Baptist Releases Full COVID-19 Test Result Information. The Other Local Hospitals Have Not.

March 28, 2020

Baptist Healthcare became the first local hospital to release full COVID-19 testing data, but so far other local health care providers have not.

On Saturday, Baptist said they have collected 316 samples outside of their hospitals. Of these samples taken, 119 have resulted negative; six have resulted positive; and 191 results are pending. That is about a five percent positive rate among results.

Baptist also said they have three COVID-19 positive patients at Gulf Breeze Hospital and two COVID-19 positive patients at Baptist Hospital.

Ascension Sacred Heart, West Florida Hospital and Community Health of Northwest Florida have not provided complete data on the COVID-19 tests they have administered. They have not said how many of their tests are negative, how many are pending or the number of positives.

“We expect to join other area providers in jointly reporting testing data soon to provide the community with an accurate accounting of COVID-19 cases in the area,” Baptist said in a statement.


3 Responses to “Baptist Releases Full COVID-19 Test Result Information. The Other Local Hospitals Have Not.”

  1. Truth on March 30th, 2020 7:21 pm

    You praise Baptist hospital but reality is they aren’t doing their own testing so they have plenty of time to report these numbers. They are sending all samples to Sacred Heart to be tested. Good job praising the messenger and not doing your research to find out who is truly doing the work to make these numbers possible.

  2. Logic on March 30th, 2020 5:41 am

    There are only two possibilities- 1) they are unable to respond 2) they are unwilling to respond. Since they reply to other request- that leaves only option #2- or- as I refer to it number two.

  3. Ridiculous on March 29th, 2020 3:00 am

    This is ridiculous, Sacred and WF need to start posting their info. Sacred did a TON of tests, but is not reporting data. There are plenty of suspected people in Sacred and WF with Covid19 right now, but it takes way too long to get any test results. Everybody needs REAL DATA.