FDOT To Study Widening Part Of I-10 To Six Lanes; Reconstructing Nine Mile, Pine Forest Interchanges

January 23, 2020

The Florida Department of Transportation is looking to widen I-10 from four to six lanes from near the Alabama state line to west of Highway 29 and reconstruct the interchanges at Nine Mile and Pine Forest roads as diverging diamond interchanges.

FDOT will hold a Project Development and Environment Study meeting on Tuesday, February 4 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Pine Forest United Methodist Church at 2800 Wilde Lake Boulevard.  Maps, drawings and other information will be on display at the meeting. FDOT Representatives will be available to discuss the proposed improvements, answer questions, and receive comments.

This project is being developed concurrently with a separate study for the Beulah Road (County Road 99) interchange PD&E Study.


21 Responses to “FDOT To Study Widening Part Of I-10 To Six Lanes; Reconstructing Nine Mile, Pine Forest Interchanges”

  1. sam on January 27th, 2020 10:00 am

    fix hwy 29 especially thru century. it’s like driving thru an obstacle course. those big trucks still lean over at mrs brooks office.

  2. JOHN on January 24th, 2020 3:29 pm

    This is what happens when you have overpopulation.

  3. RETIRED on January 24th, 2020 10:08 am

    A DDI will not work around here people need to know how to drive sensibly.
    you change sides of the road, people here can’t drive in the rain!!!!!!!!

  4. Infidel Numero Uno on January 24th, 2020 2:38 am

    I driven thru a few DDI’s and they work as designed. It takes getting used to, but it keeps traffic moving with fewer traffic lights. I10 Pine Forrest is a prime location for one.

  5. Retired Coastie on January 23rd, 2020 10:28 pm

    I grew up in Pensacola, Pine Forest & Long Leaf area. I saw the hand writing on the wall 20 years ago and that’s why I live and work in Baldwin Co. ALABAMA Loving it. And I avoid all the above-mentioned choke points like the plague they are when I venture into Escambia Co. Pine Forest Road North of I-10 (three lanes), really, what were they thinking, everyone would just magically decide to get home another route, duh.

  6. Suzie B on January 23rd, 2020 9:11 pm

    @Brian – yes,I agree – I did look at the Diverging Diamond Interchange when I saw info about this meeting a few days ago. It totally makes sense for the Pine Forest exit especially. Getting out of Detroit to go to Eastbound I-10 is a life challenging event and I kept wondering how they could fix that area. It looks like a good solution if it can be done in a timely manner but it’s a huge project. Thanks for pointing that design out.

  7. Niknak50 on January 23rd, 2020 8:11 pm

    Should FDOT initiate this project, you can bet no one reading these words will be living when completed.

  8. Janet on January 23rd, 2020 6:33 pm

    They need to four lane Pine Forest road from the interstate to 9 Mile road. Traffic backs up terribly all the way to 9 Mile road.

  9. Janer on January 23rd, 2020 6:30 pm

    They need to four lane Pine Forest road from interstate to 9mile road. Traffic there is ridiculous. It backs up traffic from the interstate at Pine Forest road.

  10. Lillian E Ferreira on January 23rd, 2020 3:05 pm

    They needed to 4 lane Pine Forest to 9 mile 32 years ago when we built out here. How many crosses on the side of the road N. of I-10 do we need to have before something is done? That merge area is nothing but a chicken race. Remember folks when you are in the merge lane you don’t have the right of way or the right to tear off our doors and mirrors because you are in a hurry. Plan ahead for delays, especially at 8 am and 3-6 pm. I have called DOT for years. They don’t listen to common sense. 9 mile should have been done before the NAVY FEDERAL project started.10 years of I-10 during 2 major hurricanes is pathetic. Can’t you do 1 road at a time and get it done before tearing all the roads up at once? Think how this affects our tax paying businesses and their employment.

  11. Todd on January 23rd, 2020 1:46 pm

    I agree with np630ss. FDOT needs to complete projects in a more timely manner. 29 has been torn up for too long and I10 at Scenic took forever. Bids and work should be awarded competitively based to keeping a schedule and keeping on it. Our tax dollars are not a jobs program. Though the improvements are greatly needed, FDOT needs to fix their process before taking on new projects that will snarl traffic for years before any improvement is realized.

  12. Brian on January 23rd, 2020 1:04 pm

    Did anyone google Diverging Diamond Interchange? Probably not, because I don’t see anyone commenting about it’s uniqueness. I think it even has a wildlife crossing signal.

  13. Tara Kirby on January 23rd, 2020 11:55 am

    Please let us know how to communicate with the FDOT regarding this and other projects, if we are not able to attend the meetings. I want to tell them: Dear FDOT;
    North West Florida is unique. We want you to respect that uniqueness when you design and change the roadways / highways / inter & intra states here. We want sidewalks, bike paths, and human cross ways. We want wildlife crossings. We want to preserve the native trees (transplant them if they need to move, or put curves in the roads, curves are good they slow people down.) Please DON’T plant any more non-native palm trees around here. This isn’t Central Florida and it isn’t South Florida.

    Please stop making all of our on and off ramps look like cookie cutter versions of ones in other areas of Florida. Let our roads reflect the personality of our area.

    We need to preserve rural Florida in order to maintain our precious Florida’s lifestyle and to protect water quality and wildlife habitats. The people of Florida would be better served if these funds were invested in purchasing land for conservation, preservation, and recreation.

    Money would also be better spent in creating means of public transportation. More roads and wider roads do not solve our traffic problems. We need other options. We need commuter trains, express trains, auto trains, trolleys, and buses. With “green” parking lots for commuters to park and then ride.

    Wider roads make it more difficult for drivers to enter and leave their homes and more difficult for drivers to enter and leave places of business. The wider the road, the more difficult it is to change directions – on Highway 98, you can sit for more than 5 minutes waiting for all three lanes to be clear long enough to turn around.

    Instead of just making more roads and making roads wider, money would be better spent to improve the design of current roadways. If wildlife crossings were included that would reduce auto accidents and road kill. We would all greatly benefit from more sidewalks, bike paths, safer cross walks, more traffic lights, better timed traffic lights, signage made easier to understand, and other engineering and design features that make traffic safer for Florida residents, tourists, and animals.

  14. Curtis Cook on January 23rd, 2020 10:54 am

    We have a mess in and around highway 29 and 9 mile road with construction. Pine Forest’s 3 lanes from interstate to 9 mile road is a traffic nightmare trying to get home in the afternoon. Navy Federal moved in and has brought many jobs to our community, which is much appreciated. Now we have a new school in Beulah. Anyone trying to get to work going down highway 29, Pine Forest or 9 mile towards Navy Federal traffic moves at a snail’s pace. Don’t get in a hurry. Going home in the afternoon is bumper to bumper. Our main road going north and south and east and west just aren’t enough. Our area continues to grow, but our roads have just so much room to grow. I’ve heard talk of new roads, something has got to give. As our community grows so does the cars on our roads
    Curtis Cook

  15. Alan on January 23rd, 2020 10:40 am

    Some of the posts here seem to believe the FDOT will go from talking about it to doing it in not time flat. This is stage 1 of many stages required before the first shovel full of dirt is turned. It is 2020. If construction on this project, provided it is approved, occurred before 2026 it would be a miracle. And 2028-2030 is not out of the question. Its not just building it that takes them an eternity, it’s every single step.

  16. Frank on January 23rd, 2020 8:51 am

    No pain no gain… A necessary evil… I don’t like it, BUT it has to be done… Go give your feedback!

  17. Paupo on January 23rd, 2020 8:49 am

    Klondike is correct..”Just say No”..to these “it will never end”.. folks.

  18. Klondike Kid on January 23rd, 2020 8:30 am

    Someone needs to just say no. Based on DOT’s track record here , they would have the interstate torn up for 10 years.
    @ Ensley Boy – I went to a DOT meeting at a hotel near Pine Forest / Wilde Lake about 11 years ago about the 3 laning of Pine Forest north of the overpass. I said it should be 4 lanes with westbound Detroit curving around to the same traffic light. The DOT official presiding told me I didn’t know what I was talking about.

  19. Sedition on January 23rd, 2020 8:28 am

    It wasn’t that long ago that you had I-10 jacked up for years. Did you have so much fun that you want to do it again?

  20. ensley boy on January 23rd, 2020 6:43 am

    Seems like they would add another northbound lane on Pine Forest Road north of Detroit Blvd before they start messing with the interchange at I-10/Pine Forest.

  21. np630ss on January 23rd, 2020 2:54 am

    How about FDOT complete some of the projects currently underway before digging up the interstate? Hwy 29 has looked like an artillery zone for years. Several other highway projects are still incomplete. Finish those before jamming up the interstate.