Renaming Part Of I-10 For Deputy Killed 30 Years Ago Under Consideration

February 3, 2020

An effort is underway to rename a portion of I-10 in Escambia County for an Escambia County deputy killed in the line of duty over 30 years ago.

On December, 3, 1988, Deputy Donald Ray Cook was on his way to an off duty job in his patrol car.  While monitoring his police radio, Cook learned of a high speed pursuit of armed robbers on I-10 headed into Escambia County from Santa Rosa County.

Cook responded to I-10 where he set up a roadblock in the west bound lane between the off ramp to Highway 29 and the I -10 spur near the railroad trestle. Cook exited his vehicle and the pursuit continued toward the roadblock where he was struck and killed. The suspect were taken into custody several miles away after their vehicle was disabled.

Cook was a five-year veteran of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

“His name is engraved on the Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington D.C., and he is recognized at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, but we have reached a point in time where our citizens need to be reminded daily of the sacrifice our officers make, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. One way we could do this is to name an appropriate section of Interstate 10 in memory of Deputy Donald Ray Cook,” retired FDLE Agent Ed Hudson of McDavid wrote in an email to Senator Doug Broxson’s Office.

On Thursday, the Escambia County Commission will vote on a resolution to support renaming I-10 between Davis Highway and Highway 29 for Deputy Don Cook. If approved the resolution will advance to Broxson’s office the Legislature.


26 Responses to “Renaming Part Of I-10 For Deputy Killed 30 Years Ago Under Consideration”

  1. Michelle on September 25th, 2021 12:29 pm

    Don was my dad’s friend and fellow deputy. He told me about him today. He remembers him well and I think he would like me to tell his family he still thinks about him. I’m sorry for your loss. I don’t remember it now, but I’m sure I knew all about it when it happened. It looks like he has been remembered very well by many people. Much love.

  2. Reid Mason on July 4th, 2020 11:28 pm

    Yes by all means rename it. Honor this deputy’s sacrifice

  3. Shannon on July 4th, 2020 11:49 am

    Don is the grandfather of my three children, they never were able to meet their grandfather, all they have is others memories of him. They honor him and keep his memory alive. My son just moved into his new home and has a wall in his living room dedicated to his grandfather. No doubt Don is with them often his radio number is listed in a list of numbers that my son will use his whole life, my daughters first horse show the number pinned to her shirt was his radio number, we all see his radio number monthly somehow, just his reminder to us that he is with us. #256 always in our hearts

  4. Cynthia Boyd on February 7th, 2020 12:02 pm

    Donnie was my first cousin and his death hurt the family, friends,co-workers, and many business owners.He was a very good Deputy, father, cousin,son, and was given the gift of humor that brighten everyone’s days. Honor him!!!!!!

  5. Mack Weeks on February 4th, 2020 2:49 pm

    I was a young man when this happened and remember Deputy Cook’s untimely death and the heartfelt pain the entire community felt. Later in life I had the pleasure of working with and oftentimes beside that newborn son he left behind. Donald Cook Jr.
    I’m all for naming anything after his father, it was Deputies like him who made this world a better place. Let’s not EVER FORGET their lives.

  6. SUNSHINE on February 4th, 2020 8:45 am

    Don’t take another 30 years to honor a officer, Firefighter OR First responder when killed in the line of duty. We have enough interstate , please continue this for there family members.

  7. J cook molino fla on February 3rd, 2020 11:51 pm

    My brother in law was a wonderful person,he was one of a kind,always making you laugh,he deserves to have his name up on interstate,and not forgotten,he’s surely missed by us all,I pray it happens,don’t let his family down on this,I just wish James and Tommy his brothers where to see it when it happens they would be mighty pleased,I know I am,we miss him ,his laugh ,smile,and jokes,always.

  8. Jamie Lowman on February 3rd, 2020 10:26 pm

    He was a great man and a great friend to my Daddy. I will never forget how broken Daddy’s heart was when Mr. Don was killed. He and his family need to be honored for their sacrifice!

  9. Brenda Estes on February 3rd, 2020 9:47 pm

    The world

  10. Retired ECSO on February 3rd, 2020 9:12 pm

    Yes, This needs to be done. Don was a great guy and sacrificed his own life. Please do this

  11. Leesa Holland on February 3rd, 2020 8:07 pm

    When Donnie was killed All of Pensacola mourned, the funeral procession and streets looked like Memphis when Elvis died. He was a well respected Deputy who was willing to give his life for Pensacola. We Must make this happen to honor him, and his beliefs,PENSACOLA and his family, his 4 elementary children and under who grew up without their father including his first newborn son Donnie Jr. ALL of which have raised his grandchildren to know and love him as if he had known and loved them himself. PLEASE VOTE YES.

  12. fred brandenburg on February 3rd, 2020 7:32 pm

    yes Don Cook was a great deputy and a friend .met him when he was at escambia high school on Friday night football games . when i heard of him losing his life it was tough. give him the honor that is over due. miss you Don Cook

  13. Danny Weeden on February 3rd, 2020 7:31 pm

    Don and I were childhood friends, grew up next door to each other on Massachusetts Ave. I totally support this effort to rename part of I-10 in his honor

  14. Leesa Holland on February 3rd, 2020 7:22 pm

    Donnie was the Elvis Presley of deputies, meaning people lined the streets of Pensacola in reverence of his tragic death. It would honor be such and honor to many to see him chosen as the representative for those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice!

  15. Jason on February 3rd, 2020 4:37 pm

    @ Carlos McGugin

    The suspects involved in this case were brothers from South Carolina. They were arrested on 12/3/88 and convicted and sentenced in September 1989. One was sentenced to 22 years the other 27 years.

    Both served a portion of their sentences and were subsequently released according to FL DOC records in February 2002 and the other in June 2003.

    You can read more information concerning their case and sentencing from their appeals court record which is annotated in the following link:

  16. DebbieM on February 3rd, 2020 2:17 pm

    I knew Don Cook too. He worked security at the motel I worked at on Hwy 29. I am definitely in favor of this so his name is never forgotten.

  17. Debra Phillips on February 3rd, 2020 12:28 pm

    Don was a wonderful man and family friend. His humor was adictting. There was never a full moment around him.His love for his wife and children was so great. Thanks for keeping his memory alive. You are our hero !!

  18. retired on February 3rd, 2020 11:10 am

    Deputy Cook was a good man. We all lost a friend

  19. S Davis on February 3rd, 2020 9:59 am

    Deputy Cook worked security at the store where I worked. He was very friendly to the workers and customers. He always had us laughing. When he was killed we all felt like we had lost a friend. He definitely deserves this honor. He gave his life to protect others.

  20. Mike on February 3rd, 2020 9:58 am

    What’s taken them so long! Should have been done decades ago!

  21. Facetious Bob on February 3rd, 2020 9:33 am

    For all of us who knew Don remember him as on of the good guys. It was truly a horrendous incident that took his life together with the ensuing crash on Pensacola Blvd.

    The only marker in his name is the generic one under the overpass in the eastbound lanes of Interstate 10. He really deserves more.

  22. Carlos E McGugin on February 3rd, 2020 8:58 am

    I am curious as to what happened to the criminal that killed him.

  23. Leslie Spotts on February 3rd, 2020 8:20 am

    I am a Native Pensacolian and lived there when this happened. It was tragic and needless slaughter. I am very much in favor of naming a highway for a true hero.

  24. Rob Krauss on February 3rd, 2020 7:47 am

    This is such an honor for those that sacrifice their lives and as you say, a reminder of how dangerous their jobs really are – we take that for granted !!

  25. Dale on February 3rd, 2020 7:25 am

    It needs to be done. His name shouldn’t be forgotten. If anything, replace some of those crooked politicians who have their names plastered everywhere on highways and bridges. I don’t see any of them risking their lives to protect the public.

  26. JTV on February 3rd, 2020 7:06 am

    The man should be honored.