Escambia Now At 13 COVID-19 Cases – Six In Cantonment, Seven In Pensacola

March 24, 2020


There are now 13 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Escambia County, according to the Florida Department of Health. Six of the cases are persons from Cantonment, and seven are from Pensacola.

The three latest Escambia County cases announced Tuesday evening are a 49-year old female and two males ages 26 and 58. The age of those diagnosed in Escambia County ranges from 22 to 76. None of the Escambia County patients are in the hospital; they are all self-quarantined.

Santa Rosa is now at six confirmed cases, the latest announced being a 73-year old male and a 60-year old female.

Tuesday evening, the total number of Florida cases was 1,467 of which 1,379 are Florida residents and 88 are non-residents within the state. There have been 20 deaths reported across the state, including the Santa Rosa County man that died at a Pensacola hospital.


19 Responses to “Escambia Now At 13 COVID-19 Cases – Six In Cantonment, Seven In Pensacola”

  1. A doctor from Pensacola - March 30th. on March 31st, 2020 12:29 pm

    Florida had surpassed Louisiana in no. of confirmed cases, 5,000 against 4,000 as of last night and spring break was just 1 week ago. Incubation period before 1 shows symptoms is 14 days so by next week, cases might blow up. I implore our Governor to declare statewide stay at home policy to prevent the spread ( THIS the ONLY WAY to WIN THIS WAR !). Let us not repeat the SLOW RESPONSE from the TOP which is already showing disastrous effect. 71 deaths is not a laughing matter, it could have been your loved. Also, why is it Tallahassee ( the Capitol ) is lockdown and not the rest of us? The rest of us in Florida is not immune to Covid-19.

  2. David on March 25th, 2020 7:42 pm

    “Our current best assumption, as of the 22nd March, is the IFR is approximate 0.20% (95% CI, 0.17 to 0.25).” IFM of the more typical flue epidemic is 0.1% (whereas for the 1918 flu pandemic it was 2-20%. – makes a good read.

  3. Molosser on March 25th, 2020 5:15 pm

    It’s privacy law. You don’t get to know individuals names and health history, just like they aren’t allowed to know yours.
    Everybody should assume they have it and act accordingly.

  4. Trisha on March 25th, 2020 10:45 am

    People just stay home unless you have to go out! If you have to go to work, groceries, etc. just stay 10′ away from people. It is not that difficult. These new cases could be from family infecting their own family. For heavens sake don’t panic and stop buying buggies full of TP.

  5. LISA O ENNIS on March 25th, 2020 9:34 am

    I see Tallahassee is on lock down. That’s where the governor is mmmmm but we are not and cases keep escalating. I guess we will when its gets bad and people die this does not make sense and it’s not fair

  6. Rex S. on March 25th, 2020 8:27 am

    Since we have no way of knowing how many cases were avoided from the measures taken so far,current statistics are skewed and therefore invalid.

  7. John Doe on March 25th, 2020 8:16 am

    actually heard from someone with COVID-19 in a different state. He says this is no joke. He’s very very sick.

  8. Water Slug on March 25th, 2020 7:00 am

    Even if more people are infected by the seasonal flu, far fewer die to it than to COVID-19. This coronavirus has a case fatality rate of more than ten times the seasonal flu. Not to mention, we have already developed a vaccine and multiple safe and effective treatments for influenza. Don’t quote statistics to downplay COVID-19. We all must be cautious.

  9. CW on March 25th, 2020 6:41 am

    @Common sense

    We have a lot of experience with the flu, and we have an idea of how bad it will be each year. This virus is totally new, and we have no idea how much it could explode over the coming months, or if it will be seasonal like the flu. I think the idea is to slow it down enough to where we have time to gather data and learn more about it.

  10. Charlie on March 25th, 2020 2:13 am

    Some are saying (& complaining) that there are far more deaths from the yearly seasonal flu. While this may be true, imagine how many more deaths from this virus there would be if the present steps had not been taken. Italy for one, & a number of other countries, are paying a heavy price for not reacting soon enough, & how about China, where it started from? This one is different, in the fact that it is hidden & doesn’t show up, & is widely & quickly spread, before people are aware who has it.

  11. Common Sense on March 24th, 2020 11:47 pm

    State of Florida population: Approximately 22 million
    COVID-19 Cases listed by CDC as of 3/24/20: 1,467
    Deaths due to diagnosed COVID-19 as of 3/24/20: 20 fatalities

    Influenza has to abide by the same laws of statistics and percentages as does COVID-19, regardless of population densities.

  12. David Huie Green on March 24th, 2020 11:30 pm

    “Only 13 cases of the virus?”

    Not many.
    On the other hand, there was probably just one case around December 1, 2019. 422,829 right now have or have had it.
    ( )
    There are 128,009 Cases which had an outcome:
    Of that number 109,102 (85%) Recovered / Discharged about 17 out of every 20
    And 18,907 (15%) Deaths about 3 out of every 20.

    I think it’s New York seeing a doubling every 3 day.
    24- 3,328 (there are about 2,000 hospital beds in Escambia County)
    27-6,656 (Florida has more than 18,000 hospital beds, but many counties)
    30-13,312 after 30 days if precautions were not made.

    I doubt it will be that bad here in this one little county since we’re not packed as tightly, but if it were, that could yield 1,996 dead in a little over a month — mostly us older folks but some much younger…people who matter.

    Fewer infected means fewer dead.

  13. Common Sense on March 24th, 2020 10:33 pm

    CDC estimates for Influenza in the U.S. from 10/1/2019-3/14/2020:
    40-50 MILLION cases
    23,000-59,000 Deaths

    *A mild season at best. If this bug is gonna live up to its billing, it better get to work. Our Ole “Seasonal Flu” is far more destructive than this “mutated” virus, and that’s not including the fatality rate from it compared to influenza.

  14. Charlie on March 24th, 2020 9:56 pm

    @Pcola boy—Fine, but remember this: Those with the flu or pneumonia are pretty easy to spot & therefore much easier to avoid. Not so with the virus. You could be in a place/crowd anywhere, that someone might have it, & maybe they don’t even know they have it, but guess what. You make contact, & now you have it. Only a percentage is fatal, but do you want to take that chance of you getting it, or passing it on to a loved one or even strangers, because you don’t realize you are now a carrier? This is why it is spreading so quickly, & is more dangerous & deadly.

  15. Mary on March 24th, 2020 9:50 pm

    Where they have frequented would be nice to know.

  16. How are the rest of us to know?? on March 24th, 2020 9:33 pm

    It would be nice to have SOME kind of warning about the who? where? & when? of the infected (even if the authorities were given the info to anonymously disperse) so that others can be informed so THEY can prevent the spread in case they had contact.
    Many people are able to think back to a possible logical time when or where they think they were infected.

  17. Pcola boy on March 24th, 2020 9:22 pm

    Escambia county population about 313,512
    Only 13 cases of the virus? Many more flu and pneumonia existing around us.
    I agree with the Governor … I will take my chances with normal activity.

  18. Lee on March 24th, 2020 8:04 pm

    Ok… Don’t want to cause panic but where were the Cantonment people frequently going? Methadone clinic? Grocery Advantage? I personally do not go to the Methadone clinic but my other half did for a bit and curious on where exposure could be for friends and family.

  19. Concerned on March 24th, 2020 7:17 pm

    This will continue to rise as long as we stay in the stores and around the public. Governor has to make a change. Nothing will get better if he doesn’t.