Fourth COVID-19 Death In Escambia County, Local Long-Term Care Cases Jump To 43

April 14, 2020


A fourth COVID-19 death was confirmed Tuesday in Escambia County.

The death was an 81-year old male that, according to the Florida Department of Health report, died on April 6 but his death was not verified as COVID-19 related until Tuesday, April 13. He had an no travel history, but did have contact with a known case.

There are now 247 total COVID cases in Escambia County and 115 in Santa Rosa County.  Santa Rosa has had four fatalities, including one reported Sunday.

The number of Escambia County cases in residents or staff of long-term care facilities increased to 43.

Statewide, there were 21,628 cases including 20,984 Florida residents. There have been 3,050 hospitalizations and 571 deaths.

Escambia County cases:

  • Total cases — 247 (+6 since Monday)
  • Long-term care cases — 39
  • Pensacola — 188
  • Cantonment — 28
  • Bellview — 6
  • Perdido Key — 1
  • McDavid/Walnut Hill — 2
  • Molino – 1
  • Century — 1
  • Residents: 228
  • Nonresidents — 18
  • Hospitalizations:  21
  • Deaths — 4
  • Male — 110
  • Female — 117
  • Youngest — 2
  • Oldest — 95

Santa Rosa County cases:

  • Total cases — 114 (+1 since Monday)
  • *the total cases decreased by one between the morning and evening report Tuesday
  • Long-term care cases — 1
  • Milton — 61
  • Navarre — 28
  • Gulf Breeze — 14
  • Pace — 9
  • Jay — 2
  • Residents: 105
  • Nonresidents — 0
  • Hospitalizations — 15
  • Deaths — 4
  • Male — 79
  • Female — 35
  • Youngest — 2 months
  • Oldest — 88

Florida cases:

  • Total cases — 21.628
  • Florida residents — 20,984
  • Deaths — 571
  • Hospitalizations — 3,050


5 Responses to “Fourth COVID-19 Death In Escambia County, Local Long-Term Care Cases Jump To 43”

  1. TC on April 14th, 2020 11:11 pm

    Hold up, I agree with everyone posting however confounded where did this group meet? And did you do your civic duty then and report it or are you waiting till now to complain. Escambia County, Alabama and Escambia County, Florida need to open their eyes just remember these moments. Remember the choices you made. HARDLY NO ONE is in a mask. Northern restaurants and delivery services are all wearing masks….. I I won’t eat out until restaurant workers cover their mouth. And please don’t get onto me servers. I worked front and back of the house for years. I worry more about masks than gloves because the fast food service (3 that I have personally seen) aren’t changing gloves properly. If you touch someone’s money then turn around and hand me my bag without changing gloves and then grab the next bag then touch the headset on your head you just spread it and probably contaminated yourself too. Let’s not sling mud but our county officials should have facebook pages and phone numbers of where to report without calling 911 in both FL & AL. If we the people promise to observe the social distancing laws and not gather for any reason period, then maybe they will open up the beaches for a couple hours a day…. People also, quarantine except for essentials means going out once a week or less to get ESSENTIALS groceries and medicines. . How many people are on the road daily running to Walmart etc…. WE THE PEOPLE OF ESCAMBIA COUNTY NEED TO DO BETTER AS A WHOLE. If you haven’t noticed are numbers are climbing……

  2. Confounded on April 14th, 2020 7:05 pm

    The numbers in Escambia Alabama jumped after a large crowd from Brewton, Atmore and Century gathered to play hoops last weekend. I keep seeing posts on Facebook where people declare all this is a conspiracy, no reason to worry about the virus. Seriously? When we got mass graves? When thousands are dying each day?

    Ok. Some people live with their head in the sand. Not me. I haven’t left home in a month!

  3. Concerned on April 14th, 2020 5:53 pm

    People are getting told that they are essential and need to come to work and be around people other then their family while these company’s have management working from home Watch for the numbers to grow from the plants in cantonment!
    Does essential actually mean expendable?

  4. bewildered on April 14th, 2020 5:19 pm

    everywhere bored kids and teens are having a good time socializing , which makes this lockdown ridiculous. Make it mandatory (and strictly enforce it) for the next couple of months to wear face masks, practice social isolation and otherwise use common sense, We can eliminate large crowd events, festivals, sports, etc. have different lunch periods to avoid crowding in schools, . .

  5. MJH on April 14th, 2020 3:36 pm

    In 2 weeks it will be interesting to see if the numbers in Escambia County will jump since the West side of town decided it was a good idea to have an Easter Sunday block party………