Woman Charged With Stealing Thousands From Ransom Middle School Choral Booster Club

February 8, 2020

The former treasurer and president of the Ransom Middle School Choral Booster Club has been charged with stealing thousands of dollars from the organization.

Leslie Marie Davis, 36, is charged with organized scheme to defraud, a second degree felony.

An internal Escambia County School District investigation found $16,519.20 in “regular” purchase believed to be irregular and missing deposits.

The Ransom Middle Chorus planned a trip to New York to perform at Carnegie Hall in late April 2019. Money was collected from students and families to pay for the trip, but it was canceled in early April due to a financial shortfall. Refunds were issued to families using booster club funds supplemented by school district funds.

Davis was treasurer of the booster club from February 2018 to October 2018 when she was named president. The booster club was dissolved at the request of the Escambia County School District in June 2019. As of late January 2020, Davis has not provided any club financial records in her possession as requested by the district, according to court documents.

Debit cards were issued to Davis, and she signed all checks beginning February 9, 2018, the report states.

The school district investigator found $16,519.20 in irregular purchases that were described as more personal in nature, affidavit states. Those transactions included ATM withdrawals, cash withdrawals and purchases made with cash back; Walmart, Target, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Walgreens, CVS Pharmacy, Amazon, Lowes, salon and spa, and Navy Federal Credit Union cafe purchases; gaming app purchases; purchases at Tom Thumb, Shell, Raceway and Murphy Gas; grocery store, restaurant, and other food related purchases; Facebook donations; and pet-related purchases.

The investigator said she purchased food, cosmetics, cigarettes, clothing, pet food, pet items, vehicle oil changes, tires, gift cards and Christmas presents usings Ransom Middle School Choral Booster Club funds. The personal purchases by Davis resulted in the club bank account being overdrawn. There were 28 overdraft charges totalling $1,008, of which $108 was refunded by the bank.

The investigation also found booster club deposits were short of the correct amount. Specifically, a State Attorney’s Office affidavit states:

  • In a fall 2018 coupon book fundraiser, the vendor said sales amounted to $10,185, but the amount deposited was $8,378, a difference of $1,807. After a spring 2019 coupon book fundraiser, the vendor documented $3,000 in sales, while the amount deposited was $2,605, a $395 difference.
  • An audit of the planned New York City trip found $21,960.65 was reported as collected for the trip but only $17,221.61 was deposited, a discrepancy of $4,739.04. Of that difference, $2,689 was recorded as deposits and posted to student accounts in accounting software used by the club, and $1,936 was reflected as “not posted” in student accounts and not actually deposited in the bank.
  • The school district investigator also reported two $500 check payments were recorded for Davis’ son, but the investigator was unable to verify the funds were actually deposited. The accounting software recorded an attempt by Davis to delete the $500 payments. In May 2019, Davis signed a refund request and later deposited a $736.89 check from the school district.
  • Court documents indicate a total of $4,000 in refunds using booster club funds were issued to parents , but the district could not identify any checks were issued from the club.

Davis was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $10,000 bond.


23 Responses to “Woman Charged With Stealing Thousands From Ransom Middle School Choral Booster Club”

  1. Chi Chang on February 10th, 2020 2:30 pm

    Money…… Root of all evil

  2. Alecia on February 10th, 2020 8:54 am

    She should really be ashame,she is nothing but a common thief. My granddaughter was really disappointed because the trip was cancelled.Work for what you want do not steal,especially from OUR KIDS! LOCK HER UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY! I AM MAD AS HELL!!!

  3. AM on February 10th, 2020 8:37 am

    What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Why not wait until the whole story comes out and then cry foul. I know her family and this is not what they do. I stand with her until the judge and/or jury say so.
    I will be one of the first to chastise her if found guilty and say pay for your misdeeds, but not yet ok?

  4. Crashandburn on February 9th, 2020 8:42 pm

    Felony will follow her for life. Yup, now try and get a job, employer does a check and suggests she mow lawns. Some people just can’t be trusted with others money. Thank goodness she didn’t work at a bank or other institution where much more could have been stolen.

  5. Esc co leo on February 9th, 2020 11:21 am

    Regarding jail time…

    People on here are always posting that nonviolent offenses shouldn’t be clogging up our prisons, they should be getting job training and probation, etc. Well guess what… this is a nonviolent offense, and probably a first offense also. I’d be shocked if she gets more than a year of probation, and zero jail time.

    And complaining about $10,000 bond? Other states are eliminating bond altogether and just giving them an court date and letting them go. A bunch of criminals getting no punishment. This is what “ending mass incarceration” looks like. Get use to it.

  6. Thomas Burch on February 9th, 2020 8:15 am

    All of this against this poor woman.She only needed to go to the spa and get her hair done. WHAT???? TYPICAL BEHAVIOR these day sadly.She really needs to be prosecuted

  7. Niknak50 on February 9th, 2020 7:54 am

    So would the kids have gone to Carnegie Hall had it not been for this woman?

  8. Kathy on February 8th, 2020 8:34 pm

    WOW! This is really sad to hear. She really needs to do time for her Actions

  9. Alan on February 8th, 2020 7:06 pm

    Only $10,000.00 bond of which she only had to pay one thousand to the bondsman to get out of jail.

    I bet she don’t even get no jail time if convicted. Crime seems to be paying around here.

  10. Jennifer Daly on February 8th, 2020 5:14 pm

    I’M SO MAD RIGHT NOW. I had given her money for tshirts we never got and had given her $150 for the chorus trip that she said no one else turned in their money so we’re not going and my money was nonrefundable because even though I specifically gave her money for the trip insurance she never purchased it. I’m so mad right now. It says that some people got their refund but I haven’t gotten a penny back.

  11. No Excuses on February 8th, 2020 3:27 pm

    She was taking from the pot from greed. She was having a grand time and buying what she needed and WANTED on the dime of the students and parents that were paying into the fund for a once in a lifetime trip to Carnegie Hall to perform! She thought she was getting over on everyone and enjoying herself while she did it. She needs more than a slap on the hand and to offer an apology. Jail time is needed here, to get her attention if nothing else.

    I also want to point out that she was in charge of the Booster club, not a district employee. Most of us are hard working, honest people. Background checks should be a requirement for anyone who is taking charge of any organization affiliated with the School District, especially if money is changing hands.

  12. Anne on February 8th, 2020 2:18 pm

    For those who are talking about the multiple debit cards, I have 3 from my bank. One for each of my accounts. There was most likely more than one account.

  13. Stumpknocker on February 8th, 2020 12:33 pm

    I see where some folks here are saying she may have needed the money like in a desperate way, I don’t think so according to the charges, spa and so forth. Look at her Facebook page she’s not someone in a desperate situation. This was nothing but pure greed and dishonesty at its worst. I’m wondering why there wasn’t a second person to help over see all purchases made so more then one person had access to the money.

  14. William Reynolds on February 8th, 2020 11:01 am

    “Debit card’S’….I wonder who’s the other card holder. Banks only issue one debit card per name”

    The investigation report says cardS issued to Davis. Speculation: They did issue more than one. Or one expired or was lost and replaced. Or….

  15. Anne on February 8th, 2020 9:52 am

    Leslie Marie Davis you MUST tell all of us why you did this.
    Your actions are Terrible and Horrible to take so much away from the Students who relied upon you to be a Good Steward of their, the parents, other contributors donations.
    I would hope that you must serve some jail time for these crimes you have done against children.

  16. Wow! on February 8th, 2020 9:36 am

    So sad! And we wonder why the kids have no morals….most of the time it trickles down from the parent. I hope her children do not follow in her footsteps. Maybe they needed the money in a desperate way but there are other ways to get financial help. I pray that she asks for forgiveness and can get her life straight for her children’s sake especially.

  17. karen on February 8th, 2020 9:15 am

    Her family should be so proud especially her children! Shame on you Leslie Davis may you have to hang your head in shame every time you are seen in public up and until you pay back every penny you stole and ask the students and their parents for forgiveness for robbing them of a once in a lifetime opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall.

  18. parent on February 8th, 2020 9:04 am

    I agree with MAT, the only difference is SHE REPAY IN Three times the amount.
    Her bond should have been 20,000.00.

  19. ROBERT on February 8th, 2020 8:54 am

    She needs to face those kids and parents and admit guilt and explain herself. To steal from children is as low as it gets. shameful.

  20. jason on February 8th, 2020 8:19 am

    May be she will run for mayor of century

  21. Hmmmm on February 8th, 2020 8:04 am

    Debit card’S'….I wonder who’s the other card holder. Banks only issue one debit card per name. So of there were cards, not a card, I wonder who else is guilty of these charges.

  22. mat on February 8th, 2020 7:05 am

    She needs to be ordered to stand in front of all the kids at a school assembly and tell the kids what she did with their money. And then repay every penny of it.

  23. Root on February 8th, 2020 6:26 am

    Shame on you!!