Baptist, Jay And Gulf Breeze Hospitals Now Have A No Visitation Policy In Place

March 24, 2020

A no visitation policy with limited entry doors has been enacted at Baptist Hospital, Gulf Breeze Hospital and Jay Hospital.

Visitor exceptions will be made for end of life and critical caregivers. Approved visitors will be actively screened prior to entrance with CDC screening questions and temperature checks. They hospital said they recognize and value the vital role friends and family play in restoring the health of their loved ones, but they believe these measures are necessary for the well being of our patients, team members and the community.

Under government guidelines, elective surgeries and procedures at Baptist Health Care facilities have been postponed. This includes Andrews Institute Ambulatory Surgery Center, Baptist Medical Park – Nine Mile Ambulatory Surgery Center, Baptist Hospital, Gulf Breeze Hospital and Jay Hospital.

Baptist is working with all patients to reschedule their care to a future date and ensuring their current needs are being met. Exceptions will be made for time-sensitive and urgent needs on a patient-by-patient basis. This action allows us to redeploy resources including supplies, equipment and staff to meet the current and future needs.

All screening appointments for imaging, including mammograms, DEXA scans, lung CTs and screening endoscopy, are being rescheduled for late April. Medically urgent imaging appointments will remain unchanged as scheduled


5 Responses to “Baptist, Jay And Gulf Breeze Hospitals Now Have A No Visitation Policy In Place”

  1. Bm on March 24th, 2020 9:47 pm

    Good move ..

    And Jill ..very good bet that the hip surgery will be
    Postponed..we will be praying for you and everyone

  2. Al on March 24th, 2020 3:40 pm

    Yes but if it’s a emergency surgery.. it still can be done.. correct

  3. ROBERT on March 24th, 2020 2:47 pm

    This is gonna cause huge issues. People will not like being kept from sick loved ones like a spouse or child.

  4. Jill White on March 24th, 2020 1:30 pm

    I totally understand and I fully agree with this. I wish it started earlier. Thank you all for your service and commitment.

  5. Jill White on March 24th, 2020 1:28 pm

    I’m scheduled for hip replacement on April 15th and pre op on March 26, 2020. Are these appointments also cancelled.
    I really need to know Thank you