeks- unbelievable- Hope to confirm all this and make sure the $600 is retroactive, which is what the computer says- Good luck and stay safe!!

  4. jenny cohen on April 19th, 2020 12:18 am

    Resolved completed??????

    It is not resolved and by no means completed

    Have friends in others states that have already received 2 payments of $600 and they were let go way after me.

    Here in Florida nothing happening

    Guess Next election my vote isnt going to go again in De Santis direction

  5. Sumer Dillard on April 18th, 2020 10:15 pm

    I have been trying to get unemployment for two weeks. It says you must claim your benefit weeks or you lose them by april 23 but the system wont let me claim them. I am almost out of money have no idea what I will do if this keeps going. It is ridiculous called the one stop career center they are closed to the public. They wont help me claim my weeks.

  6. Mildred Burgos on April 18th, 2020 6:02 pm

    I received re-employment assistance from January-March 2020. I tried getting an extension when I exhausted benefits because I’ve been unable to find work, so I applied on the mobile site but my case is still open on the regular site. It also says -resolved/complete. Tried calling every day since March 5 and can’t get through. What am I supposed to do to get an extension?

  7. Marcel on April 18th, 2020 4:20 pm

    Mine says Resolved-Complete but
    No PIN or Claimant Number
    And no place to add direct Deposit
    What do we do???

  8. Ray Sautner on April 18th, 2020 4:02 pm

    We can blame Senator Rick Scott, feel free to contact his office. Rick Scott as our governor gutted the unemployment agency to the bare bone. He left unemployment computers outdated and antiquated. He dropped the maximum to 275.00 per week, one of the lowest in the country. He also chopped the weeks of benefits down to 13.
    If you are sitting at home call his office….

  9. Kindra on April 18th, 2020 10:36 am

    Florida has the most idiotic system. Mine also says resolve/ completed. So people are suppose to sit back and patiently wait with a two word response?? First they put us through trying to get on that last site that didn’t work, then you try and call and the phone hangs up on you, now this. A first grader could have done better than this. This is embarrassing for the state of Florida.

  10. Julie Luttrell on April 18th, 2020 10:15 am

    RESOLVED-COMPLETED is what it keep saying . it is not resolved or complete without a confirmation and a check. this is really bad!!!

  11. Dylan Canady on April 18th, 2020 9:25 am

    I lost my job on March 15, I applied on the 20 and they said my employer had to be verified. I went back in on the 23 and tried to put in my job search but the system kept kicking me out. I tried for a week and then was told I lost those two weeks of pay because I failed to enter my job search. Then everyday I checked and was finally able to enter one week for March 29- April 4. Felt good that it finally accepted it. Then I the employer is verified but I’m sitting in active but waiting for monetary assignment. But in the same spot until now and no movement. Waiting for the $600 but still nothing
    Decided to use the mobile app and entered all my info again on April 10 just to see if I could get things moving.
    I’m sitting at Completed – resolved. Still nothing. No job, no gas, running out of food. Depression is really a problem

  12. Stephanie on April 17th, 2020 10:55 pm

    What if I made a mistake on the application?

  13. James on April 17th, 2020 8:54 pm

    Yea same here, I su mío mine on the 11th and it’s still saying, Resolved completed
    Makes me nervous that there wasn’t an option to fill out your direct deposit, that would have been more reassuring and convenient so ppl don’t have to keep signing in every day clogging up the system, I am not able to pay my nexts months rent unfortunately so I’m just a frantic mess, constantly looking to see if anything has moved! I’ve never been in the situation, lots of us haven’t, it’s a scary process and it shouldn’t be so difficult!

  14. Marcel on April 17th, 2020 4:18 pm

    How do you update your claim once submitted?

  15. Marcel on April 17th, 2020 3:40 pm

    How do i go onto my claim and make adjustments???

  16. Marcel on April 17th, 2020 3:34 pm

    What does resolved completed mean on the mobile sight?

    How do i add direct deposit details?

  17. Marcos on April 17th, 2020 2:27 pm

    Here are a few answers everyone!!!!!

    The new mobile-friendly site:

    Do claimants have to go back to the original CONNECT website to continue with the claiming process, or should they wait to be contacted by the DEO?

    RESPONSE FROM DEO (4/14/2020): “Individuals are still required to log onto the CONNECT system every 2 weeks to complete their request for benefits.”

    RESPONSE FROM DEO (4/10/2020): “After an individual files a claim in our new online application or submits a paper application, DEO will process their claim for Reemployment Assistance. If further information is needed, the agency will contact the claimant.”

    Upon finishing the application on the new website, what does “Resolved-Completed” mean?

    RESPONSE FROM DEO (4/14/2020): “This means the application has been submitted for review.”

    After completing an application on the new website, are applicants supposed to call to get their identity verified and receive a temporary pin, which they can change to then access the CONNECT site?

    RESPONSE FROM DEO (4/16/2020): “No, that is not correct. Once they submit an application through the new website they will receive a phone call, email or letter after their application has been processed. Based on their eligibility, they may receive benefits or have the option to appeal the determination if it negatively impacts them.”

    Why is there no option on the new site to begin claiming benefits or enter direct deposit information?


  18. Robert W Thomas on April 17th, 2020 12:54 pm

    “Resolved-completed.” Same problem. Not sure what that means.

  19. Ana Guerra on April 17th, 2020 12:34 pm

    I thought I was the only one having trouble. Mine also saids resolved/ completed but nothing further I dont know if I was accepted or not!!! Very Frustrating!!

  20. T.Tatum on April 17th, 2020 12:01 pm

    I got the same ” Resolved/completed ” status after i filed no confirmation email. What does this mean?

  21. Erika Blum on April 17th, 2020 8:11 am

    Why my status immediately said resolved-completed. I have received no confirmation email or any type of confirmation.

  22. Shelley on April 16th, 2020 11:10 pm

    Wow. Is this mobile monstrosity ever going to work? How much of our taxpayer dollars have gone into this waste of time website? My friends in Alabama have already started recieving their benefits. Why can’t our state government get it together? Mine says “resolved/completed “. What the hell does that even mean? Really, y’all. Do better. Just do better for your people.

  23. Mike on April 16th, 2020 10:23 pm

    This is the crazy situation for every body. Our Governor need to do better. We have bill to pay and have family to take care. I have friends from another state, and they already received the money in their bank. We paid much higher taxes for nothing.

  24. Antonia Patron on April 16th, 2020 1:57 pm

    What Resolved-Completed means?????

  25. Christine Hayes on April 16th, 2020 12:36 pm

    I do not understand why my status immediately shows resolved-completed. I have received no confirmation email or any type of confirmation. Please let me know what to do

  26. Joan Thompson on April 16th, 2020 10:08 am

    What does resolved completed mean on the mobile sight? It does not ask for banking information which is troubling for direct deposit claims.

  27. James dufresne on April 16th, 2020 9:23 am

    This is a nightmare …resolved and complete does anyone know what this means

  28. Chris PSL on April 16th, 2020 9:00 am

    I entered my profile info as well, and the status says, “resolved-complete”. Does that mean it is getting processed? DO i just wait and check back everyday. I got no confirmation email. I applied last Friday and am afraid my claim will be denied because of the processing time.

  29. Suzanne on April 16th, 2020 8:47 am

    The new unemployment site is not any better all you get is “Resolved/completed” No one even knows what that’s supposed to mean, It also did not ask for bank account
    Information for direct deposit, It is seriously just as much of a joke as the rest of our government!!! People want to work and we can’t so now we have to suffer? I’m beyond ready to move out of the US and we’re supposedly the greatest county on earth?

  30. juan s on April 16th, 2020 8:38 am

    I entered my profile info, and the status says, “resolved-complete”. Does anyone have any dia why ?

  31. Sarah Moranville on April 15th, 2020 5:05 pm

    I entered my profile info, and the status says, “resolved-complete”. Nothing else is happening. Any info?

  32. Michelle on April 14th, 2020 6:11 pm

    On mobile site , what does Resolved/completed mean? How could it be resolved 10 min after I filed?

  33. j D on April 13th, 2020 6:46 pm

    Next time we vote let’s remember it was Rick Scott that revamped the unemployment system to benefit the businesses and screw over the employee. After it was revamped you only get a whopping 13 weeks of 275 max. Plus was totally a pill to get anything entered into system . Ron Desantis inherited this mess from idiot Rick Scott. But has failed to do anything til the wheels came off the wagon. He is just as guilty

  34. Substitute Teacher on April 13th, 2020 12:01 pm

    Our’s says resolved/completed with no other info as far as what the judgement was. No email. No tab on the site to check it. No information whatsoever except what I already submitted.

  35. Lisa Cox on April 10th, 2020 2:30 pm

    Glad to know I’m not the only having trouble with this! I to have been locked out of my account and cannot get ANY help whatsoever! There is definately a SERIOUS flaw with this system!!!

  36. Carolyn Czaplicki on April 9th, 2020 6:01 pm

    I was laid off because my restaurant closed on March 20th, it took until March 25th to get my unemployment claim registered. I was told to claim my weekly benefits. Which I have done. Yet the website still says my claim is pending, I am not allowed the maximum benefit, and to come back on 4/13 to claim my next weekly benefits. The site also said that I had to have a one waiting week which has been waived, site still does not declare how much I will be getting and I also don’t know when I will be paid. I cannot get any answers online and I cannot get through the call center system- regardless of the Governor’s statements of the added more people to the call center and added capacity to the website and a mobile website. The new website and paper applications are for those that are applying and are not in the system. I am in the system yet still cannot get any answers as to how much I will be getting per week and when I will be paid. I sent an email today but doubtful that I’ll get in a reply from what I’ve heard it’ll be a long long time. I’ve had no income since March 20th I am desperate for money just to pay bills and keep a roof over my head as I know millions of others are in Florida. We also need to have our unemployment registered and paying so we received at $600 a week from the federal government. Thank God for that, but if I’m not getting my unemployment I don’t get the $600 if I don’t get all that I will end up being homeless.
    Most of us are registered voters keep that in mind fix the system NOW and have everything retro because it is not our fault, that the website is not working correctly- you cannot totally blame the system because it is overloaded the system was broken to begin with as you all are well aware of and we have Ken Lawson’s testimony to that . Governor DeSantis get on the program or look for another job because you will not have another term if you do not take care of the hard-working people in Florida. Thank you.

  37. Maggie Van Pelt on April 9th, 2020 1:53 pm

    When are they going to start paying folks?!? I was able to get the application submitted 1 1/2 weeks ago. Was then told to sign back on 4-02-20 to claim weeks. It took approximately 10 hours to complete that and I am still pending. I have bills to pay and food to buy!! How much longer until they start dispersing the funds?/

  38. Tammy on April 9th, 2020 1:28 pm

    I clicked on the mobile friendly link, page not found. Unable to access my claim, unable to reset password, the phone numbers all either hang up on me or refer me back to the website I am unable to access.
    After several days of trying in March I was able to apply but not been able to get back in to check my status. My claim was submitted 3/24/2020. I am a layed off Restaurant worker, single household income. Someone please help.

  39. Peggy Wileman on April 9th, 2020 1:01 pm

    This site will not accept my email address, I’ve had it for a long time

  40. Century on April 9th, 2020 10:38 am

    When will the app be available? I’ve applied but cannot log on to look at my account. Will the app be simple?

  41. D rock on April 9th, 2020 10:28 am

    What in God’s name is going on with this unemployment site? I work hard every day I can. I have no problem going to work. I have not ever in my life have i watched a break down of the state / federal gov like this. I want to say some bad stuff about it,but if I do it won’t make it past the powers that be!!!! We all need to remember this b.s when it’s time to vote!!!! I can not deal with a broken system when food needs to put on the table!!!!!

  42. Dallas Davis on April 9th, 2020 10:20 am

    I filed for unemployment the beginning of March and have sent in my claims and still have not got anything

  43. Brittany Mckinnon on April 9th, 2020 9:44 am

    Due to Covid-19 the daycare I work at had to close until further notice .

  44. Ashley Burnside on April 9th, 2020 9:04 am

    I just need to reset my pin#. I’m locked out of my account. I haven’t filed a claim since 2011. Please someone answer my email that I sent on 3/30 or call me so I can start the process.

  45. Tom on April 9th, 2020 7:47 am

    I myself live in Florida and was working my past two jobs in Alabama, I am legally eligible for state unemployment for myself. When I was layed-off in Flomaton 2 weeks ago I immediately filed unemployment via the website because the Phone numbers listed are busy non stop or they just disconnect you. My problem is they apparently can not read because the AL Unemployment people denied me on grounds that apparently I did not work in AL in 2019…Although here in my hands are W2’s and pay-stubs. I am severely disappointed and its worrying me so much I can no longer sleep for fear of homelessness if I go broke very soon. Thanks for not doing your job AL Unemployment, disgrace.

  46. ItsmeMR.C on April 9th, 2020 7:43 am

    What’s the definition of open claim? I’ve read several articles and it is unclear what that term means. I have a bunch of previous claims, technically the most current one is closed as I exhausted all benefits. However the benefit year has not ended so while I have no issues accessing my claim info, I have no way of filing a claim until my benefit year ends. I have been calling about 50 times a day since my temporary lay off 2 weeks ago now to no avail.
    I understand how the system works very well as I have had a lot of expierience with it. But this is getting very frustrating. I have literally be calling in as soon as the office opens and still getting the “our phone lines are busy and our callback option is unavailable” message.
    The most frustrating part is, knowing that if I could get through they could fix my issue in the system and I could go ahead and get my application in line. Along with that, it’s frustrating not knowing what to do since I can’t. I’m glad they are getting the computer system kinks worked out, but I hope the get the phones figured out too as I’m sure I am not the only one with this issue.

  47. Susan Brooker on April 9th, 2020 7:11 am

    i cant chsnge my password its been 6 years since i applied and i have called and cant get through ease just send me a link to cha he my password