Escambia County Now A Second Amendment Sanctuary

February 7, 2020

Escambia County is now a Second Amendment sanctuary after a vote of the county commission.

On a 3-0 vote with no commissioner comment Thursday night,  Escambia became at least the 27th such sanctuary county in Florida.

“The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners hereby declares Escambia County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary in order to preserve for the People of and in Escambia County, their rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America,” the resolution sponsored by Commissioner Doug Underhill states.

“Second Amendment sanctuary refers to a resolution to not expend resources to enforce gun control measures perceived as violations of the Second Amendment,” according to the county.

“….the Federal government cannot compel law enforcement officers of the States to enact or administer Federal regulations as it would disrupt the principal of ‘dual sovereignty’ by increasing the power of the Federal government beyond that which is permissible,” according to the resolution.

A copy of the resolution will be sent to Gov. Ron DeSantis. It’s largely symbolic and does not change any firearms laws or enforcement.

Neighboring Santa Rosa County also declared itself to be a Second Amendment sanctuary three days after the terrorist attack on NAS Pensacola.

Commissioners Lumon May and Robert Bender were not at the meeting.


19 Responses to “Escambia County Now A Second Amendment Sanctuary”

  1. Southend Lurker on February 10th, 2020 5:08 pm

    “It’s largely symbolic and does not change any firearms laws or enforcement.”

    More “leaders” bragging about doing nothing.

  2. 429SCJ on February 9th, 2020 1:39 pm

    Look at, realize and consider who the people are behind efforts to remove our Second Amendment, what are their goals, what other aspects of our lives are they already effecting, and think to change further.

    I just observed them attack a seated head of state. I am of the opinion that they are of a cabal, that has been operating for a long, long time; quite successfully.

  3. Marvin Heeymeyer on February 9th, 2020 9:38 am

    Now if we could only the cops would refuse to enforce the unjust and unconstitutional state firearms laws on the books, right? Haha j/k RedCoats will continue to infringe on our rights to collect revenue for the state because “just doing my job” and most of you will continue to fly your “tin blu line” patches and flags like good Tories. But hey, we got this here resolution, right?

  4. Cory on February 8th, 2020 8:43 am

    Thank you!

  5. Sedition on February 8th, 2020 2:46 am

    @ John Moses

    Ask New York how compliance with their “assault weapon” registration went…

    “That data shows massive noncompliance with the assault weapon registration requirement. Based on an estimate from the National Shooting Sports Federation, about 1 million firearms in New York State meet the law’s assault-weapon criteria, but just 44,000 have been registered. That’s a compliance rate of about 4 percent. Capanna said that the high rate of noncompliance with the law could only be interpreted as a large-scale civil disobedience, given the high level of interest and concern about the law on the part of gun owners.”

    Now imagine what those owners of over 900,000 firearms would be pushed to if the State attempted to ban them…

    Sounds interesting.

  6. John Moses on February 7th, 2020 9:46 pm

    All for show both locally and in Tallahassee. It will be the state of Florida who will outlaw our guns long before the feds do and an assault weapons ban may return to the ballot soon. After Parkland and other shootings it’s likely it will pass thanks to there being far more anti gun voters in South and central Florida than in the pro gun northern end of the state. Desantis can’t stop that.

    Don’t rest on your laurels and expect others to protect your rights because they aren’t…especially any politician.

  7. Roger on February 7th, 2020 9:08 pm

    The 2nd Amendment reads “the right to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged”. By those words alone every gun control law that has been passed by the Federal gov’t or State is unconstitutional. Any change must be done by Constitutional Amendment to be valid. As a civilized society, we acknowledge the need to restrict access to to guns by convicted felons and the mentally ill without restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens.

  8. Richard on February 7th, 2020 11:10 am

    Do you understand God’s ten commandment?
    Jesus loves all mankind. He forgives your sin on his cross.

  9. Soyouknow on February 7th, 2020 11:07 am

    So I am pretty sure that when the feds show up to take your guns, this ain’t gonna mean dookie.

  10. James Rea on February 7th, 2020 10:29 am

    Even though this is not a change in the unconstitutional laws imposed by our state and federal governments, it does send a message to the Governor of our state that our 2nd Amendment right is being protected by our county commission in order to preserve and protect our right to keep and bear Arms as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. In D.C. vs. Heller, the Supreme Court of the United States declared that it is an individual’s right to keep and bear Arms. The 2nd Amendment clearly states that this right “shall not be infringed”, but many elected officials and liberal citizens have no problem wanting to violate this right of the people.

  11. Taree Huggers on February 7th, 2020 9:04 am

    Waste of time. You either go by the rule of law both state and federal or you don’t.

  12. Greg on February 7th, 2020 8:02 am

    Kate – the symbolism is meant to send a message to the rapers of freedom and haters of our constitution. That we are not sitting idly by and watching our freedoms being taken away, that we see you and we want to be heard.

    I, for one, am very proud of Santa Rosa County and Escambia County for taking what stand they can take.

  13. David Coughlin on February 7th, 2020 7:53 am

    You can always tell when it is an election year.

  14. SW on February 7th, 2020 7:20 am

    Since any federal law regarding arms is a violation of the US Constitution’s 2nd Amendment, only state arms laws can be enforced, pursuant to the FL Constitution?
    If so. I wholeheartedly support.

  15. Kate on February 7th, 2020 7:06 am

    Anything for a vote, symbolism is not a statement,it is a falsehood meant to only get votes.

  16. EMD on February 7th, 2020 5:31 am

    Thank goodness some of us still love this country AND its Constitution. Thank you Commissioner Doug Underhill.

  17. Sunni Burke on February 7th, 2020 5:27 am

    Thank you for protecting my right for personal self protection!

  18. John & Beverly Thomas on February 7th, 2020 3:45 am

    Thank you!

  19. Sedition on February 7th, 2020 3:34 am

    It’s about time! I couldn’t be happier!