Al-Qaida Leader That Claimed Responsibility For NAS Pensacola Attack Is Now Dead, Trump Says

February 6, 2020

The al-Qaida leader that recently claimed responsibility for the deadly terrorist attack on NAS Pensacola is now dead.

At the direction of President Donald  Trump, “the United States conducted a counterterrorism operation in Yemen that successfully eliminated Qassim al-Rimi, a founder and the leader of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)”, according to a White House statement released Thursday night.

“On behalf of the thousands of patriots in Northwest Florida, I thank President Trump for his swift action in eliminating this brutal terrorist,” Rep. Matt Gaetz said. “During his State of the Union address, the President stated that any assault on our freedom would be met with overwhelming, disproportionate retribution. He has kept his word. We are a safer, stronger nation tonight because of his leadership.”

“Rimi joined al-Qa’ida in the 1990s, working in Afghanistan for Osama bin Laden,” the statement continued.  Under Rimi, AQAP committed unconscionable violence against civilians in Yemen and sought to conduct and inspire numerous attacks against the United States and our forces.”

Trump said the United States and its allies are safefter as a result of his death.

“We will continue to protect the American people by tracking down and eliminating terrorists who seek to do us harm,” Trump said.

In an 18-minute video, Al-Rimi said Saudi Air Force officer Mohammed Alshamrani was a “courageous knight” and a “hero” for the NAS Pensacola attack that killed three before Alshamrani was shot and killed by two Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies. Eight other people were wounded.


14 Responses to “Al-Qaida Leader That Claimed Responsibility For NAS Pensacola Attack Is Now Dead, Trump Says”

  1. William 2 on February 7th, 2020 9:45 pm

    Thank you President Trump for allowing our military to do their job. You have made more progress in the war on terror than all the previous administrations combined and I attribute that to you giving our Generals the freedom to do what is necessary. It’s about time the American people have a President that trust his military, thank you Mr. President. Don’t stop now!!!

  2. Skio on February 7th, 2020 8:52 pm

    I live close to Pensacola NAS and when I heard the siren go off at about 7:00 am to shelter in place I was horrified. Thank you for the swift action! America is a safer place with a guy like you :)

  3. Skio on February 7th, 2020 8:48 pm

    Can anyone actually believe we finally have a president that has done what he said he was going to do? Good job Mr Trump!

  4. Cindy Bo on February 7th, 2020 6:32 pm

    I agree! Thank you President Trump for standing up like a President should!! I say Trump 2020 all the way!

  5. rance on February 7th, 2020 10:44 am

    @ K, I appreciate your comments, and I am well aware of the different sects and some of the problems they deal with. I spent a year of my life in the Gulf war and conducted combat operations along side Saudi troops in the retaking and clearance of Al Kafji.

    Our longstanding relations with Saudi Arabia will continue. But more must be done. It is and will be unknown how many are lying in wait to strike. I will state again that this is now twice that the bastards have used aviation training civil and military to infiltrate and murder Americans. It is my sincere hope that every drone strike finds their target.

    God Bless America each and every one of us…

  6. Carol nabors on February 7th, 2020 7:34 am

    I think we should train them in their country using volunteer instructors from USA.
    USA would sell them the planes and provide the instructors for a price. They would also be training in their airspace not ours. I understand the USA is paid a good amount for their training now.

  7. Trey Pierce on February 7th, 2020 5:25 am

    I agree let them train on there soil.did we not learn with 911.laying politics to the side ,hats off to Donald trump we were attacked and our president responded promptly befor more Americans died. Makes me proud to be american again to have a president that does not bow down to other countries. He truly is making America great again

  8. Jason on February 6th, 2020 10:52 pm

    Next….. I sure hope the terrorist leader realizes that his days are numbered. Great job by the Military and by President a Trump.

    And, I don’t care if Nancy was notified in advance or if she had to hear about in a tweet or caught a “breaking news” headline. LOL

  9. K on February 6th, 2020 10:43 pm


    Some info on the Saudis training with us here in the U.S.
    The Saudis are dealing with a couple of threats and have been since the 1970’s.

    The Saudis are Wahabbi Muslim. Iran is a Shia Muslim nation.

    The Saudis are dealing with a shia insurgency in their country. Al Qaeda Yemen is a shia muslim faction. They will take any chance they can to infiltrate and do damage. Same as the jerk from Ft. Hood. (Shia.)

    The takeaway here is that the Saudis are here in the United States training because the United States is the most reasonable ally the Saudis have against the absolute fruitcake shia muslims that are trying to overrun their country.

    The shia are trying to do by insurgency what the Iraqis in 1991 could not do by force: take control of a LOT of the world’s oril and force the rest of the world to negotiate with Iran on Iran’s terms.

    I don’t expect the info I gave to modify your opinion, it just made sense to share it.

    finally: The Wahabbis are strict, but they do not often generate terrorists. Any terrorists that do come out of Saudi are typically Shia converts coming out of the closet, so to speak.

  10. Fred on February 6th, 2020 10:14 pm

    Rance – well said!

  11. Molino man on February 6th, 2020 9:48 pm

    Now that’s how a President should react to an attack
    Trump 2020

  12. Douglas Klem on February 6th, 2020 9:46 pm


  13. Rodney on February 6th, 2020 9:38 pm

    Hell yes I am proud of our military and our POTUS finally we have a President that is worthy of leading our brave men and women in uniform

  14. rance on February 6th, 2020 9:35 pm

    Good, hope the terrorists are burning in hell. I still think they are taking half measures on still allowing the training to continue on US soil. Followers of Osama bin Laden will continue to plot to kill Americans.

    This threat is not going to go away, and thinking that a more stringent vetting process is going to stop them is total stupidity. Let them train in their own countries. Remember 911, remember NAS Pensacola, remember all instances where Americans have died at the hands of terrorists and remember the families and friends that have to go on without their loved ones….