DeSantis: No Movie Theaters In May. And Only Sports With No Crowds.

April 26, 2020

Don’t plan on a trip to the movies any time soon, or a concert. And there may be sports, but there won’t be anybody in the stands.

Those were some of the points from Gov. Ron DeSantis’ remarks to the media on Saturday as he outlined a slow rollout of live events an entertainment.

Movies theaters don’t work for the governor due to the “enclosed environment”, and he said there will be “big events here when the time is right…time’s going to be far into the future.”

“We’re not doing in-person sports yet no matter what,” DeSantis said. “That’s just not going to happen in May.”.

But that does not mean no sports. It just means no crowds.

“I’ve been very vocal about trying to get UFC, we have coming. WWE, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson,” the governor said. “That’s for TV … so people have some content.”

DeSantis did offer defense of time in outdoor spaces with social distancing, saying that people are more likely to get get COVID-19 indoors than outdoors.


15 Responses to “DeSantis: No Movie Theaters In May. And Only Sports With No Crowds.”

  1. Lmn on April 29th, 2020 10:06 am

    Opening things up is great. What about families who work and have been without a paycheck for weeks. The unemployment system is broke. Families with no paychecks and kids to feed. No don’t hurry up Florida. I believe they are hoping everyone goes back to work and just forgets they are owed an unemployment check. Just brush it all under the rug. Where is someone with some authority to get this fixed. Should have taken a front seat to beaches opening. I

  2. Mike j. on April 28th, 2020 1:13 pm

    Yes bring back the drive in movies! But be careful about restrictions on drive in church like in Greenville MS. I would definitely attend.

  3. Jeanie on April 27th, 2020 9:12 pm

    We are all adults, and I thought we were in the land of the free and not in a dictator ship. We have been through some bad hurricanes and we have managed to make it through.

  4. Joy bryant on April 27th, 2020 7:16 am

    PITIFUL IGNORANT CLOWN!! He can’t make a decision unless DJT calls him-he is risking our lives and has caused deaths by being stupid! Terrible disappointment-our state is in trouble – Gaetz-Scott-Rubio- ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

  5. TR SPORT on April 26th, 2020 11:39 pm

    DeSantis is brainless.

  6. Rhiannon on April 26th, 2020 10:48 pm

    I’m all for drive in movies! I miss those. Bring your own snacks, etc, not have to pay some outrageous price for a ticket or food- stop and get Chick-fil-a on the way! Drive in concert? Also awesome!
    I don’t think anyone is going to be happy or satisfied with the way things get handled, because we like our freedom and being considerate/ treating others nicely is an individual’s responsibility, regardless of the issue, day, or year. Anyway, hope everyone makes it through!

  7. BG on April 26th, 2020 10:14 pm

    You just named places with MONEY.
    MONEY TALKS every thing else walks
    It will always be that way as long as this world stands, BUT one day {The World}
    will be gone…..Thank You Jesus

  8. Chloe Tipton on April 26th, 2020 6:18 pm

    Bet he has the beach open & no restrictions for Memorial Day weekend & all of those out of towners are there all on top of each other!

  9. tc on April 26th, 2020 5:30 pm

    I get a kick outta those people whom think everyone should see things the same way they do. That there is only 1 right way. Those who know everything & have ALL the right answers. Everyone has a different view & opinion on whats best for this country / state / county. Most People are so selfish that they only see this as taking away their rights .They don’t think about what may be best for other people that may be high risk. People in Government will be ridiculed no matter what decisions are made. Fact is, People have to get back to work ASAP & people should also respect others who may be in danger by catching this virus. Some of you need to spend some time in a 3rd World Country just to realize how Spoiled you are. Bunch of cry babies

  10. dixiedufus on April 26th, 2020 4:37 pm

    Their gonna open the beaches up?? Arg! i just got rid of my tan lines,,,,, where did i put my speedo,,, stay well everyone,, please think of others!!!! I’m sure counting on You to do Your Part!!!! I assure You I am doing mine!!

  11. Jimmy on April 26th, 2020 12:46 pm

    Gov. Ron DeSantis is worse than Rick Scott! Please, somebody who loves the Constitution, run against him!

  12. M. R. Callahan on April 26th, 2020 11:14 am

    I like you, Gov’ but this is a ridiculous announcement! How can you justify allowing Walmart, Lowe’s, Home Depot, gas stations, ad nauseum where ppl are constantly walking side by side and more.
    The risk does NOT warrant this lengthy withholding of our basic rights and freedoms.

  13. Sinde on April 26th, 2020 11:12 am

    I see this as a way to flatten this thing. DeSantis is just looking out for this state. I appreciate everything he has done.

  14. Ron on April 26th, 2020 10:51 am

    Need to bring back the drive in outdoor movies

  15. Dola on April 26th, 2020 4:16 am

    This governor is shaping up to be just another disappointment to our state.