Minimum Wage In Florida Increased With The New Year

January 2, 2020

Florida’s minimum wage increased a dime per hour on January 1, from $8.46 to $8.56.

An eight hour work day at minimum wage, not including taxes, will now net $68.48 for a worker, up from $67.68.

Tipped workers will also saw a small increase to $5.54 per hour, up from $5.44.

Florida voters will have a chance to further increase the minimum wage later this year.  If 60% of voters approve a constitutional amendment on the November ballot, the minimum wage will jump to $10 an hour on September 30, 2021, and increase by $1 per hour each year until topping out at $15 an hour on September 30, 2026.


33 Responses to “Minimum Wage In Florida Increased With The New Year”

  1. ROBIN on April 7th, 2020 6:17 pm

    Minimum wage should be increased in Florida. To those of us who agree with this, we need to vote yes on this issue… in September? I guess then we will still have to wait another year for it to take effect… 2021… let’s get this done… for those of us who work hard and may be in an unfortunate situation… not to complain, but we really need at least ten dollars an hour to pay bills… it doesn’t leave any thing extra… just enough to barely survive… as a single mother who gets no child support… I know what it’s like to constantly run into obstacles… fighting and clawing for every little thing every single day… living paycheck to paycheck… have night terrors about whether I’ll be able to keep up the pace… come on Florida… we need a higher minimum wage now… not next year!

  2. Mel on January 12th, 2020 8:35 am

    You can’t compare Florida minimum wage to other states and not look at the difference in the cost of living in each state. It cost a lot more to live in California. Florida whole apartment for $700 California $700 may get you a room in someone’s else’s house or apartment. I’ve watched young folks right here in Florida work hard stay with same company and move up in management and go get a even better job. Yep thru hard work and dedication to their job. I’m sorry for the folks that think they should be able to live on minimum wage. If folks actually worked a whole hour without being on their phone I would be Amazed. Minimum wage increase is only going to make minimum prices to increase. Why even go to college. Uneducated voters will vote for what I need right now not what is best for the whole state and so call educated lawmakers shouldn’t have even given anyone a chance to vote on something anyone with any amount of education should know that raising minimum wage like this isn’t going to help anyone move ahead. Yep the cost of everything will go up, cause that extra money got come from somewhere. So we aren’t going to fix anything with this stupid idea.

  3. RobertsM on January 4th, 2020 10:57 am

    Minimum wage was NEVER meant to be a living wage…it’s entry level people. You think shop owners are going to hire on experienced 16 year olds at $15/hour? Give me a break!

  4. Denbroc on January 4th, 2020 8:35 am

    @ me again

    What prices are up 100% in the last 2 years?

  5. Steven Buell on January 3rd, 2020 9:20 pm

    Florida to dam low or min should be 10 an hour period

  6. Horseguy on January 3rd, 2020 7:22 pm

    We are a snall horse boarding business. We make some 40k gross profit a year with both of us working 7 days a week, 10-12 hours daily. We have a barn helper that works 30 hours per week and whom we pay $9 per hour. I we had to increase this to $15, we would have to pay him $9,000 more per year. As this would be impossible for us to do we would have to lay him off and do his job on top of ours …

  7. Mike J. on January 3rd, 2020 4:21 pm

    Those of you who complain about low pay and health care and think that other countries are better are invited to the exit door. If you don’t like living in this country, you are free to leave any time you want to. We don’t have walls to keep people in. Those of you who want to live on the taxes of the wealthy should work harder, educate yourself more, and you may become one of those wealthy people yourself. I am NOT a wealthy person, but I know that they are the ones who create businesses and provide jobs for the rest of us. And that’s my opinion. Have a nice day! :-)

  8. Me Again on January 3rd, 2020 2:58 pm

    This is shameful……min wage bumped ten cents? really? With prices up 100% over 2 yr ago min wage should be $18 per hour not this…..this country should be ashamed to offer this little to someone to work. This country needs help getting their priorities straight….if you pay folks a liveable wage they would have no need for welfare or social aid. Good grief wake up America and start a new trend

  9. Bewildered on January 3rd, 2020 2:02 pm

    Retired: Over the last 10 years social security has increased 16 percent total while the cost of living has gone up 26 percent during that same timeframe. it’s obvious you are loosing ground steadily the longer you are retired and the older you get. I guess they were telling the truth when they said social security was not designed to live on – it’s a supplement to private investments.

  10. retired on January 3rd, 2020 9:43 am

    when is the government going to raise social security more than 1.5 %.
    minimum wage goes up, cost of living goes up, BUT SSA DOES NOT.


  11. sage on January 3rd, 2020 7:42 am

    Do they not teach economics anymore? It’s sad, but what I see are arguments like “Oh, woe is me, ever try to live on 10 dollars an hour? I want/deserve/am entitled to more” Foodstamps. Welfare. Socialist programs, etc…”
    Not how the world works.
    If you aren’t happy with your current pay – move up the ladder. The world doesn’t owe you anything.

    And here’s a nickle worth of free 6th grade economics 101 advice – When wages are raised – so is the cost of everything else. So sure, you make more in your pocket but now that roll of toilet paper also costs more.

  12. Denbroc on January 3rd, 2020 7:09 am

    If the goal of raising the minimum wage wage is to get people out of poverty then why stop at $15? Let’s go to $100 per hour and be done with poverty once and for all.

  13. Uncle Sam on January 3rd, 2020 2:11 am

    Get rid of the Minimum Wage. Don’t raise it.

    Thoughts –

    1. we raise it to $15 doesn’t business just let many jobs go so there are more people without any wages? Like WalMart decides those robots are worth it to clean floors and stock shelves but at $9 they weren’t?

    2. no minimum allows more job openings. Sure it’s not big pay but say a person is handicaped and can’t perform but at half speed. Companies don’t want to pay $15 per hour but at half speed they would pay $7.5. Thusly giving that person some money and purpose in life.

    3. Why $15? Why not $25? or say $50 per hour since we are just sitting random dollars at it? The Government should let free markets rule and the person can decide what they are worth. If they don’t like what they can get then they can open their own competition to their market sector.

  14. Stanley Beech on January 2nd, 2020 10:34 pm

    What really ticks me off is some of these large companies own baseball or football teams and pay millions of dollars for their salary yet complain when they have topay their own workers over 10 dollars an hour.

  15. Now all the facts on January 2nd, 2020 8:59 pm

    Everyone here forgets some simple truths. Raising the minimum wage only raises the poverty level. The second thing is this when you pay someone $15 an hour this is not what an employer pays. That $15 and hour cost an employer such as my self about $21 an hour because we have to pay unemployment worker Comp insurance and other taxes. So the question is if you vote for the minimum wage increase are you gonna complain when you have to pay twice as much as you used to. Things aren’t black and white. Like the democrats want you to believe.

  16. Tom on January 2nd, 2020 8:19 pm

    I’m confused, Anyone who is against people making higher wages and not having to beg or take (hand outs) as some put it need to take a step back and look around at all the poverty we have. Most of the western world would consider $15 an hour to be next to peanuts vs the cost of living as it rises yearly. There is nothing wrong with elevating ones self via higher wages and improving your life.

  17. JB Cuthburt on January 2nd, 2020 6:59 pm

    I pray to God it don’t go up to $15 as i would have to lay off my helper. Times are tuff, not many VCRs are coming through the door these days.

  18. Anne on January 2nd, 2020 4:52 pm

    @ Monica

    Please expand your comment to tell us:
    Where, from which institution, did you earn your college degree?
    Is yours a 2-year, 4-year, or advanced degree?
    What is the discipline/subject area of your college degree?
    In what field are you currently employed?
    Thank you for the increased information.

  19. Chria on January 2nd, 2020 4:28 pm

    I dropped out of ninth grade, got my ged and worked my way up in the restaurant industry and am making 6 figures. You set your own limits.

  20. Comun cents $$$ on January 2nd, 2020 3:55 pm

    Want more money in your check? Educate yourself. Otherwise keep wishing and rubbing your two nickels together.

  21. Kevin @ Patrick Brown on January 2nd, 2020 2:05 pm

    I understand min wage is for people with no skills and no experience. But your wrong. Many employers today can well then afford higher wages even for adults but choose not to to keep overhead down. Theres alot of places that could pay very liveable wages but dont because the government does not force it. Yeah yeah if the min wage goes up so does the cost of living. Thats when our government needs to step in and put limitations. You have people renting crap quality places for over 1000 a month. Rentals are an issue. Limitations on rental income should be restricted to only be able to charge rent on the value of the house. Meaning, if the house is a 155k house then they would take that 155k divide it by a 30 year mortgage or 15 year mortgage. Mark up 50 percent for room for profit and maint costs. Thats how rent should be determined.

  22. Chelleepea on January 2nd, 2020 1:57 pm

    Still not enough….I heard the new “low income” apt in Century cost $640 per month. A person would have to pay out 2 weeks of their pay….heaven forbid if they have a car note. No wonder people can’t get off of foodstamps…..

    I know small retail stores with one owner can’t afford $15 per hour but franchises and chain stores who make millions a month can! Something needs to be done.

  23. Patrick Brown on January 2nd, 2020 1:36 pm

    Minimum wage is for people with minimal skills. That’s ment for children getting started in life. It’s not meant for grown people trying to raise a family. The government and other people aren’t responsible for people’s bad choices. So the minimum wage shouldn’t be raised for the simple fact that other people made terrible choices and didn’t prepare for adulthood. And the people that have earned their good wages shouldn’t have to suffer either. Be grateful for what you have and strive for what you want. Its simple.

  24. debra on January 2nd, 2020 1:01 pm

    thats why i say dont waste your time going to college a waste of time and money

  25. CW on January 2nd, 2020 12:59 pm


    The demand for workers is what determines wages. Just because you have a degree doesn’t mean there’s a demand for what you do. People aren’t entitled to high wages simply because they have a degree.

  26. Trisha on January 2nd, 2020 12:50 pm

    All of you try to have a family with $8.56 an hour. People still wonder why some adult children still live with their parents. Even if you make $10 an hour, have car payment, car insurance, rent, utilities, gasoline and food you still can’t make it. Your spouse can work but then you probably have to add a second vehicle or live near a good bus service (good luck with that in our area). Naturally at some point you will add children into the equation. There is no perfect solution and 10 cents an hour is better than nothing but far from what would really help.

  27. salty_n_sassy on January 2nd, 2020 11:43 am

    Not intending this to be anything other than sincere, but if that’s the logic you are using in your thought process, I suggest you ask for a refund on your tuition. I also suggest taking a deep look into your career choice and adjust as required. (And for the record, I do not have a degree. I also started at the bottom of the ladder two decades ago and am now sitting at six figures. Success doesn’t come instantly and there is no such thing as instant gratification)

  28. Monica on January 2nd, 2020 11:07 am

    Soooooooo lemme get this right, I possess a college degree, can’t get hired with it so I’m forced to take a lesser than job, but in 6 years tops im hearing 16 year old kids working part time, no bills, living with mommy and daddy, will be making what I do an hour with a college education????? Something seriously wrong with this all the way around!

  29. John Doe on January 2nd, 2020 10:38 am

    $8.46? What a joke. No wonder people stand out on the street holding signs.

  30. Auntie Government on January 2nd, 2020 10:26 am

    By raising the minimum wage to 15$ per hour it will only cause a ripple effect that will only allow you to stay where you are monetarily. If you make 100$ a week and the cost of food, utilities,rent and necessities cost you 75$ of your paycheck per week. Getting a raise to 200$ per week leaves you with the same 25$ a week once the cost of food, utilities, rent and necessities are raised by those trying to cover the increase they now must pay their employees to provide those things to you. It is called minimum wage because it is the minimum position you can start with. Your goal inside a company is to learn and progress. Show initiative to want more responsibility to earn a better wage. The old adage of “careful what you wish for” should loudly be expressed here. Don’t depend on the government to feed you, make all the decisions for you. Don’t be a servant to a tyrant. Unless you want to be owned, told what to do, what to think or be enslaved. It’s better to teach a man to fish than to give a man a fish.

  31. ensley boy on January 2nd, 2020 10:07 am

    $10.00 an hour in 2021 and $15.00 an hour in 2026 is not unreasonable. By that time California will be at $20.00 an hour.

  32. Istvan Teleki on January 2nd, 2020 9:29 am

    I remember being so thrilled when my minimum wage went from $1.90 to $2.10 per hour.

  33. Denbroc on January 2nd, 2020 6:29 am

    A $15 minimum wage will put Florida on par with California, New York, and Illinois. Three good reasons not to pass such a law here.