DeSantis Signs Bill Legalizing Fireworks On Three Holidays

April 9, 2020

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday signed a bill that legalizes fireworks in Florida on three holidays every year.

The full use of fireworks in Florida is now legal on Independence Day on July 4, New Year’s Eve on December 31 and New Year’s Day on January 1.

Sparklers, noisemakers and the like are legal all year. On the three holidays, people will be able to shoot real fireworks — the kind that explode or shoot in to the sky. photo.


29 Responses to “DeSantis Signs Bill Legalizing Fireworks On Three Holidays”

  1. Theresa Bushnell on January 2nd, 2021 7:01 pm

    Please stop the use of fireworks – especially near equestrian communities – horses are severely bothered and can cause themselves deadly injury with the use of fireworks where people are negligent and basically don’t care about the horses or the dogs or veterans with PTSD – it’s difficult to get the public to understand that horses don’t care that fireworks are so pretty but trying to calm a horse with an injury while the neighbors fire off rockets and bombs is going to cause injury to both the horse and the owner trying to calm the animal. Please make fireworks illegal in Florida – we don’t need to have fireworks handled unprofessionally – something that isn’t important not to mention a fire hazard where we live in citrus county where we haven’t had a soaking rain in months.

  2. Marcia Lane on January 1st, 2021 5:23 pm

    I have 4 horses and ponies. 2 are terrified of the very loud bombs that go high in the sky. I had one get injured last year trying to jump a fence to escape the sudden boom. Where is your head Governor DeSantis? We have many veterans with PTSD that are triggered by these loud booms. My horses are my life, registered and full blooded non registered. Who pays if fireworks cause an injury or death? I am surrounded by private homes and subdivisions that once were empty fields. And the morons who live in them set these things off for a week at a time. Where is my right to peace and quiet and the safety of my animals? Will YOU be responsible to compensate me for the loss of an irreplaceable horse that is dearly loved? My property is full of trees as well. What happens if one catches fire? There should be a law that they cannot be allowed within a mile of livestock of any kind.. Dairy farmers, egg farms etc all lose income when their animals are frightened enough not to be able to produce.

  3. Ding on July 4th, 2020 7:00 pm

    Love how everyone has to complain, when this is a weekend to relax, remember, and have a little fun instead of being freaked out over COVID! Happy 4th All! GBA that’s God Bless America!

  4. Georgia Chestnut on July 2nd, 2020 4:35 pm

    With everything going on in our world right now this was a very bad decision!! We have so much gun firing going on and now I’ve heard they will use the fireworks to cover up the noise of gunfire, plz reconsider and stop this, it’s a very bad idea.

  5. Wilson Fireworks on April 18th, 2020 8:32 am

    As a Floridian and a Owner of a firework company I am glad that this has passed. I was not comfortable having people sign a waver so I only sold Sparklers in Florida. But now that this is law I will be selling all types just Like I do In Alabama and in Mississippi. I hope that you guys learn about the proper process in lighting them and stay safe. If anyone has any questions your welcome to contact us and we have brief train session at our stores. Be Safe and Have Fun

  6. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2020 10:55 am

    “moving quickly toward inverted totalitarianism.”

    Please tell us more about “inverted totalitarianism.” It sounds like fun.

    David for totalitarians standing on their heads

  7. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2020 10:50 am

    “Any fireworks?”

    I had to laugh. I pictured Henry tossing sticks of dynamite.

    Then I remembered at one time it was against the law to set off firecrackers but you could still buy dynamite at any hardware store and use it. You COULD, but Daddy wouldn’t let me. (pout)

    When I think how many of us have broken the fireworks law over the years, I am reminded we are a nation of outlaws. And that’s a good thing.

    Now if people can just learn how to NOT blow off fingers…

    David for freedom, wisely used

  8. Charlie on April 10th, 2020 7:51 am

    Maybe now we can buy the fireworks within state borders and quit stimulating the Wilcox Road firework economy every year.

  9. judy on April 10th, 2020 7:50 am

    I know a lot of people who drive to Alabama and get them anyhow. About time they were legalized!

  10. OhYouKnow on April 10th, 2020 7:13 am

    It’s on now!!!! Yeah BABY! COVID-19 hates fireworks, let’s get with it this weekend!! #ShowtheGovSomeLove. Be American and support America!!

  11. 429SCJ on April 10th, 2020 3:32 am

    @Jules, slide up to the Xanax bar and relax.

    I think that a celebration of life is a wonderful idea, and history is our life.

  12. Jules on April 9th, 2020 11:42 pm

    We are in the beginning stages of a freakin global pandemic that could last for more than a year (or until we have a vaccine) and THiS is what our governor is busy with. OMG. This is so absurd but after the last decade+ it’s not surprising. Yet still, how completely shameful this is the kind of garbage going on. We do not need more freakin fireworks. Apparently, there’s no pressuring issues needing to be addressed… There’s nothing actually important for the betterment of our communities, or of our state, that the good folks “running“ our so-called government have the time to even consider. Because, so very busy they are(?). Wake up fellow Floridians, our state government (much like the federal) has become nothing short of a kleptocracy… and moving quickly toward inverted totalitarianism.

  13. Julie on April 9th, 2020 11:34 pm

    This is so absurd but after the last decade+ it’s not surprising. Yet still, how completely shameful this is the kind of garbage going on. We do not need more freakin fireworks. Apparently, there’s no pressuring issues needing to be addressed… There’s nothing actually important for the betterment of our communities, or of our state, that the good folks “running“ our so-called government have the time to even consider. Because, so very busy they are. Wake up Florida, our state government (much like the federal) has become nothing short of a kleptocracy… and moving quickly toward inverted totalitarianism.

  14. Pdg on April 9th, 2020 8:42 pm

    It’s about time

  15. Shirley Kovolesky on April 9th, 2020 5:35 pm

    Please we do not need more fireworks. It is bad enough we have so many neighbors that have fireworks that go off by us. It is so annoying.Please NO.

  16. Robert on April 9th, 2020 4:19 pm

    I wonder how back in the horse and buggy day did the people shoot their guns on their horses . Haven’t read of any tragedies in Alabama to the livestock from fireworks.

  17. Katherine L on April 9th, 2020 1:41 pm

    Funny how he signs off on useless bills! Find something more important to sign off on, how about we get some Criminal Justice Reform Bills looked at.. this state is so backwards!

  18. Delores on April 9th, 2020 1:09 pm

    There are still county codes that quite hours are
    10:00 pm-8:00 am on weekends and 7:00 am on week days

  19. histbuff on April 9th, 2020 11:18 am

    @Capt Obvious: Inconsiderate behavior IS anti-social.

  20. histbuff on April 9th, 2020 11:13 am

    @Kate: Wow, I am so sorry you and your horses have to put up with what you describe. For people to know the effect of what they do upon others, and still engage in that behavior is a sad commentary on society.

  21. @KAT on April 9th, 2020 10:56 am

    1st I would like to say that I’m in Florida and was not aware that fireworks were NOT legal. As we do fireworks with the kids twice a year.. So they are now allowed, is good to know.
    Next, I am also a pet owner. We have 2 dogs and a small herd of horses and ponies.. The dogs stay inside anyway.. But the horses are not a big concern to me bc THEY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED to fireworks, horns, gun shots etc..I do take precautions by putting them up in stalls and roundpens so they won’t be able to run thru the fence should one freak out. Bc as u should know, they feed off each other.. and with my wiser horses being calm, the others seem to deal better.. Where if they were running lose, if 1 freaks out, They all get crazy.But we live in a world where noises and such are inevitable.. Take time and make it a point to expose the horses to things that ordenarily spook them. So they have a chance to learn it’s not gonna kill them.. They are your responsibility. Not your neighbors. And the neighbors should not have to alter their lives bc of YOUR horses… Expose, train, Desensitize. .. Makes a better anyway!!

  22. Capt obvious on April 9th, 2020 10:53 am

    Got to find something to complain about. I bet everyone of these negative comments came from just wanting to stir the pot..these are your antisocial people that get off on making everyone around them feel the way they do.the ones that heighbors dont wave at and most likelly cringe just see them co.i g or hear them speak.

  23. histbuff on April 9th, 2020 10:28 am

    People who set off fireworks at 2, 3, 4 am in the morning have no sense of compassion or consideration for others: the elderly, people suffering from illness, people who must get up to work the next day, people suffering from PTSD, etc….not to mention the risk of fire when fireworks are set off too close to buildings.

  24. Kat on April 9th, 2020 9:59 am

    Wow.. seriously.. guess I should sedate my horses (which doesnt really work as adrenaline kicks in and overrides the calming stuff) for the entire days that they can do that then.. as my neighbors wont give a da** when my horses are running wildly around their pastures trying to get away from the noise…. people here start 3 days before the holidays and then put on big shows the day of… in the pasture next to ours.. and yes the neighbors know it scares them to death.. but the neighbors dont care… and oh, did I forget to mention that one neighbor came within inches of hitting my horse with a large rocket.. and then didnt even offer to clean the pasture of all the trash or even apologize for scaring the crap out of my horse… Thanks a lot DeSantis

  25. retired on April 9th, 2020 9:08 am

    didn’t need to pass the ECSO never enforced it any way.

    saw them stop and watch the neighbor set his off last 4th

  26. Kate on April 9th, 2020 6:57 am

    That is just crazy, you already have enough idiots shooting fireworks off, why encourage more. It upsets livestock, prevents people from sleeping, and makes babies cranky.

  27. bob in baker on April 9th, 2020 5:41 am

    Yes, we all need to be able to play with explosives.

  28. James Wilson on April 9th, 2020 2:50 am

    Coe: it’s for those that are illegal prior to the signing of the bill. Idk if it’ll be legal to sell them in Florida. But, no more looking around the corner to see if there are any Leo before shooting off the big fireworks everyone goes to Alabama to get and bring back and light off anyway. It really just legalizes what already occurs. Home owners insurance and rental insurance will go up a bit because there will now be less “outs” and “dodges” for the insurers to deny any injury claims from illegal firework use. That’ll be priced into renewals and new policies next year or two and then it’ll stabilize as they review actual experience. It’s about time someone had the common sense to just recognize and legalize what has been going on in reality for decades. Now, though, those injured will see more covered services rather than “too bad you knew the risk and it was illegal. Claim denied”

  29. Henry Coe on April 9th, 2020 1:12 am

    Any fireworks?