Civilian Contractor At Corry Station Tests Positive For COVID-19

March 26, 2020

On March 26, 2020 a civilian contractor assigned to Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station reported they tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). The civilian contractor is currently in their residence in Pensacola, and is following medical guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines.

The civilian contractor began experiencing symptoms on Wednesday, March 18. On Thursday, March 19 the civilian contractor visited Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola to test for COVID-19, then returned to self-isolation in residence. On March 26, the civilian contractor’s test results came back positive for COVID-19. Four service members, who had been in contact with the civilian contractor, have been in self-isolation since March 19. They were also recently tested for COVID-19. The service members will remain in self-isolation for the prescribed time of 14 days and/or when the test results are received. IWTC Corry Station is following the guidelines set forth by the Department of Defense.

“The Navy and IWTC Corry Station is committed to taking every measure possible to protect the health of our force. We remain in close coordination with state and federal authorities, and public health authorities to ensure the well-being of our personnel and local population,” a statement said.


One Response to “Civilian Contractor At Corry Station Tests Positive For COVID-19”

  1. Daniel on March 27th, 2020 12:37 pm

    What about the service members that were in contact with them?..they are in danger too!!! I have a child that is pregnant on that sight!!..this is beyond messed up!!! What are doing to protect her?!!!