Escambia County (AL) Reports Additonal COVID-19 Case

April 19, 2020

The Alabama Department of Health is now reporting 13 COVID-19 cases in Escambia County (AL), an increase of one since Saturday.

ADH is reporting 237 total COVID-19 tests have been performed in Escambia County, a positive rate of about 5.5%.

There have been no coronavirus related deaths in Escambia County.

The Alabama Department of Health reported 4,783 total positive cases in the state out of 45,712 tests. There have been 151 reported deaths statewide.


10 Responses to “Escambia County (AL) Reports Additonal COVID-19 Case”

  1. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2020 2:10 am

    “Why limit testing just to COVID-19? There are numerous disease transmitted by contact with others, knowingly and unknowingly. Recent measles outbreak,”

    And measles has a 0.2% death rate for those who catch it. That is why we developed vaccines to immunize children from it, to save the two out of a thousand from death. (Versus 5 to ten out of a HUNDRED with COVID-19.) It can’t spread like wildfire because loving parents took the precaution to vaccinate their children from it, mumps, diphtheria, rubella and polio — or we did until it was wiped out and we stand ready to immunize against it. And we have on hand enough doses to treat everyone in America from smallpox if it shows up. We have vaccines against hepatitis B, rabies, and tetanus.

    We have lots of arrows in our quiver against those diseases. COVID-19 on the other hand we currently have no vaccination and no real treatment against it (certainly not the Hydroxychloroquine the leader pushed so hard falsely acting as if false hope is better than caution). All we have right now is not passing it to others with maybe 25 times the death rate — and we don’t yet have testing supplies enough to identify carriers.

    Scientists and manufacturers are working on tests to find who is and has been infected, vaccines to protect from catching it, treatments to heal those infected. They will save lives of the living in time. Healthcare workers can save lives of the living if they are not completely overwhelmed…if infection is delayed.

    We can’t shut everything down, but we can slow the progression until we can improve survival. Either way we pay a heavy price for ignoring the risks… past, present, and future..

    David for wisdom

  2. Roger on April 20th, 2020 7:36 pm

    David Hule green…Why limit testing just to COVID-19? There are numerous disease transmitted by contact with others, knowingly and unknowingly. Recent measles outbreak, for example. Maybe we should end all conact between human beings by wearing full-body PPE whenever we leave out homes. Problem with that is eventually we loose all imunity and even the common cold becomes a deadly threat. Species can only survive by being exposed to and developing immunity to diseae.

  3. Roger on April 20th, 2020 5:27 pm

    Piney Woods.. Opening the country to slowly or too late will be far worse than opening it too soon. Farmers are dumping milk into manure pits because of low demand with restaurants and schools being closed. Spring crops are at risk of rotting in the fields now which could mean food shortages in six months or so. The government cannot print food the way it prints money. At some point the dairy farmer will need to reduce the herd size which will take years to recover. The same goes for the beef, pork and chicken producers. And then there are business closings and no jobs to go back to when the country is re-opened. The long-term effect on the economy could last a decade or more.

  4. David Huie Green on April 20th, 2020 5:20 pm

    “not going to be tested. I’ve been in 20 states and 2 providence’s in the last 31/2 months. Don’t have it and have done nothing different than I normally do. I sure as heck don’t wear a mask or gloves”

    Actually, unless you have been tested, you don’t actually know you don’t have it. You know you don’t have the worst symptoms of it. You may not have it or maybe you do. You may have infected people anywhere along the way or been infected anywhere along the way.

    You just don’t really know and don’t care to know.

    Even if someone in your family gets sick and/or dies of it, you won’t know… unless you are definitely infected afterward.

    Best of luck, because that’s what you’re depending on.

    David for the best

  5. Roger on April 20th, 2020 9:23 am

    Annie, The swab that goes into the nose is sterile and is only the collection tool. That swab is then used to place the sample on the testing plate which is then processed to determine if the virus is present.

  6. Piney Woods on April 20th, 2020 8:46 am

    The reason they want mass testing is because of how contagious it is….furthermore, more people have died of it in six weeks than die in a season with the flu….I’m all about keeping the politicians out of our business and not telling us what to do but they
    Also have a responsibility as to public safety. Opening up the country too soon is fool hearty unless you want to make a bad situation worse.

  7. Just saying on April 20th, 2020 12:05 am

    ABC reported 50 to 80 times the number of people have it as bases on antibody studies.

  8. Annis Jones on April 19th, 2020 6:46 pm

    My question is, have anyone tested the Coronviruse testing kits they are testing people’s with. Can it be possible that the kit could have the virus in them? I’m not accusing anybody of anything, but could it be possible that they are spreading it and not knowing it. After all it goes in there nose, down there throats and into there lungs. Again it’s just a question?

  9. TR SPORT on April 19th, 2020 3:59 pm

    Roger, I totally agree with you and am not going to be tested. I’ve been in 20 states and 2 providence’s in the last 31/2 months. Don’t have it and have done nothing different than I normally do. I sure as heck don’t wear a mask or gloves. Protect vulnerable and go on with our lives. I don’t need a politician to tell what’s good for me. You out there want to stay at home, stay there. The government has you right where they want you. School, shopping, social media, everything you can do from your home. Go ahead and be sheep, I choose not to.

  10. Roger on April 19th, 2020 2:14 pm

    The population of the State of Alabama is 4.87 million citizens. ADH reports 45,712 people have been tested for COVID-19. That’s about 1% of the state’s population. Of those tested 4783 have tested positive for the virus. That’s just over 1/10 of 1% . Why are the politicians and experts calling for massive testing in order to re-open the country? Who’s going to make money from all those test?