Missionaries Trapped In Peru By Coronavirus Lockdown Are Headed Home

March 28, 2020

A Pensacola missionary and her intern that were stuck in Peru by the coronavirus pandemic are now set to head home.

Linda English, director of Reimagine/Doers of the Word Ministry arrived a their mission headquarters in in Peru on March 9 only get caught up in a lockdown of the country a few days later. Her intern, Caitlin Salak, had been in the country for several months and was also caught in the lockdown that is not set to end until at least April 12.

“God will redeem this time the enemy has taken from us for He is a good, good Father,” English told NorthEscambia.com Friday night from Peru.

“At least in Pensacola, there are people driving around, they’re still working, I mean this country is shut down,” English said.. “We’ve bowled with water bottles in the hallway and a basketball, we’ve been really creative.”

“Our quarantine is much different than what is going on the United States right now,” English said by video from Peru. “We have not left this building for 11 days. We are both people-people. It’s been difficult.”

But Friday night English and Salak learned they would be heading back to the United States.

“Caitlin and I just received our letter from the US Embassy that we are going home tomorrow,” English said Friday night. “There are so many to thank….for all the strings you pulled and all the prayers you’ve said on our behalf. Thank you!”

She said they will fly into Washington, D.C. and travel home to Pensacola.

Reimagine Cantonment, the ministry’s next major outreach in the United States, is planned for October 10 at Ascend Park in Cantonment.

Pictured: Linda English (left) and Caitlin Salak by video from Peru.


3 Responses to “Missionaries Trapped In Peru By Coronavirus Lockdown Are Headed Home”

  1. Jerry on March 29th, 2020 10:17 pm

    They were probably safer in peru compared to the lax attitude about it in America . Other countries have taken stronger steps

    “we have not left this building” indeed thats the purpose of a quarantine vs Florida where everyone is just at the beach spreading the virus

  2. Bonnie EXNER on March 29th, 2020 12:10 am


  3. Beth Hiers 2131 Olde Towne ave Hiers on March 28th, 2020 8:30 am

    Soooo happy. I’ve been praying for you both. Maddie and I are thrilled you will be home. Take care. ❤️❤️