Century’s Mayor Wrongly Claims Escambia County Has The Most COVID-19 Cases In Florida

April 12, 2020

UPDATE: The mayor issued an update  to his Saturday letter on Sunday morning, after the publication of this story. The content of that letter is included below.

Century Mayor Henry Hawkins wrongly claimed in a letter Saturday afternoon that there are more COVID-19 cases in Escambia County than anywhere else in Florida.

“Escambia County has the largest reported cases in Florida,” Hawkins wrote in a signed letter that was emailed to multiple media outlets, his town council and others. A few hours later, he posted the same letter on his Facebook page.

As of Saturday night, the Florida Department of Health said there were 14 counties in Florida with higher case counts than Escambia County’s confirmed 210, including Miami-Dade with 32 times more cases at 6,758, Broward County with 2,844 and Palm Beach County with 1,499. A slight older version of the statewide case data listed by county was attached to Hawkins’ letter.

Century council member Ben Boutwell replied to all that received the emailed letter pointing out the wrong information.

“Escambia County does not have the highest numbers in the state of Florida.  Agree with participating in social distancing but please check your numbers before sending out information to anyone,” Boutwell said.

About 9 a.m. Sunday, a second letter from the mayor was updated to say, “Escambia County has the largest report cases in the westernmost area of Florida,” which is a true statement.

Both of the mayor’s letters opened with a statement that “we have 1 confirmed and 1 suspected” COVID-19 case “here in Century”. The Florida Department of Health has not, and will not, confirm the exact location of the one case that has been reported in the 32535 Century zip code. The Century zip code reaches some 15 plus miles from Highway 97 in Davisville east through Century to Escambia River.

In both letters, he encouraged anyone with symptoms to seek immediate medical attention “at your preferred local healthcare facility for evaluation”.  The state health department and numerous agencies have repeatedly stressed that anyone with symptoms should call, not visit, a healthcare provider or call a local testing number.

“Call, do not visit, your health care provider and tell them about your symptoms and your travel history or exposure to a COVID-19 patient,” the Florida Department of Health said. “It is important to call ahead before visiting your health care provider. Offices must take proper steps to avoid further spread of COVID-19 when a concerned patient arrives for a medical evaluation.”

The mayor also stressed the importance of keep six feet away from other people and no gatherings of more than 10 people – “this includes parks, stores, or any city facilities such as recreation centers”.


21 Responses to “Century’s Mayor Wrongly Claims Escambia County Has The Most COVID-19 Cases In Florida”

  1. David Huie Green on April 16th, 2020 2:23 pm

    “Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and watching Fake news CNN”

    “FAKE NEWS” definition: Any news President Trump or his followers dislike, most commonly because it is true and reflects poorly on him in any of the many ways it is apt to do so

    David for better people
    and truth not called “fake”

  2. Thomas Moore on April 13th, 2020 9:43 am

    WTH Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and watching Fake news CNN

  3. Jerry on April 13th, 2020 6:17 am

    Give them a break guys, the mayor is bad at counting. Just like asking where all the money went

  4. Doug on April 12th, 2020 2:31 pm

    The Governor of fl. “Said there has been no death under the age of 25.

  5. WTH on April 12th, 2020 1:27 pm

    I hate living in a town with a bunch of idiots. Must have gone to the same school as Trump!!!

  6. Citizen on April 12th, 2020 1:05 pm

    Thanks Boutwell. Hopefully Prather is looking ahead getting spare parts for the water pumps and pursuing grants for the waste treatment plant.

    So did the clerk check this for Hawkins?

    Thankfully everyone in Century is not a covidiot. They’ve had to work around Hawkins since he was elected. He means well I guess.

    The president of the council can call meetings via phone. Check with the county about these new practices.

    Just keep the water running in and out.

    It would not hurt to get law enforcement to look into the ATV fourwheelers running the roads and sidewalks on State line Road and North Century Blvd.

    It’s unsafe for all.
    And litter. Some one has to pick that up.

  7. Susie Q on April 12th, 2020 12:10 pm

    No wonder Century is in such trouble. Maybe he is having a senior moment or two.

  8. Thomas Moore on April 12th, 2020 10:01 am

    Henry Hawkins and Doug Underhill Our fearless leaders need to get together because they think alike. What leader Ship.

  9. Northendbratt on April 12th, 2020 9:56 am

    Thank goodness we have watchdogs for just school town officials as this…

  10. Anne on April 12th, 2020 9:41 am

    Mayor feeds off of publicity no matter if good or horrible.
    He loves seeing his name used and is as ignorant of facts as a rock.
    Grandma would have said he’d not recognize the Truth if introduced to it.
    Best thing would be to totally ignore him and not promote his self indulgent ways by not publishing anything from him.
    He is a messed up man and seriously should resign but that will never happen and he’ll likely be re-elected.

  11. Oversight on April 12th, 2020 9:37 am

    Correct, relevant information and facts matter? Not in Century.

  12. Willis on April 12th, 2020 9:29 am

    Anything to stress social distancing can’t be all bad or wrong.

    Just missed a couple points.

  13. Patrick Henry on April 12th, 2020 8:46 am

    This time of global crisis is illustrating the caliber and competence of our leaders, or the lack thereof.
    People should remember the failings of the status quo at every level and do a politicial
    House cleaning at the next election for those politicians who failed
    To rise to the occasion or who knew the stock market was going to drop and sold out early to profit while the average person saw their investments suffer.
    Or, those in power locally who chose to fiddle as the pandemic burned a path through our country….when election time comes; or when they seek your support ask them “what did you do to protect us during The Great Pandemic of 2020?”
    Those who did not prepare or who stayed boarded up in their office don’t deserve your support.

  14. Alan on April 12th, 2020 8:30 am

    Regardless of the misstatement (maybe he meant NW FL), isn’t this a little late out of the gate. There is nothing new in the letter, just a repeat of what is already out there.

    I think this is nothing more than the Mayor getting on the record for political purposes down the road. No one will remember it added nothing new to the conversation when it was released.

  15. James on April 12th, 2020 7:43 am

    Another series of misinformed and dimwit claims by Superior Dimwit Hawkins.

  16. fisherman on April 12th, 2020 7:41 am

    This is what happens when politicians or anyone go out on their own and make statements without checking the facts first.Mayor you telling people PLEASE SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION WAS WRONG.The local medical facilities don’t need people showing up with COVID 19 symptoms without calling first. You sir may have thought you were doing the right thing but you need to check the facts first.ONLY THE FACTS.

  17. sam on April 12th, 2020 7:34 am

    How did this guy get elected mayor? Geeeez!

  18. ensley boy on April 12th, 2020 7:16 am

    Should he had also said, We have plenty of money for our budget and have all our bills paid due to fixing the gas problem we had.

  19. Sedition on April 12th, 2020 6:05 am

    Century’s politicians have caused more than enough embarrassment for it’s citizens.

    Century’s politicians: Hold my beer.

  20. Big Red on April 12th, 2020 5:58 am

    Oh Henry, really? Come On Man! (Monday Night Football reference)

  21. JTV on April 12th, 2020 5:41 am

    Sounds like a drama queen, mixing facts with fiction to get everyone to look.