Big Brothers Big Sisters Takes Mentoring Program Virtual

April 10, 2020

Due to COVID-19 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida has gone virtual. It’s a big change for on organization based around one-to-one mentoring for children ages 5-18.

“In everything we do at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida, we must put the health, safety, and well-being of our Bigs, Littles, board, partners, and employees first,” said CEO and President Paula Shell. “During this stressful time, full of anxiety, fear, and worry our children need a mentor now more than ever. We are still conducting business, it is just a little different. But the staff is here to help you throughout all of the difficulties and challenges you may face.”

The staff will be conducting all volunteer and child interviews online and will be matching new Bigs and Littles virtually. Like many, BBBSNWFL is adjusting to a new normal and relying on technology to continue to serve their communities. Throughout this transition, BBBSNWFL encourages Bigs and Littles to stay connected virtually. For example, Facetime, call, or text with Littles, play words with friends, choose a book to both read together virtually, write each other letters. They said now is the time to think outside of the box because children need a mentor more than ever.

Last year, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida served 646 children in Northwest Florida.

Pictured: Big and Little Bekah and Bella in a video chat.


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