Two People Seriously Injured In Highway 97, Highway 29 Crash

January 23, 2020

Two people were seriously injured in a wreck Thursday afternoon at the intersection of Highway 97 and Highway 29 in Molino.

Both drivers were transported by Escambia County EMS as trauma alerts to Sacred Heart Hospital following the 1:15 p.m. crash.

Further details have not been released as the Florida Highway Patrol continues their investigation.

The Molino, Cantonment, McDavid and Century stations of Escambia Fire Rescue were dispatched to the two vehicle crash. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Two People Seriously Injured In Highway 97, Highway 29 Crash”

  1. Kjh on January 29th, 2020 1:45 pm

    My husband was involved in this accident. He was traveling south on hwy 29, doing the speed limit. The other driver ran a red light and turned left. They hit head on in the intersection. My husband is in critical condition…he saw the other car and put on breaks … the rain and wet roads prevented him from stopping before the impact. We don’t know how driver of the suv is doing.

  2. Family member on January 25th, 2020 12:40 pm

    My understanding is that the two vehicles collided on the north bound 29 side of the roadway. One car was travelling south bound 29, attempted to turn left onto 97 and into the path of the other car traveling on 29 north bound. Both had a green light. I dont believe speed was a factor but rain may have been.

    My family member was severly injured and is in critical condition in ICU. I heard the other driver was seriously injured as well. Please keep both of them and our families in your prayers.

  3. Kevin Enfinger on January 24th, 2020 1:52 pm

    I live off 29 down from there. People are running 75 85 90 mph down 29. Semi trucks are running interstate speeds through there. Its ridiculous.

  4. Robinhood on January 24th, 2020 12:38 pm

    Would like to ask “How is that traffic light working out” since everyone is quick to say put up a traffic light or big speed bumps which everyone knows does not work when people run traffic lights and speed up when speed bumps are coming up. Should have never ever put that light up since it does not deter people from speeding or not stopping for stop light / sign. Not sure how many accidents have happened at that one particular intersection since the traffic light was installed. Maybe William can find out and let us all know.

  5. Dale on January 24th, 2020 12:16 pm

    I don’t know the cause of this accident but, I rarely travel that road and a week or so ago, I was approaching 29 from the west and intending to turn right to go south on 29. As I approached the intersection, at night, it can appear to a driver unfamiliar with that intersection, that the traffic lights for southbound 29 are turned in such a way that the driver approaching from the west can see the lights for the southbound driver and it can appear that the westbound driver has a green light. The first time I encountered that intersection after they reworked the intersection, I almost turned in front of oncoming traffic before I realized the green light was not for me. The lights need to be relocated so that confusion is removed.

  6. Not so on January 24th, 2020 8:22 am

    @Pcola Dad… Actually, the very first comment addressed concern for the individuals involved.

    “Hope everyone is ok from this accident”

    As for the other comments, this is the internet. Everybody is an expert on everything, no matter the topic.

  7. Pcola Dad on January 24th, 2020 6:51 am

    Everyone on here wants to be a drivers ed teacher…not one person has had enough respect to ask how the people involved are doing…Drivers ed teachers…traffic engineers…but not one concerned citizen of our fine community…I hope these folks involved in this ACCIDENT are gonna be ok…sad excuse for what we call a community!!!

  8. BG on January 23rd, 2020 9:17 pm

    EVERYBODY is in a hurry….THAT’S THE PROBLEM……………………………

    ……………………………….SLOW DOWN AND LIVE…………………………………..

  9. CW on January 23rd, 2020 8:48 pm

    The left turn onto 97 should be on the green arrow only. The whole ‘yield on green’ thing isn’t working.

    And ‘Hmmm’ is right about the people turning onto Crabtree Church Rd, I myself have nearly rear ended people there when they suddenly stop in front of me.

  10. Tc on January 23rd, 2020 8:43 pm

    How are all these accidents here even possible ? Been using this intersection for 25 yrs it’s not hard folks. Put the phones down ,slow down & Pay attention please!

  11. EMD on January 23rd, 2020 7:33 pm

    I do not know any place safe to turn into Tom Thumb there unless you are headed south on 29 and turn right into it or are headed towards 97 on Crabtree Church Road and turn right into the back of it. Anyone know a safe way to turn into Tom Thumb if headed north on 29?

  12. Tom on January 23rd, 2020 7:12 pm

    Just a thought what if where crab tree ties into 97 they move Crabtree back to the west about 200 feet at least. Then close off the access from the store to 97. Forcing you to drive to up Crabtree to the new intersection. Then on 29 they install a warning light for the south bound lanes that tell you if this light is flashing yellow be prepared to stop.

  13. Just a thought on January 23rd, 2020 6:58 pm

    Maybe if they could move Crabtree rd further to the west. And change how you exit the store. Just a thought

  14. Hmmm on January 23rd, 2020 5:39 pm

    The stoplight really does nothing to stop the most dangerous part of this intersection, and that’s when people come off of 29 to take a left onto 97 at a high rate of speed to shoot the gap in traffic. It’s a long way across this intersection and people coming down the hill going south on 29 at 75 mph get close to you really fast. Then since there is no turning lane to turn left onto Crabtree Church Rd. (to go to the Tom Thumb) you have people sitting squarely in the lane at 97. Traffic coming off of 29 onto 97 have to slam on the brakes to avoid these vehicles.

    For all the times I’ve seen near misses through there, it’s a wonder there aren’t more wrecks.

  15. TW on January 23rd, 2020 5:12 pm

    People just don’t know the rules and can’t drive period. I’ve seen a couple of near crashes in that intersection. That’s why I pay extra attention coming through that intersection.

  16. Red light special on January 23rd, 2020 4:30 pm

    Put up a stop light there……….it’ll fix EVERYTHING they said. Nope, if folks would learn how to drive properly AND pay attention to what’s going on this crap would slow down drastically.

  17. Molino on January 23rd, 2020 4:07 pm

    No, they need a NO U TURN sign on 29 into Tom Thumb and some common sense juice to pour into our water systems. Red light means more accidents, my butt. You CAN turn right on red, you CAN NOT turn left, across multiple lanes of traffic, with no turn arrow. The ones that “shoot the gaps” are just as much in the wrong as the ones pulling U turns.

  18. Ella Melton on January 23rd, 2020 3:38 pm

    This is a dangerous intersection
    A lot of people do a u turn there to go into Tom Thumb and the people coming out of 97 think they have the right away to turn right on 29. They still have the red light on their side. And they come out on the ones making a legal u turn. Hope everyone is ok from this accident. They need a no turn on right sign on the side where the ones coming out of 97.