Man Found Shot To Death In Escambia County Front Yard

February 14, 2020

A man found shot to death in a front yard in Escambia County Friday morning has been identified as 33-year old Tony Grandison, Jr.

Grandison’s roommate came home to find Grandison in the yard about 6:30 a.m. near Brook Meadow Lane and Winodee Road, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s OFfice. Shell casings were also found nearby.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is continuing their investigation.

Photos by Mac McAllister WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Man Found Shot To Death In Escambia County Front Yard”

  1. RLH on February 22nd, 2020 5:40 pm

    Well 9 times out of 10, gangs and drug dealers get ahold of guns that are already illegal…. they come from people that buy them legally and sell them illegally. It’s the crazy ones that that don’t have any prior convictions and can pass a background check that go in to legally buy a gun with one thing on their mind, murder!!! Mass murders!!!! How many of the mass murder shooters had prior convictions??? How many of them obtained a gun legally?? The drug dealers and gangs aren’t going to get on NAS to shoot up a business, they’re not going to shoot up a school!!! No these types of people are supposedly law abiding citizens that snap or kids that have been picked on that have access to their patents legally obtained weapon!!!!

    Tony was a hard worker, he was young, he was a son, a brother and a father…. rest easy Tony!!! I’m praying for your friends and family, I send them love and my deepest condolences… I hope they find who did this!!!!

  2. Milton on February 16th, 2020 10:36 am

    Escambia County does not have a gun problem, it has a street gang and drug problem. I attended an FDLE Street Gang Law Enforcement Training several years ago and in 2015 70% of the murders in Pensacola were caused by two rival gangs feuding over drug turf. Overall crime is at a 50 year low. Everyone that wants a job has a job. Thank your Republican Party.

  3. To Pensacola ed on February 15th, 2020 11:02 pm

    You can definitely purchase firearms from the gun show without a back ground check they are all kind of personal sales and trades you do not have to have any paperwork

  4. NRA? on February 15th, 2020 5:51 pm

    @rational…..what the heck does the nra have to do with this? This guy was known to associate himself with some seedy folks who likely had stolen/illegal firearms(most are convicted felons, as was the deceased) the nra doesn’t defend those types of folks having weapons, as it’s not a constitutional RIGHT for them. Not a single one of my firearms has ever hurt anyone but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I’ll use one to protect myself and my family. Some day you might need one too and you might thank an nra member for saving your butt.

  5. Pensacola Ed on February 15th, 2020 5:11 pm

    Rational, what an irrational comment. In the last 30 years, while private firearm ownership and lawful concealed carry have skyrocketed, due largely to the influence of the NRA, what do YOU think has happened to the violent crime and gun homicide rates in the US?

    You probably think they hsve skyrocketed also. You probably think gun violence is an “epidemic,”, am I right?

    You probably think that a person czn just walk into a gun show, buy a firearm with no background check and walk out with it.

    You probably think you can order a firearm off the internet and have it shipped to you with no background check.

    You probably think if you live in a State with strict gun laws and wouldn’t pass a background check. you csn simply travrl to a State with less steict gun laws snd buy one.

    If you think any of the above statements ithst start with. “You probably think…”s true you are wrong. Every one is false. Violent crime and gun homicide have dropped stesdily and significantly for 30 years, snd currently sit at historic LOW levels. It’s people like you, long on emotion but short on facts, that try to dictate or influence firearm policy that are the problem. Definitely NOT the NRA or its 5 million members.

  6. Rational on February 15th, 2020 11:33 am

    Wild West, keep supporting the NRA!

  7. Barbara cox on February 15th, 2020 11:19 am

    Don’t have anything else don’t understand

  8. retired on February 15th, 2020 9:43 am

    @ Steve

    guess these aren’t a HUMMDIGGER then

  9. Nikki on February 14th, 2020 6:48 pm

    How many does this make william?

  10. steve on February 14th, 2020 6:39 pm

    To RETIRED<,,,, The sheriff is not omnipresent…
    Crime is gonna occur no matter who is in charge..
    Its what happens after that leadership comes in to play.
    AND I think the sheriff handles these cases very well. Most of the shootings here lately have been over drugs and those that deal with them.
    And there has been an arrest of just about in every one of those cases.

  11. retired on February 14th, 2020 4:28 pm

    Good thing Morgan and Simmons have told us crime is down, other wise I would not believe it.

  12. Anne on February 14th, 2020 2:33 pm

    TERRIBLE, this is why we always carry whenever outside the home.
    Danger seems to surround us this past 10 or so years, killings and robbery is not an acceptable “New Norm”.
    Cops cannot prevent these type crimes, unpredictable and horrible.
    God Bless Us, Please Protect Us.