Common Core “Officially Eradicated” From Florida, State BOE Says; New Standards Unveiled

February 8, 2020

On Friday, the Florida Department of Education released the proposed Florida B.E.S.T. (Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking) Standards for Florida schools, and announced that Common Core has been officially eradicated from Florida classrooms.

Last month, FGov. Ron DeSantis announced the new set of education standards to replace common core, including a requirement that students meet literacy standards based upon their grade level, learn cursive and study the Constitution.

The plan outline includes several major points:

  1. Eliminate Common Core (Florida Standards) and ensure we return to the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.
  2. Provide a roadmap to make Florida’s standards number one in the nation.
  3. Reflect the Commissioner’s consultation with relevant stakeholders to include parents and teachers.
  4. Deem how to increase the quality of instructional curriculum.
  5. Suggest innovative ways to streamline testing.
  6. Equip high school graduates with a sufficient knowledge of America’s civics, particularly as reflected in the Constitution.
  7. Outline a pathway for Florida to be the most literate state in the nation.

“Florida has officially eliminated Common Core. I truly think this is a great next step for students, teachers, and parents,” DeSantis said Friday. “We’ve developed clear and concise expectations for students at every grade level and allow teachers the opportunity to do what they love most – inspire young Floridians to achieve their greatest potential. These standards create pathways for students that lead to great college and professional outcomes and parents will now be able to reinforce what their children are learn in the classroom every day. Florida’s B.E.S.T. Standards were made by Florida teachers for Florida students, and I know they will be a model for the rest of the nation.”

B.E.S.T. will remove “confusing/crazy math”, provide targeted instruction for students who struggle with reading, reinforce the the basics of arithmetic before students enter middle school and develop a plan with the goal of reducing the total amount of time students spend testing as well as reducing the total questions on assessments.

The U.S. Constitution will be introduced in the fifth grade under the B.E.S.T. Standards. All high school students will be required to take the Florida Civics Literacy Test. Financial literacy will taught in high school, unlike Common Core that did not teach the basics like balancing a checkbook.

B.E.S.T. Standards will replace state tests with the SAT or ACT, better aligning testing for college readiness.

“Governor DeSantis made it very clear that we had to reimagine the pathway to young Floridians becoming great citizens, and we’ve done exactly that with the B.E.S.T. Standards,” said Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran. “Florida will be the first state in the nation with an ELA booklist that spans grades K-12, the first state in the nation with a civics booklist embedded in its ELA standards, and a state that has dropped the crazy math. Florida has completely removed ourselves from the confines of Common Core.”

Corcoran is recommending that the State Board of Education formally adopt these standards February 12.

The Florida B.E.S.T. Standards are posted at


10 Responses to “Common Core “Officially Eradicated” From Florida, State BOE Says; New Standards Unveiled”

  1. T Allen on February 10th, 2020 2:50 am


  2. Jessica Jackson on February 9th, 2020 7:23 pm

    I am so grateful for this state paying so much attention to this issue. I haven’t been able to help my kids with their homework in years. The way that Common Core had them wanting to do their work was so confusing. I’m so elated to know I can actually be of assistance to my children when needed. So once again I want to thank everyone involved.

  3. Fine and dandy, but... on February 9th, 2020 8:52 am

    Panels of “experts”?

    You mean, politically appointed “experts”?

    Oh, yeah, right. BIG improvements in education coming. I wouldn’t get my hopes up, especially since the voice of only one political party (the one that does and has controlled Florida’s government since 1999) will be heard. Big battles are coming in this 51/49 state.

    And when it comes to learning, the family and home environment control the educational interest level of the student, not curriculum. Home life is the boss. If you’re expecting that to change, just remember the lyrics of the song from The Who that read, “Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.”

  4. Audrey on February 8th, 2020 7:12 pm

    Great job!

  5. EMD on February 8th, 2020 12:34 pm

    Thank you Governor DeSantis. Thank you so very very much.

  6. bob on February 8th, 2020 12:08 pm

    Common Core was crap! Thank you Governor DeSantis!!!

  7. Lifendason on February 8th, 2020 10:13 am

    Wonderful, praise the Lord!

  8. Concerned parent on February 8th, 2020 9:18 am

    Can students who completed high school, obtained the required number of credits to graduate but couldn’t receive their diploma because they were unable to pass a standardized test benefit from this change?

  9. Phyllis aden on February 8th, 2020 7:24 am

    Wonderful! Thank you so much for setting out this adgenda here in the great state of Florida. There is a school called Delphi I’m Clearwater Florida that has a fantastic Curriculum that does accomplishment this.

    This is the right thing to do for our future which is our children!

  10. kk on February 8th, 2020 5:15 am

    It’s time all states stop teaching kids how to be state test takers and return to actually teaching the things that matter in today’s society.