Florida Announces New COVID-19 Cases; All Nursing Home Visitations Banned For 30 Days

March 15, 2020

Florida now has 100 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Florida Department of Health said during early morning hours Sunday.

There were no new cases announced recently in the immediate Florida Panhandle. There is a previously announced case in Okaloosa County, and a Santa Rosa County man previously died at Baptist Hospital in Pensacola from COVID-19.

On Saturday, Gov. Ron DeSantis confirmed the death of a 77-year old male in Lee County who had previously tested positive for COVID-19, and a Florida resident died in California.

DeSantis on Saturday also issued an order banning visits to nursing homes in the state for the next 30 days. The emergency order to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family-care homes, long-term care facilities and adult group homes. He said there may be exemptions in what he described as “compassionate” cases.


7 Responses to “Florida Announces New COVID-19 Cases; All Nursing Home Visitations Banned For 30 Days”

  1. Betty Booth on June 22nd, 2020 9:24 am

    I am a nursing home resident.Since the middle of March we have been on lockdown.Many have died alone,no family or friends by their side. This is cruel and inhumane treatment. NO ONE SHOULD DIE ALONE. .Many are depressed and lonely, with little or no activities to occupy their time. No universal precautions are used.Cross contamination everywhere. So what are we doing? Now we here there will be 30more days of this.WHEN DOES IT END?

  2. Betty Booth on June 22nd, 2020 9:04 am

    I am a nursing home resident, since the middle of Martch many have died of natural causes, without loved ones by their side.This is Curial and unusual punishment. Many are depressed and lonely with little or no activities to help occupy their time.No visits or care packages allowed. Now we here there will be 30 more days of this. No universal precautions are used. Cross contamination everywhere. So what does it matter?

  3. Robert on March 16th, 2020 4:18 am

    John, Joshua’s comment didn’t sound like FoxNews to me. Fox would be saying everyone is overreacting and should go about life as if nothing is happening. Maybe read it again. And I’m a democrat.

  4. John on March 15th, 2020 7:51 pm

    @Joshua over 30,000 people have died from the regular flu this year. Try getting some info from somewhere besides fox news

  5. Joshua on March 15th, 2020 1:11 pm

    Ebola is spread through direct contact with body fluid. Covid-19 is spread in a similar way. However, early studies show it can remain airborne for up to 3 hours and may live on surfaces for several days. The incubation period is so long that you could potentially infect people for up to 2 weeks and not know it. They also haven’t confirmed how it’s getting around and affecting people who haven’t traveled or been in contact with anyone that traveled. The the lack of solid knowledge on the virus is scary because it’s hard to determine the correct way to fight it. So the over reaction is not unjustified because we are most likely way behind the curve at this point.

  6. MD on March 15th, 2020 11:06 am

    The difference Is the rate of transmission and the fact that it’s a new disease. Covd-19 is affecting far more people in the United States, so the response is heightened. Also, the medical community knew about SARS and Ebola. They had knowledge about treatments, etc. They had something to work with. COVD-19 is new (“novella”). While it is a type of SARS (sudden accuse reparatory syndrome), the medical community is just now gathering information about how it works and what it’s affects are. And gathering knowledge through observation is steps behind searching for treatments, and many steps behind finding a good treatment.

  7. EMD on March 15th, 2020 1:50 am

    Does anyone remember this much “hooplah” about other epidemics, or pandemics? I have lived many years and I do not remember any panic like this. How about SARS, Eboli etc. Anyone? What is different?