First COVID-19 Case In McDavid; Assisted Living Cases Grow; 21 New Cases Monday In Escambia, Santa Rosa

April 6, 2020


COVID-19 cases increased by 15 in Escambia County and six in Santa Rosa County, according to the latest report from the Florida Department of Health.  The increase in Escambia County included the first case reported in the McDavid zip code (which also includes Walnut Hill).

There are now three cases in residents or staff of long-term care facilities in Escambia County. The FDOH is not providing any additional details.

The first COVID-19 death in Escambia County was reported Saturday morning — a 75-year old female. There have been two fatalities in Santa Rosa County.

As of Monday, the number of cases in Escambia County was 141 and there were 64 cases in Santa Rosa County.

Statewide, there were 13,324 cases including 12,925 Florida residents. There were 1,592 in the hospital and 236 deaths.

Escambia County cases:

  • Total cases — 141 (+15 since Sunday)
  • Pensacola — 100
  • Cantonment — 21
  • Bellview — 5
  • Perdido Key — 1
  • McDavid/Walnut Hill — 1
  • Molino – 1
  • Century — 1
  • Residents: 118
  • Nonresidents — 7
  • Hospitalizations:  9
  • Deaths — 1
  • Men — 69
  • Women — 70
  • Youngest: 2
  • Oldest: 95

Santa Rosa County cases:

  • Total cases — 64 (+6  since Sunday)
  • Milton — 24
  • Navarre — 16
  • Gulf Breeze — 12
  • Pace — 7
  • Jay — 1
  • Residents: 48
  • Nonresidents — 0
  • Hospitalizations — 8
  • Deaths — 2
  • Men — 40
  • Women — 24
  • Youngest — 2 months
  • Oldest — 84

Florida cases:

  • Total cases — 13,629
  • Florida residents — 13,214
  • Non-Florida residents — 415
  • Deaths — 254
  • Hospitalized — 1,720


8 Responses to “First COVID-19 Case In McDavid; Assisted Living Cases Grow; 21 New Cases Monday In Escambia, Santa Rosa”

  1. southerner on April 7th, 2020 8:26 am

    Healthy people in America need to be free to work. Freedom can be risky. Give me Liberty.

  2. Working Joe on April 7th, 2020 4:06 am

    This virus was here long before everyone knew it was out there.
    The survivability rate is 95% to 98%. The only folks that are at risk are the elderly and folks with weak immune systems.
    If you are sick stay home, everyone else let’s get back to work and get this economy running again.
    Wash your hands, wash your hands and … wash … your hands.
    Oh yeah, don’t touch your face, this includes picking your nose.
    Quit buying into the propaganda media machine which is manipulating people into FEAR!!!!

  3. Just Saying (the original) lol on April 7th, 2020 1:57 am

    The problem is…the President and governors all hoped that saying everyone should stay home except for essential tasks would be sufficient for everyone to do exactly that. The error in their thinking was believing that our lazy-me first-instant gratification society would do so.

    They don’t want to issue an out and out lockdown order because so many will cry foul and claim that their rights are being trampled upon. The error in THEIR thinking is that they don’t seem to comprehend that one person’s rights end where the next person’s begins. In other words, when YOUR actions infringe upon MY right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, your rights cease to exist. That means that if you are endangering others (such as those who act as if nothing serious is going on), you lose your right to the freedom you would normally enjoy!


  4. Kel on April 6th, 2020 11:28 pm

    Protip to X: Wear gloves. I don’t care how silly I look, I will not pump gas unless I have protection for my hands. Same with anything that just like you observed is a high risk for cross contamination, including cash. On one hand I do think there needs to be an actually effective stay at home order. On the other hand, if I were to lose my job right now I would lose my health insurance. If I were to lose my health insurance then there is a good chance I’d be on a downward spiral medically, as I have a lot of conditions that need frequent check ups.

  5. For the rest of us on April 6th, 2020 10:08 pm

    .To the 141 Escambia cases (particularly the 21 Cantonment) :
    Can you give the rest of us some insight? What are your symptoms? Where is your most educated guess of where you contracted it? How long ago were you tested positive? Any advice for the rest of us??

  6. X on April 6th, 2020 9:13 pm

    For those of us forced to work, because our employer believes we are essential. This is crazy, there’s no way we will not get the virus. You can only protect yourself so much. We continue to cross contaminate everything we touch. Our cars, our homes, our pets. We do not where hazmat suits. We have to move from place to place. Gas pumps , store doors, car doors, front doors. Everywhere we go we touch something before we get back to our santizer . I wish stay at home , ment just that. Stay home , save lives.

  7. Howie on April 6th, 2020 8:02 pm

    If the stay-at-home requests are not working out, President Trump could send a much clearer signal that he wants all Governors to do a lockdown on their states, to guide them about what that lockdown would require and what the standard should be. Roughly one-third of states have yet to issue statewide stay-at-home orders.

    It’s coming if the numbers continue to rise with virus cases.

  8. Just saying on April 6th, 2020 7:05 pm

    People u need to stop going out unless u absolutely have to….its truly common sense praying for all that is sick…if everyone would do what is ask of us we could stop this…china had to shut down to stop it and i truly belive we need to do the same because of people that dont listen or care if they spread it ….