Navy Federal Employee In Pensacola Tests Presumptive Positive For COVID-19

March 17, 2020

Navy Federal Credit Union learned today that an employee working at its campus in Pensacola tested presumptive positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19), the company said in a statement. The employee last reported to work on Saturday, March 14 before seeking medical treatment.

Across its operation, Navy Federal said it has strict protocols and policies in place to help prevent the spread of the virus, including:

  • Instructing employees who don’t feel well to stay home from work
  • Promoting social distancing and virtual meetings to limit exposure between employees
  • Regularly disinfecting work stations and common areas
  • Expanding telework (work from home) capabilities

Navy Federal is working with health officials in this case and will continue to follow CDC guidance to best protect the health and well-being of our employees.

Editor’s Note: It is not clear if this is a second case in Escambia County or just additional details about the first case. Updates will be posted.


23 Responses to “Navy Federal Employee In Pensacola Tests Presumptive Positive For COVID-19”

  1. Bonnie Mccarragher on March 19th, 2020 12:39 am

    I pray that Navy Federal will start taking action and let there employee work from home! I have love ones that work there. And I’m so worried that they might get it! Please do something fast before you regret it. You take such good care of them In so many way’s , this makes no since to me. God Bless and no the Wright thing

  2. Not surprised on March 18th, 2020 9:56 pm

    Pensacola is in so much trouble. Holding spring break and parades on Pensacola Beach last weekend! Old people, military people, and tourists … it’s going to be very ugly in 3 weeks. How a call center doesn’t send people home is beyond comprehension or justification. There will be blood on all these employers hands. “We are monitoring the situation”, “Call your healthcare provider” , and “Take personal time off or leave” are a criminal response to a pandemic, under federal and state emergency, and knowing it spreads without symptoms.

  3. Stop complaining on March 18th, 2020 7:39 pm

    You are all are complaining about working in a contact center when there are thousands of other employees that actually have to work in the branch with dirty filthy money and members coughing and sneezing and just being disgusting 365 days a year and dealing with it during this virus outbreak.

  4. Fisherman on March 18th, 2020 7:32 pm

    Why don’t you use your chain of command to voice your work complaints instead of posting it here. What direction did you need sir ? The advice of see your health care provider sounded like good advice and direction to me i guess you want someone to come clean your work place for you also. I don’t mean to beat on you but individuals have to take some responsibility stop complaining and get involved and ask what you can do to help.

  5. Vilma on March 18th, 2020 2:05 pm

    Praying the patient heals fast and families are safe too. Peace and blessings

  6. Ruger on March 18th, 2020 1:12 pm

    As an employee. I don’t feel as if enough has been done to prevent the spread throughout the contact center. I understand we cannot just shut down completely in the blink of an eye, but employees at a higher risk should have been sent home. I was given no direction except to contact my healthcare provider. If I wasn’t comfortable I could call the leave line for an unscheduled leave on my record. Could be just my circumstance that was mishandled, but they also shouldn’t claim they are regularly disinfecting work stations when that is the individual employee’s responsibility and is not regulated.

  7. Mark on March 18th, 2020 9:24 am

    @why not

    You must not work at Navy Federal. They have already been converting people to at home agents since last week. If you are an employee, you are terribly uninformed. Please read enet.

  8. fisherman on March 18th, 2020 7:58 am

    @Robert Griggs
    You my friend would be the first to complain if they closed your bank and you couldn’t get to your funds.OK i have a great idea why don’t the Federal Government shut everything down and restrict us to our home for the next 14 days.Call out the military and and have them patrol to insure we stay inside for 14 days.I thing that might work don’t you Mr.Griggs would you go for that I don”t think so. Now readers i was just kidding don’t jump on me. LOL

  9. Really on March 18th, 2020 7:32 am

    Oh my goodness.! STOP comparing this to the flu. Do you not understand the difference at all? There is no vaccine for this virus making anyone who is immune compromised, elderly, or with an underlying condition that they may not even know about, at risk for death from this. You can have this virus and spread it when you have absolutely no symptoms (unlike the flu). People don’t need to panic, but they don’t need to blow it off either and compare it to any other death statistic. People need to take precautions to help stop the spread of the virus. Get some education about this and DO YOUR PART to help.

  10. Ok. on March 18th, 2020 6:49 am

    I’m also an employee at NFCU and feel that we are being taken care of. We have amazing leaders worldwide. They are in constant communication with team members. As information becomes available, decisions are being made and actions are taking place. We cannot ask for more.

  11. Why not on March 18th, 2020 6:43 am

    All we do is sit at a desk and answer phones at Navy Fed, can’t we do that from home to be more safe?

  12. Employee on March 18th, 2020 6:30 am

    LoveMyEmployer – I couldn’t agree more. I think they are doing a great job and doing it at quickly as we can while still taking care of our members. People are creating hysteria. While this is absolutely a very serious situation – we cant just shut the doors and go home on a whim.

  13. read! on March 18th, 2020 6:30 am

    M.A., wow, okay first, let’s start with “the flu being deadlier than COVID-19″. This is incorrect as this is a novel virus, which means we, humans, have not come into contact with this specific pathogen before! It IS as infectious as the flu, but, using what data we currently have, COVID-19 is five to six times for lethal than the flu. The reason we don’t close schools during the flu season is because we have a VACCINE for the flu! We DO NOT have a vaccine for this particular strand of coronavirus as of yet. PLEASE practice social distancing out there. We all have loved ones who either are elderly or are compromised in some way. It’s important we listen to the facts to keep people safe.

  14. Gman on March 18th, 2020 5:38 am

    @Robert griggs, You sir are an uninformed idiot. Continue to sell your toilet paper and hand sanitizer on Ebay and leave Navy Federal out of your conspiracy theories.

  15. Love my employer on March 17th, 2020 11:31 pm

    FYI: I work at NFCU. We get emails constantly informing us of things going on. Being as big as they are, it takes time to gather facts and the correct information to be confirmed/acted upon. I personally appreciate their effort in trying to protect everyone. Keep in mind this “virus” is running rapid and is everywhere.

  16. M.A. on March 17th, 2020 11:15 pm

    According to the CDC and the World Health Organization, tens of thousands of Americans die every year from the common flu and hundreds of thousands worldwide die from the common flu every year. It is unfortunate that we’ve had a little over 100 deaths from the coronavirus in our country and almost 8,000 worldwide to date. But, that doesn’t even compare to the hundreds of thousands of people who die worldwide from the common flu every year. Why doesn’t the media report 24 hrs a day nonstop about that every flu season? And why doesn’t the government shut down schools and cities which would probably prevent tens of thousands of people from dying every year from the flu? But, they’ve done this with the coronavirus for a tiny fraction of cases of basically the of equivalent of one 1% vs. the flu in comparison. It doesn’t make sense.

  17. Mike on March 17th, 2020 9:03 pm

    @Robert griggs
    For the accusing folks like you. I bet the best course of action for Navy federal would be to close its operations, no more danger for its workers and the public!
    The same goes for the grocery stores, close everything down!
    It can go further, why utilities workers need to show up for the work and put themselves at risk? Shut everything down, and let the folks like you to figure out why you can’t survive anymore, even though you had 1’s and 0’s somewhere in a virtual account of “your” bank. It’s all sarcasm of course.
    You guys are fast to point the accusing finger. What would you do different AND take responsibility for the consequences?

  18. Whatever on March 17th, 2020 8:57 pm

    @Robert Griggs, I’d imagine that Navy Fed is following the guidelines just fine and for you to say that shows how blind you are to a bigger picture. This virus has a two-three WEEK gestation period which means that the employee could have come in contact well before the hysteria hit. For that matter, NAS, the city government, police and sheriffs department, school district and many other of our local large-number employers could have easily had this same thing happen. Would you have said that about them too? Not likely because you’re probably one of those who already carries a grudge against NFCU. It’s probably one of the safest and most secure places in the area to work on TOP of paying some of the best wages. At least think about what you say before to insert ignorance in to a conversation. Stop the hysteria and wash your hands!

  19. E Z on March 17th, 2020 8:45 pm

    To Robert – I don’t think that is the case. A certain amount of people have to keep working to service the customers. Also, can the workers afford to take time off. So far, only a few of the places closing doors are paying the workers. Everyone says all you have to do is stay home for 2 weeks – one guy in China was sick for a month, was declared cured, and 2-3 days later got the virus again. So, you stay home for 2 weeks and then come into contact with someone with the virus. So, where does the 2 weeks start and end??

  20. Robert griggs on March 17th, 2020 7:55 pm

    With over 1500 employees working within 6ft of one another I guess navy fed dont care about this virus or it’s workers. They are doing everything exactly opposite of recommend protocols that the CDC has outlined

  21. William Braddock on March 17th, 2020 7:35 pm

    Navy Fed, set up your own decontamination walk through station at all Navy Fed employees entrance

  22. Concerned Employee on March 17th, 2020 7:25 pm

    I can guarantee you that the person who had the 1st case in Escambia DOESNT work for navy federal lol… so that makes 2 cases in Escambia

  23. Aggie dad on March 17th, 2020 7:23 pm

    I know one employee that has the gift that keeps on giving, T.A.B