Escambia School District Announces Coronavirus Plan

February 29, 2020

The Escambia County School District has announced their plan for dealing with coronavirus, should the need arise.

“The School District of Escambia County will be operating in compliance and in accordance with the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) preparedness plans, as set forth by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) and the Florida Department of Health (FDOH),” Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said.

The ECSD said DOH has been closely monitoring COVID-19 since November, 2019, and emphasizes that there is a low health risk in the United States. The FDOH Incident Management Team has been working with the CDC with daily updates, and hundreds of health department professionals are positioned to respond if the need arises in each county.

“Escambia County School District is working with the Escambia County Health Department to stay up-to-date on COVID-19,” Thomas added “Current recommendations are the same as the flu or other respiratory illnesses: Wash your hands. Cover your cough. Stay home when you are sick and, please, keep your children home when they are sick.”

If students or staff exhibit symptoms,  the district’s health services coordinator will be notified and she will in turn notify the health department.

Thomas noted, “This is a part of the school district’s current communicable disease procedure, which also pertains to other illnesses, not limited to COVID-19.”


15 Responses to “Escambia School District Announces Coronavirus Plan”

  1. Ginger on June 8th, 2020 11:14 pm

    Ok.Parents have to go back to work.Keeping a kid home missing work isn’t a option for some. So kids will go to school. Ppe.Lottsa Lysol should be provided.And like it or not mask.Because some kids D’s Love to hug . I don’t think anyone can know what’s gonna happen. But blamming people needs to stop. Try figuring out a way to help. They need to learn and we need to work.

  2. E Z on March 3rd, 2020 6:59 pm

    You say keeps sick kids at home; however, a person can have the virus 2 to 14 days before symptoms appear. They say don’t panic but like mentioned “they” knew about this since Nov 2019 and kept it secret. They say don’t panic – at the end of Feb only about 2 states WA and OR had known cases; by Mar 01 that was up to 6 states; now Mar 03 it is up to 15 states – that is doubled in just a couple of days, I have some masks and gloves already. Sorry, just cannot trust the government any more.

  3. Mike Davis the 3rd on March 2nd, 2020 11:45 am

    Haha this thing has all you freak out people on level 100 this is hilarious to see. Qheres my popcorn?

  4. William Reynolds on March 1st, 2020 11:42 pm


    It's a different strain of the coronavirus.

  5. Rhammond on March 1st, 2020 11:34 pm

    The back of the Lysol can states coronavirus…this didn’t just come about!!!! HELLO!!!

  6. Mike on March 1st, 2020 1:55 pm

    @JB What do you mean when you say most of US products are made in China? The groceries we buy and eat are not made in China. The gas we use in cars and cars too are not made in China. The houses we live in were not built in China. Cheap electronics and clothes are made in China. They pose no risk whatsoever concerning the virus. Nothing coming from China except people bring any virus threats.

    The virus itself is just a common flu, just a bit more virulent. 20 000 have died in US from a common flue since the Chinese virus outbreak, yet a few cases of the Chinese flu cause panic. The media is very successful in spreading fear. Do you remember chicken flue, pig flue, SARS and other media panic attacks? They feed on the fear, scared population is easier to control.

  7. JB on March 1st, 2020 2:22 am

    The coronavirus came from China where most of the U.S. products etc are made. China did this. So only thing we can do is hope for the best and take every precaution available. Wash often, sanitize often, dont touch anything unless absolutely necessary, etc etc. Theres nothing we can do about the virus. Its something New China created so there’s nothing to do but pray and be cautious. The School system sucks. Point blank in many areas. They dont know anything more than we do and are only saying this to so-called protect their own butts. Also, those who buy from WISH I would wait a while before buying anything cuz all of it comes from China. At least what ive seen. Wash and sanitize hands often, disinfect home once or twice a week depending on how many is in your home, and just use common sense.

  8. Mike on February 29th, 2020 9:57 pm

    ECSD deserves bashing for
    1) Lying (they said they were monitoring the virus since November 2019, but the first cases were not reported until late December 2019)
    2) For being so incompetent that they couldn’t even produce a believable lie.

  9. Bewildered on February 29th, 2020 11:27 am

    Somehow this whole corona affair seems odd – maybe deliberately blown out of proportion for reasons unknown. In Germany a dermatologist went to a convention in Northern Italy (where the virus is supposedly rampant,) returned and practiced 2 days before exhibiting symptoms of the illness and is now in quarantine along with numerous patients and their contacts. His clinic is shut down. Cannot believe any doctor would be so stupid to deliberately expose himself to a mysterious illness and put numerous patients at risk if the virus were a real threat to him.
    PS: maybe they try to weed out the aging and sick world population, since they are the ones dying due to underlying medical issues!

  10. Anne on February 29th, 2020 11:24 am

    Y’all that are out here bashing the ECSD for making this announcement make me wonder why you’re not putting forth YOUR Plan that must be so much better and more effective.

    C’mon, if you have something Great to HELP then put it here so we can all benefit.

    Florida School Districts must comply with directives and rules/laws set by the State Legislature (we vote for them by the way) and the Fla Dept of Education.

    Reading the article it pretty well lays out the influence of the Legislature and FLDOE: “… plans, as set forth by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) and the Florida Department of Health (FDOH),”

    Yep, if YOU are sick no matter from what STAY HOME.
    If your Kids are sick KEEP Them Home until they’re well, don’t send them out to infect others.
    Wash your hands, don’t touch your hands to eyes, mouth, nose which are openings for germs, bacteria, virus. Use Common (it’s not so Common y’all) Sense and be Well.

    God Bless and cover your mouth and nose whenever you cough or sneeze.

  11. Mike on February 29th, 2020 10:17 am

    Fantastic, they have been monitoring it since November 2019. At the center of the outbreak the first cases were noticed (I Quote) “In late December, a cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown cause was reported by health authorities in Wuhan”.

    Apparently, Escambia School District new about it a month before everybody else, but never told the world about it.

  12. john on February 29th, 2020 9:47 am

    Facts should should steer good decision making, and good ole personal responsibility when dealing with possible health threats like COVID19. It isn’t really the school district responsibility to give you a procedure when they are not health professionals. If things got bad you would expect they close the school, but this is where you are dealing with government bureaucracy. With all of the disinformation out there one might err on the side of caution.

  13. Sherry Ewy on February 29th, 2020 9:36 am

    The article clearly states that they are using the same communicable disease procedure they do with the flu. Stay home if you’re sick and keep your sick kids at home. What other plan do they need? The object is to prevent spread of contagion. There’s nothing else to say?

  14. sam on February 29th, 2020 8:33 am

    kind of a “we will worry about it when it happens statement.” i guess some statement is better than no statement.

  15. Parent with Students on February 29th, 2020 7:00 am

    This says absolutely nothing about what procedures the district will take take in the event of COVID-19 except call someone. If the school district doesn’t have a plan, then go ahead and just say it. And don’t beat around the bush with some abstract (that is disassociated from any specific instance) information like is in this news release.