Airports Get $10 Billion In Stimulus Money. Pensacola Will Get $11 Million Plus, Atmore Just $20K.

April 16, 2020

Airport across the country will receive their share of $10 billion in federal stimulus money. In the North Escambia area, payments range from a high of more than $11 million to just $20,000.

The Pensacola International Airport will receive $11,081,566, and Peter Price Field in Milton will get $30,000.

The Atmore Municipal Airport will receive $20,000, and the Brewton Municipal Airport will get $30,000.

The grants announced by the Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday are going to 100 Florida airports and total over $896 million. Miami International will get the largest check at $296 million, followed by Orlando International at $170 million, Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International with $135 million and Tampa International with $81 million.


6 Responses to “Airports Get $10 Billion In Stimulus Money. Pensacola Will Get $11 Million Plus, Atmore Just $20K.”

  1. TR SPORT on April 19th, 2020 12:20 am

    The stock market crash in 1929 started the recession. FDR and big government gave us the depression. THE BIG NEW DEAL.
    Fast forward THE GREEN NEW DEAL. None of it worked then and it won’t work now. The GREAT DEPRESSION was the largest mass migration in American history. People looking for work just to have a meal for the day. Strap yourselves in cause it hasn’t even got bad yet.

  2. TR SPORT on April 17th, 2020 4:01 pm

    A few days ago the stimulus for small businesses is already busted, but hey maybe we all go to the Kennedy Center or get a free ride on a plane from our airport. The small businesses that built this country are suffering. All because the powers that be said let’s close the country and drive out the small businesses. Then government will print some extra money and tell small businesses we’re here help you. My mother pounded in our heads growing up “you can only depend on yourself “. Thank GOD my family will weather this but what about the small businesses? Everytime I turn on the TV I hear “we’re ALL in this together “. That sounds like communism to me.

  3. Mel on April 16th, 2020 6:59 pm

    Yeah they are giving lots of tax dollars away hospital are getting money for each case. But tax payers are getting a little. I’m just Praying for our Land to be Healed and try to get our lives back together.

  4. Dr G on April 16th, 2020 2:26 pm

    Mike and Thomas, you guy’s nailed this. Corporate welfare paid by taxpayers.

  5. thomas on April 16th, 2020 1:06 pm

    Taxing the common people and giving it to the big corporations is just combining the worst parts of capitalism and socialism.

    If we are supposed to have enough money to hold us through bad times, then so should they.
    Instead, they spend that money on raising their own stock prices.

    Force them to undo their stock buybacks. Let the stock market fall. That will hurt investors and CEOs. Once their price has fallen enough, someone else who managed their money better will step in and buy them out.
    Business continues as usual, but under new management.
    That’s capitalism for you. You don’t get bailed out at the expense of the public when you mismanage your company’s finances.

    If the corporation provides an essential service to the american public, and no one else is willing to take the risk of buying them during the crisis, then the government can temporarily nationalize them and then sell the corporation to the highest bidder once the crisis is over.

  6. mike on April 16th, 2020 2:49 am

    alright, cool, tax the people and give it to the big corporations. a private sector that can’t stand on it’s own without help from the government is no private sector at all.

    As Reagan said, economic growth has to come from the private sector, not the government. i just wonder what is gonna happen when the well runs dry. will big biz fold and we go into another Great Depression with Hoovervilles and soup lines? :(