Student Arrested For Alleged Hit List Targeting Students At Ernest Ward Middle School

February 28, 2020

An Ernest Ward Middle School student has been arrested for an alleged hit list threatening other students last week.

Thursday afternoon, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the arrest but did not release the student’s name.

After writing the hit list naming other students that would be targeted, the student then reported that she found the note and turned it into school officials, leading to an investigation that delayed the departure of buses from the school on February 21.

“The evidence shows that the student that brought the note to the attention of the school was the person that created it,” ECSO Maj. Andrew Hobbs said following the incident. file photo.


7 Responses to “Student Arrested For Alleged Hit List Targeting Students At Ernest Ward Middle School”

  1. David on February 29th, 2020 12:43 pm

    You can have a zero policy or any name you want to give a policy..they will still do these things..a policy is not a magic coat that protects anyone.
    Thats why they call it breaking the policy.
    Mere paperwork and no deterrent
    It all starts at home..dont blame the educators for not raising your children right.
    That is your responsibility period.

  2. Audrey on February 29th, 2020 8:27 am


    If Mrs. Perry is still principle, she will enforce the zero tolerance policy. My 2 kids had her as principle and she didn’t take any bull off of any of the students.

  3. Jannie on February 28th, 2020 2:05 pm

    This is what I have been worried about. My child is suppose to start there next year. Please tell me why can’t parents send the children off to school without fear? Come on!!!

  4. Trisha on February 28th, 2020 10:50 am

    I have been waiting for this. The girl should have been arrested the day they knew it was her. Which from what I heard was the day it happened. Had any adult done this at their work you can bet that the sheriff’s would have hauled them to jail as soon as they arrived at the scene.

  5. The Manager on February 28th, 2020 10:13 am

    Why would she do this? I hope she has learned her lesson and can make a better life for herself. What a shame……she has no idea how many parents and students she has upset and made scared for that day…

  6. mat on February 28th, 2020 9:42 am

    Please enforce the ZERO TOLORENCE policy with her.
    This was not a joke and she should be punished accordingly.

  7. Dalton Brown on February 28th, 2020 9:35 am

    Been here years, never have posted but this caught my eye.

    I remember attending this school, and to see this is mind blowing.

    This is just getting closer and closer to home, and the more it does, the more it makes me want to keep my children out of the public system, and just home school them, at least until this is solved in some way, or until its stopping by majority.

    Thank God they caught them before.