UWF Offering A Pass/Fail Option For All Spring Courses

March 27, 2020

The University of West Florida will make a temporary modification to the UWF grading policy for the Spring 2020 semester. All undergraduate and graduate students will have the option to convert courses to satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) grading, otherwise referred to as Pass/Fail.

Students can make the decision on a course-by-course basis and there is no limit on the number of courses students can convert to S/U grading for this semester.

Compete information from the University of West Florida:

All courses that receive satisfactory (S) grades will count toward degree requirements.

  • Undergraduate: all grades of C- or better in a course for which students elect the satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade will convert to an S.
  • Graduate: all grades of C or better in a course for which the students elect the  satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade will convert to an S.

If you choose to remain with letter grades in all of your courses, you will not need to do anything. To convert a course/courses to satisfactory or unsatisfactory, students must complete the Grade Mode Change Request form by Friday, May 1, 2020. The form can be submitted by students beginning on Friday, April 3, 2020.

Before making this decision, students must consult with their academic advisor, department chairperson or faculty advisor to discuss available options. Students with any type of financial aid must consult with their financial aid counselor to discuss potential implications.

This decision was made after consultation with the Faculty Senate, Student Government Association, Office of the Registrar and UWF executive leadership. The flexibility and exception to the existing grading policy is in response to this unprecedented situation and is meant to help our students succeed and successfully complete the semester.

UWF will provide a web page with detailed resources and information to students on Monday, March 30, 2020, to help students with the decision.

We expect all remote courses at UWF to maintain the highest quality instruction. We also expect students to continue to seek the most from their courses and faculty


2 Responses to “UWF Offering A Pass/Fail Option For All Spring Courses”

  1. Different perspective on March 27th, 2020 7:30 am

    @bob c

    This is temporary and most likely in response to the overwhelming amount of work involved for teachers at UWF with grading everything online. This is a very unusual situation that calls for a very unusual response.

  2. bob c on March 27th, 2020 5:53 am

    How does this impact a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA)?

    What is the calculation for an ‘S’ or a ‘U’?

    This sounds a lot like getting a “Participation Grade”.

    So sorry for all the kids who are working hard for their courses and end goals in our Colleges and Universities.