DeSantis Cracks Down On Travelers From New York; Encourages All Age 65+ To Stay Home For Two Weeks

March 25, 2020

Gov. Ron DeSantis is following through on his plan to crack down on people fleeing the COVID-19 shelter-in-place ordera for Florida, and he’s urging everyone 65 and older to stay home for the next couple of weeks.

DeSantis issued an executive order that requires anyone that traveled to Florida from New York, New Jersey or Connecticut in the past three weeks to self-isolate or quarantine for 14 days or for the length of their visit, whichever is shorter. They must also notify officials of the people they’ve had contact with since they arrived in the state. Violating the order is a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for up to 60 days and a fine of up to $500.

The National Guard  is stationed at major airports in the state to help with screenings and take temperatures of planes arriving from restricted areas. The governor expects to expand the National Guard’s presence to smaller airports in the next few days.

“That’s the only way we can be sure that that virus is not going to be reintroduced in the state of Florida and then spread,” DeSantis said during a Tuesday press conference.

In addition, DeSantis is  ordering  Surgeon General Scott Rivkees to issued a public health order encouraging those 65 and over and those of any age with underlying medical conditions  to stay at home for 14 days,

“Folks who are 65-plus are the ones that have the best chance to suffer a negative outcome, and that’s disproportionately so when you talk about fatalities.” DeSantis said. “We want to make sure those folks are protected.”


19 Responses to “DeSantis Cracks Down On Travelers From New York; Encourages All Age 65+ To Stay Home For Two Weeks”

  1. David Huie Green on March 28th, 2020 2:10 am

    “regarding the 2017-2018 flu season: in the US alone there were estimated 61,000 deaths. So far in the US the coronavirus is responsible for approximately 1,200 + deaths.”

    And today, it’s: 1,701 (to update: )

    It would be nice if people didn’t act as if Covid-19 and the flu were interchangeable. With flu, about one in a thousand dies. Of those hospitalized worldwide with Covid-19, we’re now up around 17% died. Our president keeps confusing the two, but they are different. We should know better. It hits people differently, kils differently, lingers differently.

    Based on
    The 2017–2018 flu season resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and 61,099 deaths. (So many never went to the hospital.) This is the highest number of patient claims since the 2009 flu season (i.e. not typical even for flu.).

  2. Jack on March 27th, 2020 7:31 am

    Regardless of the numbers the coronavirus is a terrible and scary epidemic….please protect yourself and your families. The CDC has issued information on what we should do, please do your part. Also regarding the 2017-2018 flu season: in the US alone there were estimated 61,000 deaths. So far in the US the coronavirus is responsible for approximately 1,200 + deaths. Just FYI.

  3. JOHN on March 26th, 2020 7:23 pm

    Cases are piling up thanks to people from New York who have to go everywhere else and spread their problems.

  4. Lee on March 26th, 2020 6:23 pm

    We are hearing from elected officials who are ready to open up Florida beaches, disregarding what medical officials say. In fact, it’s still too early to even know what the consequences might result from keeping Pensacola Beach open for spring break. How about a test? Let Trump hold a rally, see who attends, test everyone in a couple weeks, publish the infection rate, and visit the issue again.

  5. New York on March 26th, 2020 2:28 pm

    To everyone who does not think this is a
    bad virus. I would suggest you hop on a plane, fly to New York and see what the Doctors and nurses are going through. Then you can judge. And by the way, I am a Republican and our Governor blew it.

  6. Agree on March 26th, 2020 2:10 pm

    I will believe Doctors and nurses any day instead of a politician. I pray for all the medical personnel on the front lines fighting this virus.

  7. He’s still a clown and so are you on March 26th, 2020 12:30 pm

    B100: I’m actually not a Democrat, so your assumptions of my character are off. But regardless, I’m not here to debate political ideology with you or anyone else because this isn’t about politics. This is about the citizens of Florida and their lives. You obviously have no idea how this whole pandemic works. Your perfectly healthy and young nephew goes to work at his construction job(which is manned by hundreds of people from all around). While on the job he comes into contact with someone who is infected but doesn’t know it because they aren’t showing symptoms. Your nephew goes home and comes contacts his wife, kids, etc. and now the virus has spread into another household and continues to spread. That’s why I’m for a state wide shut down. Because people’s lives are more important than money. Maybe you should pull your head out of the sand and think about someone other than yourself once and a while.

  8. Lee on March 26th, 2020 9:46 am

    B100, dont be so quick to believe that everyone who thinks Desantis got this wrong is a Democrat. His job is tough and hindsite is 20/20. Still, his actions were not aligned with what medical and healthcare experts were telling us. We dont get a do over. Also, we should be aware of who really benefitted from leaving the beaches open. Follow the money, regardless of political party.

  9. @ Nurse on March 25th, 2020 10:29 pm

    Nurse needs to get her facts straight! Covid 19 has killed far less than the flu this year so far. Covid 19 deaths worldwide are 21,283 as of now. Flu is double or triple that number. It’s bad enough so let’s not make this worse than it is!

  10. Nurse on March 25th, 2020 8:13 pm

    I work in medical field. I am not trying to argue, your facts are wrong. The flu killed between 12,000 to 61,000 in 2019. We are at 64,000 as of tonight. I promise you this is nothing compared to the flu. I pray for a vaccine.

  11. Dr. Fauci on March 25th, 2020 8:00 pm

    This will be ten times worst than the flu
    This will be nothing like the flu.

  12. Summer on March 25th, 2020 7:52 pm

    How would Desantis feel if his wife and children were infected, oh wait they are all being quarantined, (must be nice) it’s ashamed I have to go to work at a finance company (that they say is essential) and have to deal with customers! First a high rate finance company is NOT essential! They tell us to let them in one at a time, well that one may be a carrier of the virus and I have to go home to my husband and 5 children and possibly give them this nasty virus! It’s all about money even the company I work for they don’t care about their employees they care about money! This is a SERIOUS virus THAT IS KILLING PEOPLE AND NOW GETTING THE YOUNG AND CHILDREN!!! Come on you coward! We all need to be home quarantined so they can get a grip on this deadly virus! This is just the start of it and look how many people have gotten the virus look how many people have died! What in gods name is wrong with you

  13. No hoax on March 25th, 2020 3:24 pm

    This is not a hoax people. Florida will be hit hard. Governor to scared to make harsh decisions. Alabama next, same type of Governor.

  14. B100 on March 25th, 2020 3:12 pm

    He’s a clown: you are obviously a Democrat and likely don’t support or respect anyone in our government. DeSantis is an elected official and doing what he thinks needs to be done. Does it affect you that badly? “Re-introduced” may not been the best choice of words but nevertheless. Maybe you should run for govenor. Hhmmmm. That’s a scary thought! Not only the virus but the unreasonable impact on the economy is also a great concern. Do you have an idea how many people were hospitalized and died of the flu during 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 flu seasons? Check it out.

  15. He’s a clown on March 25th, 2020 12:39 pm

    This guy is a total clown. He clearly has no clue what’s going on in his own state. His plan would have been beneficial two weeks ago. But he says he doesn’t want Florida “reintroduced” to the virus… Florida already has the virus inside and it’s not contained, new cases are being found every day. The state needs to be shut down and put on a mandatory quarantine for two weeks. Then and only then will all the case of the virus be found and contained. Until that happens, more people are gonna get infected and sadly some won’t be able to recover from it. It’s easy for him to say the state doesn’t need to be shut down when he’s already quarantined.

  16. Get ready on March 25th, 2020 11:14 am

    Just my personal opinion. Florida get ready, our state is next in line. Not enough was implemented to slow it down.

  17. sam on March 25th, 2020 10:05 am

    the folks in flomaton would tell em “I’m goin to the pig.” also gas is 1.90 in century and 2.05 in flomaton. who would ever thought that?

  18. Self-Quarantined on March 25th, 2020 8:09 am

    We got back from NYC within that 3 week window. Which sort of “officials” should we be reporting to?

  19. Niknak50 on March 25th, 2020 7:43 am

    It would help also to monitor all roads coming in to the state. I really wouldn’t have a problem with checkpoints, asking people what is their businesss here in Florida. At least for the next 3 weeks.