Century Correctional Officer Assaulted By Convicted Murderer

March 19, 2020

A correctional officer was recently assaulted at Century Correctional Institution by convicted murderer, according to information released  by the Florida Department of Corrections.

Inmate Demetrius Benjamin assaulted an officer by striking them in the face with a closed fist. Staff responded appropriately, and the inmate was subdued, FDC said.

Benjamin remains at Century CI, serving a 25-year sentence for second degree murder (dangerous act), according to prison system records.


6 Responses to “Century Correctional Officer Assaulted By Convicted Murderer”

  1. Quincy on June 10th, 2020 11:01 pm

    I was at that institution for 4 yrs. In h dorm.
    It was summer camp to me. I called it Harvard Law School. That law library was were I learned law and it’s benefited me since I was released in 2005.

  2. Kci on March 20th, 2020 9:11 pm

    The Florida Department of Corrections has made working in its prisons one the most dangerous jobs available. Inmates have little to no respect for staff and the Officers hands are tied in how they respond to incidents. I worked in a Prison where Inmates threw feces and urine on staff several times a week. If the staff responds as we would expect them to respond, they get reprimanded. So the staff just take it and send it up with the hopes that the Inmates will be charged with Battery, but that rarely happens. Many years ago FDC didn’t have these problems because the Inmates understood that there were consequences for their action. Battery on staff was absolutely not tolerated. Times sure have changed. I hope that the Officer who was struck in the face is ok and all of you who are working there be careful and have each other’s back.

  3. Willis on March 19th, 2020 10:19 pm

    I’m sorry Kelly apparently my sarcasm was lost on you.

    Write ups (Paper work ) is all that is typically done in these incidents which is a bunch of BS.

  4. But... just maybe... on March 19th, 2020 11:05 am

    @Kelly: But… sometimes it’s all part of the Correctional Officer training program. Often, you have officers who yell at and talk crazy to inmates until they eventually get punched in the face. Then they adjust their interactions to a more respectful level for the rest of their careers. It’s a character building thing.

  5. Kelly on March 19th, 2020 10:15 am

    To Willis: Are you serious? He has a 25 year sentence. What is paper going to teach him? He will just assualt someone else, possibly seriously hurt or kill some staff member trying to feed their family. Put a whupping on him and a good one. That will teach him. Then put him on close managemnet for the next 7 or 8 years.

  6. Willis on March 19th, 2020 5:29 am

    Put the paper on him.
    That’ll teach him !!!

    Just not toilet paper.