Escambia Students Were Scheduled To Have Friday Off From Virtual School. Not Anymore.

April 8, 2020

Escambia County students were scheduled to have a day off on Friday, but now it will be a day in virtual class.

Escambia Schools Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said that due to a district calendar change for this Friday, April 10, all instructors and students will continue classwork assigned in accordance with the district’s Instructional Continuity Plan.

Before the unexpected change in normal school operations due to the COVID-19 virus, April 10 was listed on the district’s calendar as a non-student day. This was to allow for a day of meetings and professional development for all ECSD instructional staff. Following the Safer at Home Order by Gov. Ron DeSantis, student instruction will continue to be delivered online. Questions about specific assignments should be directed to students’ instructors.

Superintendent Thomas stated, “As we navigate this disruption to work and school schedules, flexibility and cooperation will be fundamental to student progress. Patience will be greatly appreciated while we strive to maintain continuous student engagement in their learning.”

Hours of operation for the Escambia County School District will continue to be 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, through May 1. Employees will follow their work schedule as already defined by their immediate supervisor.


17 Responses to “Escambia Students Were Scheduled To Have Friday Off From Virtual School. Not Anymore.”

  1. Just here on April 9th, 2020 4:16 pm

    @ Lee – YES, absolutely agree 100%.

    About Good Friday – how about tell your child to do their work BEFORE Friday and they can have that day off still? Do they really work 7-2, 8-3, 9-4, like they would in school. I know my child’s teachers have stated they won’t post work on ANY Friday (which I am thankful for so they can choose to use that as a make-up day), so technically he gets every Friday off. So many people complain. I don’t think the Governor, Superintendent, or anyone else of authority, can make every single person involved happy. If schools were just out to cause less stress on parents, you’d still have those complain their child wasn’t getting an education, if students were in school you’d have those complain they are being exposed to COVID.

    All in all, yes it’s a crazy time for all, it’s a lot of busy work for students, but at least it’s practice for them. For my child’s school, it’s simply a review of what he’s done, therefore, he is able to do it while I am at work.

  2. Ruth on April 9th, 2020 7:46 am

    Lee on April 8th, 2020 I wish I had a nickel for every parent who failed to show up for a conference they requested, puts sports ahead of academics, has never bothered to take their child to the library, lets their child stay up all night playing video games and expects a teacher to keep them awake, sends them to school with a bag of chips and a Big Gulp, buys their kid a fancy phone but never a pencil, and complains about common core but couldn’t tell you it’s purpose. If school is too hard, takes too much time, or doesn’t teach what parents think they should learn, maybe home school or a private school are the answer. Stop whining and act like adults. Better yet, act like parents.

    Lee, this is sooo very true, and it is one of the things that has led to a general disrespect for people, things and authority among the young and young adults! I would imagine many of the parents are not enforcing the video classes and the homework anyhow, and they will be the first to raise a stink when the kid fails!

  3. IJS on April 8th, 2020 11:56 pm

    Everyone is complaining about the scheduled day off from school on Friday being cancelled without even thinking that if school was in session, it would have most likely been a make up day for being out the extra week after spring break. You all know that Friday is not a Federal Holdiay, right. It was a teacher’s inservice day. I mean it is virtual school, so you do it at your own pace. As for the electives, those teachers are still required to teach. I have an elementary student and having those extra activities kind of give her a “brain break” from doing her other studies. She enjoys them and feels like she’s following her school schedule. We only do those electives on the days she would have had it at school. It’s not that difficult. I think some people are making it harder on themselves than it actually is. No, I’m not a SAHM. I do work FT.

  4. Lee on April 8th, 2020 7:43 pm

    I wish I had a nickel for every parent who failed to show up for a conference they requested, puts sports ahead of academics, has never bothered to take their child to the library, lets their child stay up all night playing video games and expects a teacher to keep them awake, sends them to school with a bag of chips and a Big Gulp, buys their kid a fancy phone but never a pencil, and complains about common core but couldn’t tell you it’s purpose. If school is too hard, takes too much time, or doesn’t teach what parents think they should learn, maybe home school or a private school are the answer. Stop whining and act like adults. Better yet, act like parents.

  5. Nancy Perry on April 8th, 2020 6:54 pm

    @Jerry Brunelle

    I am not sure what school you are from, but if you will call me at Ernest Ward Middle School tomorrow between 8:30 – 2:00. I will be glad to help you. 850-761-6301 ext 105. If I do not answer, leave a message….I will call you right back. Or email me

  6. Renita on April 8th, 2020 4:41 pm

    This homework is driving us all crazy. The teachers are having problem with the sites.
    We as parents and grandparents along with the kids is finding it hard to get the assignments. Then they are to take a quiz, well there isn’t any. Write the teacher asking for the quiz. Receive no answer. So what are we to do.
    Also, tired of the governor, superintendent of schools telling people 65 or older they can’t go to work. To some of us that is discrimination towards senior citizens. Don’t use the dang excuse because if virus. All ages are now getting it. So are you gonna tell all age groups they can’t work. Heck no you’re not.
    So us as seniors need to work also not sit at home and do nothing. We want to go back to work so let us. It’s not right to point a finger at us because of this virus. So get your head out of the sand and see this virus takes anybody, young , middle age and old.
    LET US GO BACK TO WORK. What gives you (the government) or anyone the right to tell us we can’t.

  7. Common Sense on April 8th, 2020 4:35 pm

    To those complaining of working and not having time to help your kids with virtual classes… How about having whoever your child is staying with help them with classes while you are at work. And if you are leaving your child at home while you are working then that obviously means he/she is mature enough to be home alone, so they should also be mature enough to turn on the computer and do their coursework before they are glued to their PS4 or iPhone for the remainder of the day. This isn’t east for anyone, but it is doable. Use those educated brains and figure out what works best for your situation instead of complaining so much. It’s not going to fix or change anything and you are only stressing yourself out more over something you cannot control.

  8. Wait a minute on April 8th, 2020 3:46 pm

    Imagine how the teachers must feel. I’m sure they are frustrated also, many have their own children at home also…….This is what they went to school for!!!! I agree with you Dee I think only the basics should be required. Virtual school has opened up my eyes as to how my child learns in the class. The teachers are teaching it the district way instead of explaining it to them the best of THEIR ability, because when I showed my daughter a simple math problem she compared it to how her teacher tought her and it was just to many steps for us both to get the same answer. And plus the kids shouldn’t be punished for unexpected circumstances.

  9. High schooler on April 8th, 2020 2:33 pm

    1.) Escamiba county doesn’t freaking teach. Well at least not at my school which is suppose to be the “best school “ with As and etc.. Well no. How do they expect us to learn of all they do is hand our work and assignments. 2.) my brothers who go to a private school do there classes on zoom. Thought a webcasting app and the teacher actually teaches. It would be help for the little kids who can’t understand because they can ask questions to the teacher live. Also for high schoolers because you damn well know we will cheat if no one is around to watch us. Just saying. Escambia schools sucks.

  10. James on April 8th, 2020 1:34 pm

    Is Superintendent Malcolm Thomas trying to be some kind of Super Hero? If he had his way students would be back in class room right now potentially being exposed to the virus. I take it he has no school age kids attending classes or he might have a different attitude

  11. Tired of this BS on April 8th, 2020 12:53 pm

    Last week my kids teachers said just have them do 45 minutes of I ready reading, math and 30 mins of science. And that’s it right?okay! No problem that we can do. But now you want to add art and p.e. and expect the parents to be all of the teachers but not be able to teach their kids their way. It has to be the districts way.

  12. Jennifer Barraclough on April 8th, 2020 12:40 pm

    Such negative comments. Imagine how the teachers must feel. I’m sure they are frustrated also, many have their own children at home also. By the way I’m a grandmother an I’m figuring it out. I bet most of the students can do most of this on there own…so stay patient. Encourage your children to do their work….ask for help..the teachers have been great with me..prayers we. Go back to school in May.

  13. Jerry Brunelle on April 8th, 2020 12:09 pm

    can someone tell me how to get to this online instruction? I haven’t received any information from the school.

  14. Huh? on April 8th, 2020 10:23 am

    What, are the students going to be counted absent for not working Friday??? That is such a silly statement about Friday. Seriously, this virtual thing is a little out of hand. If we are going to instruct students during this time, it needs to be kept simple. Stick to the basics of academics. Leave the rest out. Parents are still working! Electives need to be removed from the “virtual assigned work”. Instead, send out suggested things to do that are hands-on and engaging. Don’t make parents feel like it is required or assigned. Focus on the academic classes! Students can’t be expected to do school work like a regular school day. This is frustrating to parents and caregivers.

  15. Meg on April 8th, 2020 10:04 am

    Dee, I completely agree. This has been extremely hard on me as a working from home parent, with other siblings and childcare issues. They need to take into consideration that we aren’t all stay at home parents with only one kid.

  16. Dominique on April 8th, 2020 9:58 am

    I feel like this is to much. I have to work 12 hours shifts in the medical field. I get home to late to do. All the work plus have it turned in. I feel like I’m in the middle. I didn’t go to school for teaching. I went for nursing. Some kids are being raised by great grandparents. Which can be from 60-90. They can barely. Remember their own kids names. Let alone help a kid out. This is to much for a family that has multiple. I do know how they are getting it done. Especially if they fall in the lines of what I mentioned above. Please help us. Help our kids.

  17. Dee on April 8th, 2020 8:27 am

    This virtual school is extremely hard for parents that work. It started out with only a few assignments per day but has rapidly expanded to basically an entire school day, including art and PE. How are parents that get home at 5pm from work supposed to get an entire day of school in before bedtime? It would be nice if Mr Superintendent just stuck to only the essential curriculum needed for development. Basic learning necessities to keep the kids going in the right direction until the real teachers can take over.