Cantonment Man Caught With Cocaine In Hand And Stolen PB&J Uncrustables In His Pants, ECSO Says

March 11, 2020

A Cantonment man was caught at a Walmart store with stolen peanut butter and jelly Uncrustables in his pants and cocaine in his hand, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

George Javier Diaz, 22, was charged with possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia and retail petit theft. His girlfriend Jessica Nicole Lynn Blackmon, 23, was charged with retail petit theft after the incident at Walmart on Mobile Highway.

They were caught on surveillance video stealing sunglasses, a necklace, t-shirt, shorts, and peanut and jelly Uncrustables with a total value of $44.67 while paying only 91 cents for the items, according to an arrest report.

When Diaz was detained, deputies told him multiple times to drop the items in his left hand, which included a Walmart receipt and yellow piece of paper that contained a white powdery substance later identified as cocaine, the report states. Deputies recovered the peanut butter and jelly Uncrustables from inside Diaz’s pants legs, along with a necklace in his right pocket. The stolen clothing items were removed from Blackmon’s person.

The ESCO also reported removing a spoon with cocaine residue, a bag unused syringes, one used syringe with blood in it, and a bag of a white powdery substance that tested positive for cocaine from Diaz’s vehicle in the parking lot.

The stolen items were returned to Walmart.


7 Responses to “Cantonment Man Caught With Cocaine In Hand And Stolen PB&J Uncrustables In His Pants, ECSO Says”

  1. mike on March 11th, 2020 5:04 pm

    hmm. ready to go, wherever the day takes you…including prison. :)

  2. mq on March 11th, 2020 2:29 pm

    The very last sentence says” the stolen items were returned to walmart”. I reread the article as I wanted to make sure I had read it right.

  3. sam on March 11th, 2020 2:29 pm

    whatcha bet he’s back on the street tomorrow.

  4. Read Carefully on March 11th, 2020 1:25 pm

    “these items are now considered evidence and will likely be held by ESCO.”

    read the article all the way to the end.

    “The stolen items were returned to Walmart.”

  5. Just sayin on March 11th, 2020 12:33 pm

    MQ – these items are now considered evidence and will likely be held by ESCO.

  6. mq on March 11th, 2020 10:56 am

    Not very comforting to think the products will go back on the shelves at WalMartwith possible cocaine residue and who knows what else is on them. Glad he was caught, though.

  7. Puzzled on March 11th, 2020 8:34 am

    Wierd mix. Uncrustables an cocaine?? Thought that drug made you not eat??
