Alabama Reopening Much Of The Economy Like Stores And Beaches; Other Businesses Still Closed

April 28, 2020

Alabama will begin reopening on Friday with restrictions as a stay-at-home order expires and is replaced with a safer-at-home order.

Retail stores will be able to reopen with occupancy limited to 50 percent of the fire marshal’s occupancy load, subject to sanitation and social distancing rules.

Elective medical procedures will restart.

All beaches will  open to gatherings of fewer than 10 persons, and anyone using the beaches must maintain a consistent six-foot distance between himself or herself and all persons from a different household. For purposes of this section, the term “beach” means the sandy shoreline area abutting the Gulf of Mexico, whether privately or publicly owned, including beach access points.

Restaurants, bars and breweries remain limited to take-out, curbside or delivery. Churches remain closed but are encouraged to have online or drive-up services.  Non-work related gatherings of 10 people or more are prohibited. Drive-in gatherings are permitted if people stay in their cars with members of their own household. Senior citizen centers remain closed except meal delivery or pickup. Schools remain closed. Childcare facilities are limited to 12 or less per room.

Higher-risk businesses and activities. The following will remain closed:

Entertainment venues as follows:

Night clubs
Bowling alleys
Concert venues
Theaters, auditoriums, and performing arts centers
Tourist attractions (including museums and planetariums)
Indoor children’s play areas
Adult entertainment venues
Bingo halls
Venues operated by social clubs

Athletic facilities and activities as follows:

Fitness centers and commercial gyms
Yoga, barre, and spin facilities
Sports that involve interaction with another person of closer than 6 feet
Activities that require use of shared sporting apparatus and equipment
Activities on commercial or public playground equipment

Close-contact service providers as follows:

Barber shops
Hair salons (other than hair restoration centers)
Waxing salons
Threading salons
Nail salons and spas
Body art facilities and tattoo services
Massage therapy establishments and services (other than for medically prescribed services


16 Responses to “Alabama Reopening Much Of The Economy Like Stores And Beaches; Other Businesses Still Closed”

  1. Tom Blount on May 5th, 2020 3:01 pm

    I believe it is way over blown and we need to get back to normal sooner than later. The models these so called experts used are completely bogus.
    Open it up now!!!

  2. Shelia Marcum on May 2nd, 2020 9:01 am

    I haven’t been out of my house in 2 weeks. Yesterday I went to Walmart. I was totally Shocked . They were slack on wiping the buggies,at
    , no distances , most not wearing masks and the place was packed.
    The traffic was unreal, another large store I had to stop in was the same.
    If we are exposed to these situations buying necessities I have a question.
    Why can’t our churches open? Most are smaller than Walmart or Lowe’s. They would
    follow the rules on social distances and masks. Possibly have 2 to 3 services instead
    . They care about their congregations and will protect them. You could establish some rules and OPEN OUR CHURCHES!!!! Please give this some consideration.

  3. Jackie on May 2nd, 2020 1:33 am

    I don’t know why they just didn’t open everyt hing in place of business because I don’t see no reason not to if you going open halfe the business why not all because 14 day is not going to change nothing this is god world we keep pray and god will step in control of this the way the world is we don’t believe in him but I do very deep. Now think about what we doing to all of the people in this world.

  4. J stinson on May 1st, 2020 5:04 am

    I think this hole thing is crap bc in monroeville and surrounding areas 2 furniture store got to remain open but one had to close and thing it’s they will sell the exact same brand of merchandise. And church is important and there are 6 membets in my family 4 are young and impressinal children how’s it right to teach them to trust in the Lord yet they can’t attend church without making arrangements first. The can’t contact friends in church bc with myself my pastor his wife that only leaves 2 spots almost all family’s with children in our church have mom dad and wtleast 3 kids
    When we are striving to teach our kids right they are constantly questioning is now with questions like “it’s that woman is a Christian like she says why it’s she keeping church closed and beaches and store get to open”

  5. Not me on April 29th, 2020 11:08 pm

    So you can play golf every day with your buddies, drink as much as you want while on the course, and spend as much time at big box stores as you want. Yet museums remain closed because CLEARLY the prior options are…… what?

    I know! Museums don’t sell or serve alcohol! Clearly a risk of too much irresponsible behavior.

  6. GREG MILLER on April 29th, 2020 7:32 am

    What about Motels?

  7. Just saying on April 29th, 2020 1:16 am

    So you can’t get your hair cut but you can get dental work?

    Makes no sense to me but what so I know maybe the dentists will work six feet away

  8. shirley on April 28th, 2020 7:06 pm

    does this mean we can travel to another state like from century fl to dothan al.

  9. Number 12 on April 28th, 2020 7:01 pm

    The good news…….Stay at home is lifted……the bad news……there’s still almost nowhere you can go……wow!

  10. TR SPORT on April 28th, 2020 3:49 pm

    I don’t see any difference in their plan and than the way it is now. I guarantee you the ones telling us how we should live. aren’t doing without. They are getting groomed and are eating high on the hog. DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO is what they’re preaching. They keep saying “WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER “but are we ?

  11. Canary on April 28th, 2020 3:00 pm

    Hair and nail salons should be open. Operators can closely control how many persons are in the venue at anytime and masks can be mandatory. The continued restriction is further hurting small business in AL

  12. G Byrd on April 28th, 2020 2:10 pm

    I can promise you that the beaches will not follow these guidelines. The church services need to be re opened, if your safe at Walmart you should be able to go to your church home. I know this is just the first phase. It will be interesting to see how it all works out.

  13. Just saying on April 28th, 2020 1:53 pm

    Like the prior order. Clear as mud.

    Let’s hope the politicians prepare for the next time and develop a plan that doesn’t cripple small businesses while leaving the big box stores with a government sanctioned monopoly.

    I’m not optimistic.

  14. Me on April 28th, 2020 1:52 pm

    So basically she saying Walmart can stay open past 8:30 but nothing else changes?

  15. number 12 on April 28th, 2020 1:52 pm

    Wow ! I think there are now 2 more places in Atmore that can now reopen…..underwhelming!

  16. Steph on April 28th, 2020 1:32 pm

    Does anyone know how campsites fit into this?