Escambia County To Declare State Of Emergency On Tuesday

March 16, 2020

Escambia County will declare a local state of emergency on Tuesday, March 17 and open the emergency operations center at 8 a.m.

“We are proactively activating the EOC and declaring a local state of emergency to ensure we have the appropriate resources for this unprecedented event, ” Escambia County Emergency Manager Eric Gilmore said. “We encourage the public to follow CDC guidance for social distancing and proper health and hygiene to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Escambia County.”

A Level 2 EOC activation is a partial activation that includes essential emergency support functions related to this type of incident for response and recovery. There will be a 9 a.m. planning meeting at the EOC with partner agencies, and one of the items to be discussed will be the hours of operation for the EOC.

The essential ESF 8 partners in the the level 2 activation include:
• Hospitals
• Assisted Living / Skilled Nursing / Personal Care Homes
• Rehabilitation / Physical Therapy Agencies
• Laboratory agencies
• Doctors’ offices
• Home health care providers
• Emergency Medical Service agencies
• Aeromedical services
• Adult day care
• Mental health agencies


20 Responses to “Escambia County To Declare State Of Emergency On Tuesday”

  1. Steven Buell on March 18th, 2020 1:34 pm

    I home they do not close gulf power plant i need to work i know i been missing work over family issues and son but i need work and am thank for to have understanding bosses.

  2. Curt Richards on March 18th, 2020 8:44 am

    Pleases close the Pensacola Beach hotels and rental homes that sleep over10 persons. Send the spring breakers home as they don’t adhere to the max. 10 gathering on the beaches. The revenue will be made up later when folks see our leaders are “true leaders” who care about their constituents more than money. The sooner these tough decisions are made the sooner this crisis will be over.

  3. Maxine McNeal on March 17th, 2020 9:40 pm

    Since the schools are closed, the day cares should be as well. What is the delay? People we have to start isolating ourselves innorder for us to get past this horrific ordeal. The less people out means less of a chance spreading. We have to be cautious and careful at all times. For God sake let’s become one and beat this virus together,, it’s the only way! God be with us all!!

  4. Gordon Patton on March 17th, 2020 4:51 pm

    In 1918 the over 65 years old population in the us was 5-6% of total. Today this group is around 20% us population. If you get the 1918 Philadelphia spike in mortality, You have a mass fatiality beyond anything being explained on the TV. The shortage of doctors in many areas of the US is a disaster looking for a place to happen. Good Luck!

  5. Debbie on march 17th on March 17th, 2020 3:42 pm

    This is for all Americans this country is at a state of emergency.where the American people need to wake up and pay attention and not have the mental attitude of oh this cant happen to me i do agree with self isolation and caring enough for the right thing to do to protect not only your self but everyone else in America.this is a fraiding situation i ask the Lord.Almighty everyday to take it from the Earth so people will stop dying i do believe that its time for everyone to pray to the Lord and ask for his help no matter what your religion we have to work together and protect one another from this horrific virus that has been put upon us and be wise enough to do the right thing for everyones safty

  6. Melissa on March 17th, 2020 9:51 am

    What the hell is everyone waiting for??? Stop going out! Self isolate yourself!! Only go where it is needed in a time like this! Everyone is going to get sick at this rate… this is what everyone will learn, common sense for once and kids will finally learn some respect!

  7. Jasmine on March 17th, 2020 9:46 am

    Early Food stamps For Florida ? I already live in a hotel with 4 children ages 2-6 . All my money go to paying for our room everyday . I don’t have money for next week , we at least need food as we sleep in our car .

  8. craig on March 17th, 2020 9:43 am

    By all means people stay home if you feel that strongly about it.
    But Please, explain to me why you feel it is your employer or the governments place to keep your income coming in.
    If your that concerned of dying from an illness that has killed less than 90 people (out of 330+ million americans) you should obviously stay home and not risk any dangerous activities such as driving.(which killed 38k people last year) P.S. there have been only 7500 deaths WORLDWIDE the past 3 months from corona. Which first was discoverd back in November last year.
    This rediculous hysteria really needs to stop.

  9. Christopher on March 17th, 2020 9:37 am

    Please, for the sake of my life and others. Make the move to close down bars, restaurants, clubs, shops, theaters, and anywhere groups of people gather. Before it gets out of hand and people in our community begin to get sick and die. Life is more important than money. Money can be recovered. Life can not. Be PROACTIVE, not reactive.

  10. Josh Larrabee on March 17th, 2020 9:12 am

    I think it would be wise to shutdown the day cares. I am surprised they aren’t already. I understand that people need child care so they can work, specifically our healthcare workers, but these kids spread viruses like wildfires. Since there is a confirmed case in our county, wouldn’t erring on the side of caution be the smart thing to do?

  11. James Howard on March 17th, 2020 9:03 am

    We would all like to know if your releasing food stamps so we can feed our children while there s still food to buy before we cant feed our children???

  12. Jemari Run on March 17th, 2020 8:58 am

    Work at enterprise and we get cars from all over not knowing if the people have this virus or not. Could enterprise close as well?

  13. John on March 17th, 2020 7:38 am

    My employment entails literally going into and out of customers’ homes…all day. Into various rooms, multiple rooms, and sometimes spending upwards of an hour inside.
    I have had absolutely ZERO precaution directives from management. I have been supplied with absolutely ZERO additional safety equipment or materials.
    So yeah, business as usual. There’s money to be made, and the folks making the most aren’t the ones walking into the unknown all day.

  14. Gemma R. on March 17th, 2020 6:28 am

    Please shut down restaurants, bars, and clubs. There is no reason people should have to go to or work at some of the easiest places for a virus to spread at the height of all of this.

    One person goes to one of these places with the virus, coughs or spreads it through the air in a tight space, touches different things like counter tops, drink machines, tables, etc, and it spreads from one person to the next on a chain reaction. Close them down.

  15. Emily Russ on March 17th, 2020 6:11 am

    So is anything being shut down or is this just saying emergency aids are opening up? Also I work at a daycare are we going to be affected?

  16. Luci on March 17th, 2020 12:47 am

    What exactly happens during a level 2 activation?

  17. John Doe on March 16th, 2020 8:48 pm

    please tell businesses to stop flying employees, for no obvious reason, from highly contaminated areas (e.g. LA CA) to pensacola! will not get into specifics but believe me, it’s true

  18. Veronica Rhodes on March 16th, 2020 7:57 pm

    The CDC is asking everyone to practice social distancing, but I work in a field setting surrounded by other workers (construction crew, field crew, etc). Because our work is in an outside setting (but sometimes in close quarters) will construction have to be halted or will we continue business as usual? How will the state of emergency on Escambia county effect this type of work when other jobs with high amounts of social contact have been moved to remote work only?

  19. Fiona Motley on March 16th, 2020 5:24 pm

    If we are a state of emergency can they release food stamps early so that people like me can feed there kids when we already are on a budget ?

  20. Michael Lore on March 16th, 2020 4:43 pm

    With social distancing; how do you keep people safely distanced in libraries? Schools are out and many parents are taking kids to the library