‘Presumptive Positive’ Employee At Navy Federal Was Not Previously Tested, Health Department Says

March 18, 2020

The Florida Department of Health says the Navy Federal employee the company announced as presumptively for COVID-19 was not previously tested. The Navy Federal employee is not the one positive case previously announced by the health department in Escambia County.

Dr. John Lanza, director of the Florida Department of Health in Escambia County said an investigation is underway to determine of the person is positive for the virus.

“A lab report from a qualified commercial or hospital laboratory, or from the Florida Bureau of Public Health laboratory is required for a person to be declared for a person to be declared presumptive positive for COVID-19. The Navy Federal employee believed to be presumptively positive for COVID-19 was not previously tested,” Lanza said Wednesday morning. “A public health investigation is currently being conducted to confirm or rule out the presence of the COVID-19 virus in this individual.”

“We’ve asked the Florida Department of Health to provide to all the businesses, and really everyone in our community and state, a statement as to what they should do when a similar situation occurs,” he continued. “So that hopefully that information will be available soon.”

Tuesday afternoon, Navy Federal issued a statement that an employee working at its Pensacola campus tested presumptive positive for COVID-19. The company said the employee last reported to work on Saturday, March 14 before seeking medical treatment.

The Tuesday Navy Federal statement said they are working with health officials. We reached out to a Navy Federal spokesperson for additional comment Wednesday, and we were referred back to Lanza and his staff.

NorthEscambia.com image.


8 Responses to “‘Presumptive Positive’ Employee At Navy Federal Was Not Previously Tested, Health Department Says”

  1. Leslie Yarborough on March 19th, 2020 9:22 pm

    If you’ve ever worked on a construction site, you’d know that no one shakes hands. Rarely, if never do multiple trades or even multipleworkers work on top of one another or even simultaneously. Why? Safety first. Moreover, while I’ve not been on that site, it appears massive, hence a potential for a wide berth friending on the project management team’s schedule & integration of trades accordingly. Finally, if they follow standard safety protocol & hold mandatory morning meetings as required, chances are they’re safer than most given PPE requirements depending on the work

  2. Charlie on March 19th, 2020 3:46 pm

    Just how long before “PRESUMPTIVE” is a yes or no? Seems like someone should have an answer by now, as it has been quite a few days since the first news story.

  3. Henry Coe on March 19th, 2020 9:02 am

    If he/she stopped working because they were sick on March 14th that means they were most likely infectious since March 1st and that there are very likely other infectious people in the neighborhood, not just at NFCU, who are now infectious and haven’t developed symptoms.
    We all need to behave like we are infectious so we can avoid spreading it if we have it. Door handles at businesses and point of sale credit card swipe displays and gas pumps, shopping carts are probably where we are most likely to contract or transmit this virus. When I was out and about two days ago I didn’t see anyone cleaning any of these or making it convenient for patrons to protect themselves.
    This is very far from over.

  4. William Reynolds on March 18th, 2020 11:49 pm

    “”Very irresponsible for both Navy Federal management and the news outlets to use the term “presumptive positive””"

    Navy Federal used he term “Presumptive Positive” in their news release. The news media had no way of knowing anything further at the time of their release.

  5. Debbie on March 18th, 2020 10:20 pm

    @ Anonymous.. if you know this to be “Fact” then maybe you should report this to the health officials . I’m sure you can do this without giving your name if that is something you are concerned about .
    There are so many people that are not taking this serious enough , those are the ones that are going to cause more sickness and death in our community .

  6. GetItRight! on March 18th, 2020 9:35 pm

    Very irresponsible for both Navy Federal management and the news outlets to use the term “presumptive positive” when this did not meet the definition as defined by the CDC. As a result you’ve created 8 buildings of alarmed/fearful/distracted employees (given the bldg number of the suspected case wasn’t shared & rumors I heard today named every bldg but the main with branch) & their friends & family… Some people didn’t show up today because they were scared. Maybe “suspected case” or “displayed COVID-19 like symptoms” would have still made people feel informed without creating as much of a panic. DO BETTER. We are worried enough with misinformation & rumors. :(

  7. Well on March 18th, 2020 7:55 pm

    One would wonder why Navy Federal did not inform all their employees until about five minutes after the news outlets reported it ?

  8. Anonymous on March 18th, 2020 7:39 pm

    Construction workers at the construction site there are being sent home quietly and they haven’t stopped work yet even though people are crawling over each other coughing. All for the sake of “progress”