Hartung Sentenced To Life in Prison For Triple Murder

February 7, 2020

Donald Hartung will spend the rest of this life in prison. He was sentenced Friday afternoon to three consecutive life sentences.

Hartung, 63, was convicted last week on three counts of first degree premeditated murder  of his mother, 77-year old Voncile Smith and two half-brothers, 47-year old John Smith,and  49-year old Richard Smith.

Prosecutors said Hartung was intentionally left out of his mother’s will with everything set to go to John and Richard Smith. The state said the inheritance was Hartung’s motivation, and the only way he would collect any cash would be to kill all three.

The state had sought the death penalty in the case, but the jury did not unanimously agree.


5 Responses to “Hartung Sentenced To Life in Prison For Triple Murder”

  1. Wayne on February 9th, 2020 9:46 am

    At his age it is the death penalty .

  2. mike on February 8th, 2020 1:34 pm

    yep, use your vote to make sure everyone that got this unanimous thing going goes back to working a real job. the prisons are full enough without keeping murderers fat and happy. justice was NOT served in this case. i hope he is in gen pop where he will got some real punishment. :mad:

  3. Suzie B on February 8th, 2020 12:51 am

    I have watched this trial on the videos that I could find on various news channels. It appeared that there were a lot of questions on the processing of the crime scene. I’m glad I was not on that jury as it must have been difficult to make these decisions.

  4. mike on February 7th, 2020 8:26 pm

    stupid rule, amend it to judge ruling when jury not unanimous. taxes down the drain keeping murderers housed clothed and fed with free healthcare is not what most people want. that money could be used better elsewhere, like schools and rehabbing weak people addicted to drugs, etc. :mad:

  5. np630ss on February 7th, 2020 8:12 pm

    This is a travesty. This man planned and committed 3 murders. That is the definition of premeditation. If that doesn’t warrant the death penalty, nothing does.