Sentenced To Death Twice Before, Escambia Man Will Now Serve Life In Prison For 1998 Nine Mile Popeyes Murder

March 7, 2020

An Escambia County man that has been sentenced to death twice won’t be going back to death row but was instead sentenced to life without parole on Friday.

Timothy Hurst, was sent to death death row for a 1998 murder in Pensacola, has been at the center of major Supreme Court rulings that found Florida’s death-penalty sentencing system unconstitutional.

Hurst was sentenced to death for the 1998 killing of fast-food worker Cynthia Harrison in Pensacola. Harrison, an assistant manager at a Nine Mile Road Popeye’s Fried Chicken restaurant where Hurst worked, was bound, gagged and stabbed more than 60 times. Her body was found in a freezer.

The jury that first convicted him voted 7-5 in favor of death but was later tossed out after the courts ruled a death sentence must be unanimous.

A jury was impaneled for a two-week resentencing hearing, but failed Friday reach a unanimous decision for the death penalty. Hurst was immediately sentenced to life in prison without parole.


22 Responses to “Sentenced To Death Twice Before, Escambia Man Will Now Serve Life In Prison For 1998 Nine Mile Popeyes Murder”

  1. 429SCJ on March 10th, 2020 9:56 am

    Something brought us to where we are now, with an impotent justice system, open borders, abortion on demand, filth in media ect.

    Let us think to identify and remove, that which is the corrupting agent.

  2. Just saying on March 9th, 2020 11:03 pm

    To JP: Doesn’t the Bible say in Exodus “But there is no harm…he shall pay as the judges determine. But if there IS harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe:”

    I understand that there are special circumstances where someone is killed and a life sentence would be appropriate. But to stab someone more than 60 times, doesn’t that qualify for the death sentence? The defense attorneys will always do their best to seat someone who is against the death penalty on the jury. Now, since the vote must be unanimous, there will probably never be another death sentence handed down.

  3. Lilly on March 9th, 2020 7:07 pm

    The murderer gets a LIFE sentence with benefits and the VICTIM gets death…somethings wrong. why does the system protect the criminals and not for the victims?..

  4. JP on March 9th, 2020 9:16 am

    As Christians you shouldn’t be wishing death on anyone, even your worst enemies. All of your comments make me sick, I don’t care who this man is or what he’s done.

  5. Lisa Buck on March 8th, 2020 11:01 pm

    This sorry excuse for a human deserves to die for how he killed Cynthia. Instead of getting 3 meals a day free medical care and all the luxuries of getting to see his family.. The reason i say that is because Cynthia Harrison was my cousin by marriage and after she was murdered my cousin wasn’t the same and still isn’t..

  6. Tabby on March 8th, 2020 10:35 am

    Sad that one liberal idiot can hold an entire jury hostage due to idiocy.

  7. Stwphen on March 7th, 2020 11:23 pm

    $50,000 + till he dies. Free health,dental, education,free,free,free! Till he dies in prison. Will equal up to well over $600,000. People,if you work, or have worked, (that means retired) it’s our tax dollars that support this trash.

  8. Joshua on March 7th, 2020 9:32 pm

    It’s not the justice system, it’s a jury of your peers. Don’t blame the system. 7 or so citizens from your community made this decision. This is what happens when weak spined citizens are put in charge, murders get a free ride.

  9. ROBERT on March 7th, 2020 5:07 pm

    I remember this so well..That poor girl suffered a horrible death. makes me sick that he is still breathing. This unanimous thing’s why Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias
    walked away breathing too….

  10. Tate dad on March 7th, 2020 11:17 am

    This is exactly what happens when liberal judge’s stay on the bench.
    One person essentially decides life or death. ANOTHER reason I will refuse to serve on a death penalty case. He should have already been executed.

  11. BRING IT ON on March 7th, 2020 10:28 am

    That’s ridiculous, I remember that murder well. I wonder how the jurists would feel if it were their daughter or sister.
    Bring back THE OLD TESTAMENT. .

  12. john on March 7th, 2020 10:05 am

    Why…Is the jury making this decision in the first place? I thought the original intent of jurors is to decide guilt or innocence, and the judge hands down the sentence. Seems like the roles are reversed.

  13. John on March 7th, 2020 9:44 am

    So what we did is made one juror cancel out the others jurors vote. In essence we now have a one person jury over murder trials. Now what do we do if he kills a correction officer?

  14. sam on March 7th, 2020 9:39 am

    the justice system is in really pitiful. crime is high because of repeat offenders walking our streets.

  15. Kelly on March 7th, 2020 9:23 am

    I remember Cynthia very well. She also worked for Winn Dixie and was a very sweet girl. That she suffered in this manner and her killer is basically receiving a slap on the wrist for this crime is a true misuse of the justice system. Society cares more for animals then a human life. I can only pray that God will serve the ultimate justice on this man!

  16. Mr. Metoo on March 7th, 2020 8:28 am

    That’s why it’s called the Criminal Justice System and not the Law Abiding Citizens and Family Justice System.

  17. Lou on March 7th, 2020 8:27 am

    Keep trying and eventually you will get what you want!!! Great example of how broke our justice system is! I remember this lady, she was sweet and petite. This man Murdered her and it is 100% proven. He received more than justice…where is hers? How much has this murderer cost the citizens? Always one bleeding heart on a jury…,,,He used our system and the taxpayers. WE HAVE LET THIS VICTIM DOWN!

  18. JTV on March 7th, 2020 8:26 am

    Do your job jurors, the death penalty is constitutional and should be used much more.

  19. fisherman on March 7th, 2020 8:05 am

    It’s the jury that decides this.All it takes is one juror not to believe in the death penalty and this is what you get.They can bring in professionals in the same field and get two separate findings on the same question that’s what always puzzled me.

  20. tc on March 7th, 2020 7:53 am

    This is a crying shame!! This guy deserves nothing short of Death!

  21. DOC Employee on March 7th, 2020 7:15 am

    This is extremely sad and the justice system has once again failed the citizen’s of Florida. A family lost a loved one to a vicious and heinous crime only to have to relive the ordeal at a resentencing hearing that ultimately gave this individual life in prison instead of the death penalty……sad truly sad.

  22. Sedition on March 7th, 2020 5:54 am

    Great…another murdering scumbag living out the rest of his life on the public dime. Why even have a death penalty if you won’t even use it on a murderer this violent? Stabbing someone 60+ times isn’t violent enough?