Spanish Speaking Volunteers Needed For Primary

February 16, 2020

The Escambia County Supervisor of Elections is looking for Spanish speakers willing to assist with the Presidential Preference Primary.

This volunteer opportunity will take place Tuesday, March 17.

If you would like to find out more, please email Vicki Mizrahi or call her at (850) 595-3900.


7 Responses to “Spanish Speaking Volunteers Needed For Primary”

  1. mike on February 19th, 2020 1:36 am

    To become an American citizen:

    An English language test that evaluates your reading, writing, and speaking skills
    A civics test that evaluates your knowledge of U.S. history and government
    The English component combines the naturalization interview with the reading and writing tests. You will be asked about specific answers you provided on your citizenship application, and you will also be asked to write and read simple sentences dictated to you by a USCIS officer.

    hey, these are not my standards, and obviously they are NOT being enforced these days. so, i hope you all are happy with foreigners calling the shots, because that is what, in essence, you are allowing to happen, without these standards being enforced. :(

  2. Know your Florida Demographics on February 18th, 2020 6:24 pm

    Wow! An assumption that all Spanish speaking Americans are Democrats!

    Before you have “English Only” voter standards, there’s something you need to know about downstate.

    A substantial number of Cuban Americans, many naturalized citizens, only speak Spanish AND are Republicans!

    So, are you saying that since these Republicans do not speak or read English that they should not be eligible to vote in Florida?

  3. Denny on February 17th, 2020 11:32 pm

    Glad y’all weren’t around when my great-grandparents immigrated to this country. My grandparents spoke German and knew very little English, but raised several children who served during WWII and became teachers. My mother was one of them.

    Unless your ancestors were Native American, you also come from immigrant families who started out the same way as those you’re disrespecting here.

  4. bewildered on February 17th, 2020 10:52 am

    Why else would the Democratic Party encourage any and everyone to cross our borders? People who don’t speak English and therefore have no idea what they are even voting for will all mark one line only “democrat across the board” Who wouldn’t -? they are promised free everything, housing, food, medical care. You are no longer allowed to disagree – :the magical word “racist” will put you in your place.

  5. mike on February 16th, 2020 3:28 pm

    Can’t speak English you shouldn’t have the right to vote. You should need the ability to speak English fluently to become an American citizen, and only American citizens have the right to vote. If that is not so America is finished. :(

  6. Sedition on February 16th, 2020 3:12 pm

    Yet another sign that this country is going to hell.

  7. Willis on February 16th, 2020 2:23 pm

    Maybe some Democratic speaking to show them which candidate to vote for.
    What happened to 1 person 1 booth , make your mark, move on.

    How about some psychics to help the dearly departed in casting their vote ?