Update: Health Department Lowers Number Of Escambia County (AL) COVID-19 Positive Cases

April 18, 2020

Update: Friday night, the Alabama Department of Health listed 14 COVID-19 cases in Escambia County (AL). By Saturday morning, two cases were reclassified to other counties, putting the total back to 12.

ADH is reporting 226 total COVID-19 tests have been performed in Escambia County, a positive rate of about 5.3%.

There have been no coronavirus related deaths in Escambia County.

The Alabama Department of Health reported 4,482 total positive cases in the state out of 42,538 tests. Their have been 154 reported deaths statewide.


3 Responses to “Update: Health Department Lowers Number Of Escambia County (AL) COVID-19 Positive Cases”

  1. David Huie Green on April 19th, 2020 11:55 pm

    ” the government is lying to us about this disease infection”

    They really are being infected. People really are dying. One in government lies pretty much daily, but most care and speak the truth. It is not a “Hoax,” there aren’t enough tests, hydroxychloroquine doesn’t prevent or cure it, it is not the flu. Other government workers have corrected those lies

    “those 12 cases represent 3 tenths of 1% of the county’s population.”

    Actually, 12/37,447 is closer to 0.00032 (not 0.003) or 3.2% of 1%, basically, one tenth of what was said. That is with extreme caution about not infecting other people.

    The current death rate from COVID-19 in America is 5%. At that rate and with 37,447 people, if you infected everyone, 1,872 would die. However, if you infected that many people, nurses and doctors would not be able to care for all of them and the death rate might be closer to 10% (or higher like the 33% death rate early on in Washington state which would push 10,000 deaths), or another 1,872 to kill a total number of 3,744 in your little county.

    And the ones who didn’t die might have permanent lung damage and need weeks of care during recovery.

    Maybe those deaths would be worth it for convenience but those dying or disabled might disagree.

    On the other hand, if the ones infected are isolated heal (or die) they will not spread the virus to others and they won’t infect others. Healthcare workers won’t be overwhelmed and can save others. (Iceland only has 5 per thousand die, one tenth as many, for example.) Also, the longer before you become infected, the more time scientists have to develop effective treatments (rather than snake oil) for the sick and vaccinations for the uninfected, the more time for industry to produce the treatments, vaccinations and tests needed.

    Just some things to consider.

    David for considering the cost (Luke 14:28)

  2. Roger on April 18th, 2020 10:47 pm

    The population of Escambia County Ala was 37447 in 2017. Using that number along with 12 reported cases of COVID-19, those 12 cases represent 3 tenths of 1% of the county’s population.

  3. Charles Derry on April 18th, 2020 1:27 pm

    I think everybody needs to be very careful the government is lying to us about this disease infection use common sense come on people you’re not stupid