Ensley Chiefs Concession Stand Burglarized And Vandalized. They Won’t Press Charges If It’s Fixed.

March 1, 2020

Someone burglarized and vandalized the Ensley Chiefs concession area at the J.R. Jones Athletic Park on Nine Mile Road Friday night, and the sports association is giving the perpetrators a chance to make amends to avoid jail.

Graffiti, some of which is too vulgar for us to publish, was painted on the concession area, and the suspects entered the building where they took all of the canned drinks, sunflower seeds and chips. They even took frozen french fries and chicken fingers. The graffiti was also spray painted inside the building.

The Ensley Youth Sports Association says the perpetrators were caught on video, and they giving them a chance to right their wrong.

“If they will contact us directly to repair the damage, we will not press charges,” a board member said. They can be contacted on their Facebook page.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Ensley Chiefs Concession Stand Burglarized And Vandalized. They Won’t Press Charges If It’s Fixed.”

  1. BG on March 1st, 2020 10:23 pm

    hi Matt
    You are WRONG AS YOU CAN BE :
    They did it to them self’s. Live and learn. That’s life.

  2. Matt Demouy on March 1st, 2020 9:26 pm

    Alot better than destroying lives w record and arrests.. Makes more sense to handle it private if possible.

  3. Stephanie Price on March 1st, 2020 9:17 pm

    Offer a reward. I promise you, someone will tell.

  4. Bewildered on March 1st, 2020 4:15 pm

    Alan Davis is so correct. Why give second and third chances to thieves and vandals? If there are no consequences they will continue with their destructive behavior. They should be forced to work their sorry butts off and the parents held responsible for all damages and items stolen.
    If you are waiting for this trash to voluntarily come forward, forget it! A snowball in hell has a better chance.

  5. Barbara Agerton on March 1st, 2020 4:00 pm

    Lock them up,lock them up,lock them up……….

  6. Alan M. Davis on March 1st, 2020 3:10 pm

    Ensley Youth Sports Association just made this a civil matter by offering up some payment other than a criminal charge. Any rat fink defense attorney will eat Ensley Association alive. They will learn the hard way when a defense attorney takes this for a motion to dismiss and argues its a civil matter due to this public offering of a civil agreement. In fact, good luck getting the sheriff’s office or state attorney to even look at the case as law enforcement and prosecutors do not get involved with civil matters. The perpetrators will walk and Ensley Youth Association will not be reimbursed. Good luck getting a civil court judge to make any juveniles pay restitution. Not going to happen. Always always file a police report and press charges as no one else will do the investigation like a police department can. Good luck using google trying to find your perpetrators!

  7. Heather on March 1st, 2020 12:36 pm

    I run this concession stand. Myself, husband and and son’s have put a lot of hard work into this building. When I seen all the damage inside and out I just cried. I was so mad and hurt. I pray that the parents of these juveniles reconize some of this stuff and turn them in. I know it’s doubtful but I can have hopes. Thank you NorthEscambia for help getting the word out.

  8. Tres Barraclough on March 1st, 2020 12:11 pm

    If they reach an agreement with the perpetrators to fix it and make it right, and the perpetrators don’t follow through with that agreement the ball field will lose the right to prosecute. Failure to follow through with an agreement would be a civil matter at that point. Charges need to be filed, perpetrators need to be arrested and the court can order restitution in order for Inslee to be made whole. Victim can always ask Court to withhold adjudication so long as the restitution has been fulfilled.

  9. tg on March 1st, 2020 10:37 am

    That tells me you know who they are.LOCKEM UP!

  10. JTV on March 1st, 2020 9:42 am

    Maybe they should be arrested and the weakling judges in Pensacola should make them paint, fix, repurchase the stolen goods, then work as garbage pickup and bathroom cleaning the entire baseball football season this year.

  11. Sedition on March 1st, 2020 9:37 am

    Don’t punish them, they won’t learn anything.

  12. Angela Thompson on March 1st, 2020 9:35 am

    I think it is admirable to extend a second chance to probably some teens who need a chance to be shown they are worth more than the ‘label’ many have called them.

    Good Job, Ensley Chief Board!
    I’m proud to know many of you.

    And to the public:
    Please consider SUPPORTING your local league sports complexes. There is a great need for sports that our school systems can NOT deliver on the demand asked of them. I recently became aware of this as my 8th grade middle schooler signed up with OVER 200 students to try-out for a 20ish member volley ball team. There is no way one middle school or highschool can manage multiple teams with their budget/ funding.
    There are parents and students willing to support financially as well as be involved inorder to better themselves through sports.
    Ensley Chiefs are just one of many city teams that change lives in supporting exercise, inclusion (many are turned away from school try-outs but all are accepted at city leagues), dedication and team spirit. All qualities that will make better citizen I want to live near in the future.

  13. Sam on March 1st, 2020 8:37 am

    You folks are a lot more forgiving than i could be. Got em on video lol. I’m guessing they never heard of this site. Put em on the news.

  14. MR REALITY on March 1st, 2020 2:02 am

    This is a new breed of criminal. THEY DO NOT CARE AND WONT DO A THING TO MAKE IT RIGHT! Press charges to the fullest extent of the law. Do not waste time with this trash.