Escambia Superintendent Thomas Vows To Eventually Hold Graduation Ceremony For The Class Of 2020

April 2, 2020

Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said Thursday that district will do everything possible to hold a high school graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020, even if that means waiting until July due to coronavirus.

“Everybody is worried about graduation and commencement exercises being canceled. At this point, it doesn’t look like it’s very hopeful that we would hold a commencement at the end of May,” Thomas said Thursday. “But I have said since the beginning, we’re going to do whatever we can do to make sure a graduation ceremony is held.”

Thomas said he believes the district could wait as late as July and still have a majority of students still in the community.

“If that were the case and we were allowed to assemble large groups in July, we would go to the civic center and we would have a graduation ceremony,” he said. As for now, no final decisions are being made about date or location as the COVID-19 situation progresses.

“I will tell you this, we will do something to make sure we honor our seniors who’ve spent their life thus far preparing for that moment where they can walk across a stage in a cap and gown, have a picture taken and receive a diploma. We know that’s important, and we aregoing to support that in any way we can,” Thomas added.


18 Responses to “Escambia Superintendent Thomas Vows To Eventually Hold Graduation Ceremony For The Class Of 2020”

  1. Senior on April 4th, 2020 6:27 pm

    As a senior at Tate, I agree with the other seniors that have commented on this post… A summer graduation won’t be feasible. With kids going away to college, going to serve our country, a summer ceremony just won’t be the same and won’t include most Seniors. We appreciate the thought, but considering the unfortunate circumstances I think it would be best just to mail the diplomas.

  2. Senior on April 4th, 2020 12:57 pm

    To most seniors we don’t really care about the graduation ceremony, just give us the diploma. A July graduation will be virtually impossible, a large amount of graduates are going out of state or into the military. So if we do a Summer Graduation, it will only be a hand full of graduates left.

  3. Marcy on April 4th, 2020 11:28 am

    Yes please let these kids walk! Utilize the football fields and break up the graduations in shifts – A-M and then N-Z or something like that. Limit the guests to 2 per kid if needed. Anything!!! These kids have worked so hard for this and have lost out on so much these last few weeks and now couple months. It would be a blessing to let them still have a celebration with their friends one last time before they move on to their next chapters…. thank you Malcom T for still trying to make this happen!

  4. Helen on April 3rd, 2020 10:15 am

    Thank you Mr. Thomss! I don’t have a senior, but my heart breaks for them. So glad we have a superintendent that gets it!

  5. Anna Pierce on April 3rd, 2020 9:08 am

    I think this is a great idea or as others have stated do it at their schools. Thomas wouldn’t be able to attend them all at the same time but start with a few a day at different times and maybe he could get to them all. Go Seniors you are all a blessing.

  6. Cindy on April 3rd, 2020 3:09 am

    This is a new age of uncertain times, They should put the use of all the technology we use every day and just do like a zoom, Face time or some sort of video graduation. So no one infects anybody and they still have some sort of graduation.
    Yes, it is a bit different and they would create a new tradition.

  7. Barbara Turner on April 3rd, 2020 12:46 am

    As grandparents of a Senior High school student in Escambia County we’ve been planning to attend his graduation for as long as the parents. We live out of state and believe that delaying the ceremony is a step in the right direction and we are waiting like he is to find out when he finally gets to walk across that stage. Thanks School Board for being proactive and not cancelling it altogether!

  8. gmp on April 3rd, 2020 12:22 am

    My daughter is supposed to graduate next month in the New Orleans area and it’s up in the air right now. If they delay it too long she will miss it because she has to report for military training probably at the end of May so she may miss going across the stage.

  9. Sandra on April 2nd, 2020 11:47 pm

    Hey..I like the idea better having it at the wahoo stadium.

  10. Robin East on April 2nd, 2020 10:42 pm

    This is great news!! I’m the grandparent of a senior at Washing! These kids are already missing out on so much!! They have worked for thirteen years for the privilege of walking across that stage!! I’m so thankful the school board hasn’t lost sight of how important graduation is!!

  11. kathy on April 2nd, 2020 10:17 pm

    this is a blessing for all those young people… my granddaughter is a dual enrolled Senior and has remained in the top 5% of her schools… we have been eagerly awaiting this confirmation for her to be able to graduate with her honors…. thank you, Sir…

  12. Adell Johnson on April 2nd, 2020 8:00 pm

    I am a proud grandmother of a senior of West Florida High.and I will love to see her walk around the stage.she worked hard for this day.and if we have to have it on the football field like they use to

  13. James on April 2nd, 2020 6:20 pm

    Pretty cut and dry. The virus has been spread by persons with no symptoms. That’s how it started in NY. A graduation does not supersede the health and safety of the public. Who ever attends could pass it on or contract it from another person. Those persons will spread it to friends, family or co workers. Don’t be greedy. Take your paper diploma and be happy. Want your friends to see it? Post it on FB like every other details people seem to do about their lives.
    Me? I don’t need validation from others for my life to be whole.

  14. Kelly Nguyen on April 2nd, 2020 5:44 pm

    Do it at the Blue Wahoo stadium only let immediate family come then Televised it for other family members and friends to watch from home. The Stadium have the capability to televise it.

  15. Parent of senior on April 2nd, 2020 5:40 pm

    This is the BEST news! So glad he is showing compassion about this. And I agree with the football field idea even if it’s just parents and maybe grandparents that could come. Just something to show for all of their hard work. Thank you Malcolm Thomas!

  16. Ruth Hockett on April 2nd, 2020 5:38 pm

    Please please do! Don’t deny them this special day.

  17. Sandra on April 2nd, 2020 2:46 pm

    My niece and nephew will be graduating from Washington. We have been talking about it. Instead of having it at the civic center, why not have it in the football stadiums? Each school should now have their own stadium. Just a thought. Then all graduations can be held on the same day.

  18. Senior on April 2nd, 2020 2:46 pm

    Just give me my diploma, that’s all I’ve been waiting on….