Presumptive Case Of Coronavirus From Santa Rosa County Being Treated In Pensacola

March 5, 2020

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a presumptive positive case of coronavirus in Santa Rosa County. During a news conference Thursday morning, he described the man as elderly, over age 70, with severe underlying medical conditions.

While the man is from Santa Rosa County, the public safety director there confirms that the patient is being treated at Baptist Hospital in Pensacola.

“He had been doing international travel. He’s not in shape to fully answer all the questions, so there’s an investigation ongoing, but that is a presumptive positive. It has not been confirmed by the CDC. I think we are at a point now with the local testing that we are highly confident that that is going to be verified.”

“Northwest Floridians should take proactive steps to minimize susceptibility by avoiding contact with anyone who is sick, washing their hands regularly, not touching their face, and staying home when sick with any type of illness,” Rep. Matt Gaetz said. “My office is in close communication with the White House and Governor DeSantis’s administration to ensure the residents of Northwest Florida are prepared to address coronavirus.”

The Florida Department of Health will be releasing more information, the governor said.

The Santa Rosa County patient is the third diagnosed in Florida. There are also five Florida residents quarantined in other states after returning from international travel.


11 Responses to “Presumptive Case Of Coronavirus From Santa Rosa County Being Treated In Pensacola”

  1. Choctaw Kid on March 7th, 2020 10:39 am

    There’s a rule a law that I follow and I think everyone else should follow. In life, do the best you can. Let me repeat that. In life, do the best you can.
    Do as the CDC and Matt gets suggest. Wash your hands constantly. Do not touch your face. Keep away from sick people.
    TRUST that there is medical help and a vaccine will soon come.

  2. bud on March 7th, 2020 9:49 am

    CDC says, reduce your poss exposure. I have my upcoming 6 mo blood work and dr visit coming. Being over 70, I called them to see if they were postponing routine appts for a few months to see what this virus is going to do. Figured, why go expose myself needlessly. Doctors office a good place to contract something. Of course, to get my med renewal out of ransom for 90 days, they said I needed to come in.
    I worked in medical field years ago then law enforcement. Both times being exposed to needle punctures and knife cuts. I then contracted HepC. Back then the 10 month treatment makes you very ill. So for me, it’s been there done that. Not scared or panicked just trying to be smart.
    Point is, they are doing biz as usual $$. Haven’t made up my mind as yet.
    No logic.

  3. Patti Brown on March 6th, 2020 6:08 pm

    First it was 2 weeks before symptoms, then 24 days and then I heard about 24+ days walking around with no symptoms, yet you are contagious passing it along to everyone before you actually become sick. So, how many people were infected and how any more did they infect and it goes on and on. So many people are just blowing this virus off. It is a bio weapon, READ AGENDA 21 from the United Nations.

  4. CW on March 6th, 2020 10:32 am


    Good luck with that. You would have to prove the other person intentionally infected you, and chances are you wouldn’t even know where it came from.

  5. Bewildered on March 6th, 2020 10:15 am

    I believe this whole Corona hype is nothing but a smoke screen to keep the masses (sheep) occupied and therefore in the dark about what is really going on in the world. You never hear anything about a huge military operation currently going on in Europe “Defender Europe” The biggest American troop deployment in 25 years. !!!

  6. misstrish on March 6th, 2020 6:44 am

    to “Florida Logger”: escambia county residents without any medical insurance can contact the Health and Hope Clinic at 850-479-4456 to inquire about becoming a patient there at NO COST to them! It is located at 1718 E. Olive Road in Pensacola. Their hours are: M T W F from 8:30 AM to Noon, and T TH nights from 5 to 8. Appointments are required.. :-)

  7. Peggy Benzler on March 6th, 2020 5:13 am

    Wash your hands, wash your hands and wash them some more! Dont touch railings or handles (especially grocery carts)! Don’t touch your face. If you have to wear a mask don’t keep adjusting it they are annoying and you will want to but that puts your germy hands on your face. WASH your hands! Don’t sit next to the person who is coughing wherever you happen to be Cover your mouth if your coughing! Dam, I went to the grocery store and a girl coughed all over the aisle. I turned around and went the other way. Use hand sanitizer. Did I say wash your hands? If your sick, stay home! No one wants you to share the wealth. If you get sick, call your Dr and let them know before you go in so you don’t contaminate the whole office and everyone in it. Same thing for the ER if you go warn someone there first. I would call ahead. Did I mention wash your hands? 20 seconds minimum with soap and water. End of lecture. Nothing here that everyone shouldn’t already know.

  8. MR REALITY on March 6th, 2020 2:33 am

    Anyone who gives it to me is gonna get their butt sued!!!!

  9. Florida logger on March 5th, 2020 9:21 pm

    Well and if u ain’t got insurance no matter the severity they always gladly ship you out then it goin spread like miracle whip

  10. CW on March 5th, 2020 5:55 pm

    Well it’s only a matter of time now before it’s all over our area.

  11. Kat on March 5th, 2020 3:43 pm

    Hope the gentleman is doing okay…