Two More Die From COVID-19 In Escambia County

April 18, 2020


The number of coronavirus cases in Escambia County topped 300 on Saturday as Escambia County record two new deaths.

Both deaths were long-term care facility patients — a 69-year old male and a 52-year old female. Both had no travel history but did have contact with known cases.

There are now 304 total COVID cases in Escambia County, up by 14 since Friday. Santa Rosa County’s total was up three to 133.

The number of Escambia County cases in residents or staff of long-term care facilities increased by four Saturday to a total of 60. The number of long-term cases in Santa Rosa County increase by eight to a total of nine.

Statewide, there were 25,492 cases including 24,797 Florida residents. There have been 3,745 hospitalizations and 748 deaths.

Escambia County cases:

  • Total cases — 304 (+14 since Friday)
  • Long-term care cases — 58 (+2 since Friday)
  • Pensacola — 238
  • Cantonment — 34
  • Bellview — 6
  • Perdido Key — 1
  • McDavid/Walnut Hill — 1
  • Molino – 1
  • Century — 1
  • Residents: 263
  • Nonresidents — 19
  • Hospitalizations:  28*
  • Deaths — 8
  • Male — 132
  • Female — 152
  • Youngest — 0
  • Oldest — 98

Santa Rosa County cases:

  • Total cases — 133 (+3 since Friday)
  • Long-term care cases — 9
  • Milton — 69
  • Navarre — 29
  • Gulf Breeze — 23
  • Pace — 9
  • Jay — 2
  • Residents: 129
  • Nonresidents — 0
  • Hospitalizations — 17*
  • Deaths — 6
  • Male — 91
  • Female — 42
  • Youngest — 2 months
  • Oldest — 94

Florida cases:

  • Total cases — 25,492
  • Florida residents — 24,797
  • Deaths — 748
  • Hospitalizations — 3,745*

*“Hospitalizations” is a count of all laboratory confirmed cases in which an inpatient hospitalization occurred at any time during the course of illness. These people may no longer be hospitalized. This number does not represent the number of COVID-19 positive persons currently hospitalized. The FDOH does not provide a count of patients currently hospitalized.


6 Responses to “Two More Die From COVID-19 In Escambia County”

  1. Myincal on April 19th, 2020 2:49 pm

    Funny how the rates of heart failure, pneumonia and other diseases have plummeted this year. Funny how nearly every death is being classified as covid.

  2. Jean Herbers on April 19th, 2020 12:11 pm

    Who did two long term patients come in contact with who had the virus?
    Employees? Family? Did everyone in these facilities get tested? Because now everyone is exposed and possibly spreading the virus.

  3. Ann on April 19th, 2020 10:28 am

    People are apparently out spending their stimulus checks and buying non-essential items endangering those that are working in essential stores. Families are seem shopping, browsing just to get out of the house and buy a gallon of paint or return a pack of $1.18 screws. Unless you are a contractor making a living you should not be out shopping at your home improvement store unless it’s an emergency. Order online, curbside pick up, but stop bringing the whole family including the grandparents

  4. TR SPORT on April 19th, 2020 9:29 am

    Herd immunity is what we will be experiencing next and that’s what should have been done in the first place instead of this quarantine. Protect the vulnerable and let the virus die off naturally. Most who will get it won’t know it and will build up immunities and the virus will die off. But instead the powers that be listened to those two half wits Birx and Fauci and so here we are with a wrecked economy. To all of you that have lost your jobs and your small businesses my heart goes out to you. I had a small business for 25 years and I know how fragile it is. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES.

  5. Trina on April 19th, 2020 1:16 am

    Today was insane all over Pensacola. Stores were packed I think I saw 3 people in masks besides me. NO social distancing in lines. Come on people… Let’s have a little respect for the older generations… Numbers are going UP. We still have a ways to go. I would rather be safe instead of sorry. I want to live to see all my grandchildren grow up. And before someone has a rude comment. I had to drop off a grandchild today so I stopped at one store to grab some essential items.

  6. Jerry on April 18th, 2020 2:07 pm

    We obviously have reached our pinnacle yet, Cases need to go down, before we start to end quarantine.