Walnut Hill Man Charged With Felony Sexual Battery Of Teen Girl

January 29, 2020

A Walnut Hill man has been charged with the sexual battery of a teenage girl over a four year period of time.

William Isaiah Dunsford, 40, was charged with first degree felony sexual battery on a victim over 12 but under 18 by a custodial person.

The investigation started in June 2019 after the victim went to her work supervisor and asked for more hours and a later shift. When the supervisor asked why, she admitted Dunsford had been sexually assaulting her since she was 13, according to an arrest report. The employer contacted law enforcement.

The victim told investigators that Dunsford had sex with her one to two times a week. She said Dunsford tells her that he will take care of her, and when she turns 18 they will be together, according to an arrest report. The victim said multiple times that she does not want anything bad to happen to Dunsford “because she feels as though they are in a loving relationship” and she allows him to have sex with her, the report states.

“He says that he loves me and I tell it to him back,” the victim stated, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report.

The victim was confirmed to be pregnant at the time of the report last June by the Department of Children and Families, but the report does state who is the biological father of the child.

Dunsford also allegedly took multiple nude photos of the underage victim and instructed her to take photographs of herself and send them to him.

A deputy contacted Dunsford who stated he had retained an attorney and would not be making any further statements to law enforcement.

Dunsford was booked into the Escambia County Jail this week and released Wednesday morning on a  $100,000 bond.


6 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Charged With Felony Sexual Battery Of Teen Girl”

  1. Bartender on January 29th, 2020 3:44 pm

    Oh she cares for him an dont want to put him in jail.why would she tell anyone? Hes a pervert an that’s it.lock him up

  2. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on January 29th, 2020 3:38 pm

    Bubba gonna “love and take care of you” while in jail.

  3. c on January 29th, 2020 1:24 pm

    @Kate, Only 100,000, it could be a million and some people wouldn’t be happy. Most people would have neither the 100,000 or the collateral laying around, be happy he got caught, and will probably stay caught for a while. .

  4. Jon Jon on January 29th, 2020 11:32 am

    What a sick sick man.If the child’s mother knows about it the she needs to be put in jail I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.He had a innocent child brain washed.What a sick man!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Kate on January 29th, 2020 7:36 am

    Only 100,000. Basically raping a child from age 13 years. What is the matter with the courts?

  6. Mary on January 29th, 2020 6:37 am

    Don’t bother with putting him in jail. Put him under the jail.