Gaetz Tests Negative After Exposure To Coronavirus, Still In Self-Quarantine

March 10, 2020

UPDATE: Tuesday afternoon U.S. Rep Matt Gaetz said he tested negative for the coronavirus but will remain in quarantine until Thursday afternoon.

“I’ve just been informed that my COVID-19 lab result was negative,” he said. “In an abundance of caution, I will remain under self-quarantine at the advice of medical professionals through Thursday at 2pm. I continue to feel fine and show no symptoms.”


U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz is in a voluntary 14-day self-quarantine after coming into contact with someone at the Conservative Political Action Conference that tested positive for coronavirus.

His staff posted on Twitter Monday afternoon that he came into contact with the person 11 days ago.

“Congressman Gaetz had expected COVID-19 to impact Congress, given the elevated frequency of travel and human contact, and demonstrated his concern last week on the House floor,” the Twitter post read. “While the Congressman is not experiencing symptoms, he received testing today and expects results soon. Under doctor’s usual precautionary recommendations, he’ll remain self-quarantined until the 14-day period expires this week.”

“Thank you for everyone’s well-wishes and concerns. Through the course of my congressional and political duties, I’ve interacted with many people over the last two weeks,” he posted on Twitter Tuesday night. “I should have the COVID-19 test results back tomorrow. Health officials maintain the risk to people I have been in contact with remains low.”

Last week, Gaetz wore a gasmask on the House floor before voting to approve $8.3 billion on a coronavirus response package, drawing criticism from several national media outlet for making light of the seriousness of the situation.

“Made light?!?! I was quite serious. The threat to Congress is real, as I explained based on travel and habits like selfies and handshakes,” Gaetz posted on Twitter after Washington Post story.

Gaetz’s office in Washington is closed for the week, but his office in Pensacola is still open.

Pictured: Rep. Matt Gaetz tweeting this photo reviewing the coronavirus supplemental appropriation and preparing to go vote.


11 Responses to “Gaetz Tests Negative After Exposure To Coronavirus, Still In Self-Quarantine”

  1. Jerry on March 10th, 2020 11:55 pm

    The same guy that wore this mask making fun of the virus , was confirmed to have been exposed . He is lucky he tested negative, but he should really grow up and become an adult , and realize making fun of something that is killing people is immature and childish

  2. Stephen on March 10th, 2020 8:03 pm

    I guess gas mask do work.

  3. Dwn on March 10th, 2020 7:12 pm

    I wonder if this was confirmed with a scientific device kit, or a Kelly Ann Conway alternative fact kit?

  4. Nod on March 10th, 2020 3:28 pm

    Don’t worry simmer l will bote for Matt two times.

  5. Good grief on March 10th, 2020 2:23 pm

    Simmer Down, simmer down.

  6. Simmer Down on March 10th, 2020 9:17 am

    Either he was mocking people who were taking COVID-19 seriously in order to get himself some publicity, or he was more concerned about his safety than the well-being of others. He took a mask for himself, but he didn’t provide one for the person working with him.
    Which is it, Matt? Do you have bad judgement, or are you a self-important coward?
    I’m ashamed that I voted for you. Once.

  7. Susan on March 10th, 2020 8:56 am

    Well that’s karma. (Re: gas mask to mock the scientists) However I hope he remains healthy.

  8. Kate on March 10th, 2020 8:44 am

    Perhaps a man with such disregard should remain still and very tight lipped for a couple of years. noisy people are not what anyone wants to hear.

  9. tg on March 10th, 2020 8:22 am

    Gas Mask necessary around Schumer and Schifft with all they spew.

  10. JTV on March 10th, 2020 6:56 am

    Unselfish act

  11. Anne on March 10th, 2020 6:40 am

    Matt, Matt, Matt, maybe this “Self-Confinement” will give us a break from your near daily shenanigans.
    Hope you are not infected and that your staff remains healthy and well.
    You do, however, stand out there in D.C. with the old Korea style gas mask, very useful in Congress we are sure of that.
    All of us need to be aware yet not panic.
    God Bless and Protect us.