Escambia COVID-19 Cases Increase, Up By Nine Since Saturday

March 29, 2020


The number of COVID-19 cases in Escambia County jumped to 37 in the Sunday evening report from the Florida Department of Health, an increase of nine since Saturday.

Of the Escambia County cases, 26 are from Pensacola, nine are from Cantonment (an increase of two) and two are non-residents. They range in age from 20 to 94, and two are hospitalized.

In Santa Rosa County, there are 20 cases — nine positive from Navarre, two from Pace,  five  from Milton and four from Gulf Breeze. They range in age from 2 months to 81 years. Seven are hospitalized and one died.

There were 4,950 cases across Florida as of the Sunday evening FDOH report. Of those 4,768 are Florida residents. COVID-19 has now killed 60 in Florida, and 633 are hospitalized.


15 Responses to “Escambia COVID-19 Cases Increase, Up By Nine Since Saturday”

  1. saved on March 30th, 2020 12:34 am

    @kel, If you want to refer to the Bible, then do so accurately. No where in God’s Word does He say “God only helps those that help themselves.” That is not even an accurate paraphrase of any scripture in the Bible.

    Perhaps while you help yourself by staying home and social distancing, you could dust off your Bible and find out the good news that Jesus has to tell us all. Open your heart and invite the Holy Spirit. Take your doubts and concerns to the Lord, ask Him to make Himself real to you if He exists. I can attest from personal experience that Jesus is real and He helps anyone in any condition IF they are willing to believe in Him, and open their heart to allow the Holy Spirit in. We are all sinners and none any better or worse than the other. Even those of us blood bought born again believers are not better than even the worst of sinners, since we are not saved by doing good or being a good person. The only difference is that we have accepted Jesus as Lord. His blood washes away all iniquity. It is a free gift to the world, but the gift has to be accepted. I can offer someone a gift for 2,000 years but, only once it is received, does ownership transfer. God is mercy and love. He is also truth. And the truth is that God is eternal and holy and we are only made acceptable to God when we admit that we are helpless to help ourselves; then receive the amazing completely undeserved gift of grace and mercy. The best part is that this temporary vapor of an existence, is just that…temporary. After which all of our spirits will continue on for eternity in one of two places. Its a simple choice. ” Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, in the power of the Holy Spirit.”

  2. David Willison on March 30th, 2020 12:17 am

    Last Monday the Governor said the virus wasn’t in every corner of the state. If you look at the state map as of Sunday 6 days after that statement the virus has just about covered the whole state. In less then 2 weeks ago Escambia county went from I think 2 case’s to nearly 40! Maybe think again of a stay at home order for at least a week if nothing else before we end up like N.Y.,N.J, Louisiana and California.

  3. David Huie Green on March 29th, 2020 10:40 pm

    “If you want to refer to the Bible then it even says that God only “helps those that help themselves”.”

    Hezekiah 17:6 wasn’t it?

    Just to be clear, there IS no book of Hezekiah and “God helps those that help themselves,” is not in the bible. “Take care of yourself,” doesn’t have to be spelled out to be good and reasonable advice.

    Don’t risk infecting and making suffer or killing others just because you don’t know whether or not you’ve been exposed and infected. That comes under the heading, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

    David for the use of the brains we’re given

  4. Sammie on March 29th, 2020 10:28 pm

    Thank you for your common sense Kel. If you want to your YOURSELF at risk, have at it. But don’t put others at risk. God gave you a BRAIN, USE IT. And LISTEN to the doctors who tell you to distance yourselves. God gave them a brain TOO.


  5. TelymanBwS on March 29th, 2020 10:07 pm

    I trust God… but I wear my seatbelt.
    I trust God… but my house has smoke detectors.
    I trust God… but I lock my house at night.
    Acting with caution and wisdom does not indicate a lack of trust in God.

    I trust God… but I will do what I can to stop this virus.

  6. MLP on March 29th, 2020 8:59 pm

    @ Kel
    Please give me the passage in the Bible where it says that God only helps those that help themselves.

  7. Sandy Miller on March 29th, 2020 7:55 pm

    Harold you just do you. You’ve lived this long Just wash your hands & wear a mask if you go out God’s gonna take care of the people with ugly comments. That’s what he does. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.

  8. Norah on March 29th, 2020 7:21 pm

    It’s wonderful to see that there are still people that know the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for our nation.

  9. MLP on March 29th, 2020 7:21 pm

    @ Antonio
    Well said!!

    Cast all your fears and concerns on Jesus. He cares for you!

  10. Kel on March 29th, 2020 6:27 pm

    Yes, Harold I’m sure the Lord wants you to go out and affect other people’s chances of getting it. Clearly the Lord blinked during the 2400 US deaths. If you want to refer to the Bible then it even says that God only “helps those that help themselves”. Putting yourself at risk isn’t helping yourself.

  11. Harold Fan on March 29th, 2020 4:56 pm

    One thousand up votes for Harold Holder…

  12. Harold Holder on March 29th, 2020 2:25 pm

    I know this bad stuff I am 83 years old I still do what ever I want to Trust in the lord he will take care of you I will continue doing what I want to do.

  13. Antonio on March 29th, 2020 12:47 pm

    @ wanda brown… You don’t have to be scared. You have to believe in the Greastest physician ever known. The only One who can call the dead to rise and the blind to see. He has no limits. This pandemic doesn’t stand a chance when you speak the name of Jesus over your health. Everything must bow down at the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fears and doubts are given to Him. He’s waiting for the full and complete surrendering of all your fears and doubts. He is in total control. He wants our focus on Him now more than ever. He never changes even when circumstances or finances change. Jesus is the same loving God He has always been. Dwell in Him. He is our refuge.

  14. Willis on March 29th, 2020 12:33 pm

    @ Wanda
    Definitely uncertain times. Continue taking your precautions, avoid people as much as possible, especially anyone coughing / sneezing.

    Hoping the best for you and all the rest of us.

  15. Wanda Brown on March 29th, 2020 4:31 am

    I have diabetes1 that is uncontrollable which makes me high risk. I’m so scared
    Scared. I wear a mask gloves and glasses when I go out. I wash my hands all the time and I have antiseptics I use all the time. I’m still scared