How Many COVID-19 Cases Are In Your Zip Code In Escambia County?

April 5, 2020

The Florida Department of Health has released COVID-19 case information by zip code in Escambia County. is publishing the Florida Department of Health zip code information, but we are adding several notes of caution:

  • Zip codes vary greatly in area and population in Escambia County. Some with over 40,000 people, some with less than 1,000.
  • Zip codes have very irregular boundaries. You may live much closer to a larger population base in a neighboring zip code than in your own.
  • The zip code data reflects where people live. It does not reflect where they have traveled or spent most of their time.
  • You should not presume that zip codes with no cases do not have anyone with COVID-19. They are likely there, but just no positive tests yet.
  • There were zip codes in the FDOH data for Gulf Power and the Naval Hospital. These had zero cases, but also have zero population. We removed them from this list.
  • There were mistakes in the FDOH’s list of areas in zip codes, but the cases were presumably assigned to the correct zip code.
  • Data in this report was current as of midnight Saturday.
  • No decisions should be made based upon this data.
  • We are publishing this data only because (1) It’s facts from FDOH (2) It demonstrates that cases are spread across the county (3) This is really more for numbers nerds.

There were four zip codes in Escambia County with no reported COVID-19 cases as of Saturday night. They are 32568 in McDavid and Walnut Hill, 32577 in Molino, 32508 in Warrington, and 32509 in Bellview, (Molino reported one Sunday morning that is not reflected in this report.)

Zip Code: 32501
Cases: <5
Areas: Pensacola, Brent, Goulding, West Pensacola
Population: 11,557

Zip Code: 32502
Cases: <5
Areas: Pensacola, Warrington
Population: 3,185

Zip Code: 32503
Cases: 14
Areas: Pensacola, Brent, Ensley, Ferry Pass, Goulding
Population: 34,520

Zip Code: 32504
Cases: 11
Areas: Pensacola, Brent, Ensley, Ferry Pass
Population: 23,080

Zip Code: 32505
Cases: 5 to 9
Areas: Pensacola, Bellview, Brent, Ensley, Goulding, Myrtle Grove, Warrington, West Pensacola
Population: 24,965

Zip Code: 32506
Cases: <5
Areas: Bellview, Myrtle Grove, Warrington, West Pensacola
Population: 36,923

Zip Code: 32507
Cases: 5 to 9
Areas: Pensacola, Myrtle Grove, Warrington, West Pensacola
Population: 31,288

Zip Code: 32508
Cases: 0
Areas: Warrington
Population: 5,381

Zip Code: 32509
Cases: 0
Areas: Bellview
Population: 702

Zip Code: 32511
Cases: 5 to 9
Areas: Myrtle Grove, West Pensacola
Population: 1,145

Zip Code: 32514
Cases: 14
Areas: Pensacola, Ensley, Ferry Pass, Gonzalez
Population: 41,373

Zip Code: 32526
Cases: 18
Areas: Bellview, Brent, Ensley, Myrtle Grove, West Pensacola
Population: 43,846

Zip Code: 32533
Cases: 19
Areas: Ensley, Gonzalez, Molino
Population: 31,436

Zip Code: 32534
Cases: 5 to 9
Areas: Brent, Ensley, Gonzalez
Population: 17,431

Zip Code: 32535
Cases: <5
Areas: Century
Population: 4,617

Zip Code: 32568
Cases: 0
Areas: McDavid, Walnut Hill
Population: 3,387

Zip Code: 32577
Cases: 0
Areas: Molino
Population: 5,346


6 Responses to “How Many COVID-19 Cases Are In Your Zip Code In Escambia County?”

  1. Citizen II on May 26th, 2020 12:53 am

    Appreciate the information by zip code. Watching the numbers vs watching the news. has daily country numbers. New York would be second on the list if it were a country. Type (state name), covid numbers or (city name) covid numbers. I expected cities with high rises utilizing a couple elevators between so many people to have high numbers. Avoid elevators if at all possible, Little air exchange in an elevator.
    Expect all surfaces to be contaminated if a person with covid has been in it. I think by wearing your mask when you shop, one communicates that you want your space.
    Sams’ had hand sanitizer, surgical masks and cans of Lysol last week. Hoping to see the N-95s on the shelves again, but that is likely a ways off. Hope that changes. Follow what your gut/common sense tells you, The experts will catch up to your conclusions a month or two down the road.

  2. Jennifer on May 3rd, 2020 7:39 am

    Too many out of towners at our beach no room for locals. Fighting for parking in the lots they are parking on Perdido Blvd and walking over dunes.

  3. Lisa on April 16th, 2020 5:23 pm

    All the people from the 200+ party on Sunday at Attucks Ct should be identified and refused priority for treatment if found to test positive for the virus. Too many others being responsible and obeying the social distancing mandates, even losing employment and income, while the party idiots who were whooping it up will probably be among the first to go running to the ER, looking for treatment once they exhibit symptoms. They shouldn’t get supplies, equipment, or care that could be utilized for those who were actually compliant, and trying to be safe.

  4. Bethann on April 15th, 2020 11:34 am

    It should be mandatory 4 gloves and masks for everyone until this is over and done with not enough people are taking this seriously they’re acting like this was just an extra long spring break and even businesses that are open or not taking the measures necessary for their employees this is a very serious situation and those of you that go out in the public without any regard for other people’s safety need to be arrested you’re morally bankrupt

  5. William Reynolds on April 5th, 2020 11:44 am

    “finally some information. so century has 5. there is one store. oh well!’

    Look again. It says “<5" (less than five). There is one in the Century zip code, as we've reported for days.

  6. sam on April 5th, 2020 10:06 am

    finally some information. so century has 5. there is one store. oh well!