Escambia Sheriff Candidate Alexander Addresses Century Town Council

January 8, 2020

Democratic candidate for Escambia County Sheriff David Alexander addressed the Century Town Council Monday night.

“I am a law and order man, and I believe in things being done right,” he said. Alexander served for 32 years at the Pensacola Police Department, becoming chief in 2015. He was forced to retire two years later due to the state retirement program.

He distributed a three-page biography and introduction and told council members that he would like to meet with each one individually to discuss his candidacy and principles.

Pictured top: Democratic candidate for Escambia County Sheriff David Alexander (far left) introduces himself to the Century Town Council Monday night. photo, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Escambia Sheriff Candidate Alexander Addresses Century Town Council”

  1. Obie1 on January 10th, 2020 10:38 am

    David Alexander has got my vote, and I am a Republican! I WILL NOT be voting for ole Chipper-roo! All Chip will bring is the same ole semantics as General Morgan has brought us for the past 11 years.

    Simmons should have excused himself from all the exploits Morgan has been involved with since he’s been in office. Simmons actions tells me is that he endorses and supports this behavior that will continue to be a laughing stock of Escambia County.

    Alexander needs to come in and clean house!!!

    I’m voting for Alexander!

  2. Jennifer Barraclough on January 8th, 2020 7:33 pm

    Mr. Alexander is a good man. I believe he would make a great sheriff…would be the only Democrat I ‘d vote for.

  3. Bowhunter on January 8th, 2020 10:50 am

    @Molino jim the way oversight said was 100% true if you go into the drop program then yes you pick a date and can not change it but mean while if you say 5 year’s when your 62 the at 67 you have 60 month’s of retirement sitting in a interest bearing account so if you sign that contract then your not forced you elected to do it your self

  4. molino jim on January 8th, 2020 9:45 am

    @ oversight. Please do not try to make more of Alexander’s retirement than it was. Yes he was in the DROP program as are many other people have been.Chip I understand retired as chief for the same reason. Plus there are many others who retired the same way. The DROP program has a lot of good points but it also makes a person pick a date and can not change it. I have known David many years and have always found him to be a good man.

  5. retired on January 8th, 2020 8:54 am


    mr. David Alexander, if you wanted to stay in law enforcement, you should apply back to PPD. , along with your partner mr. Chip Simmons

  6. Oversight on January 8th, 2020 7:11 am

    “He was forced to retire two years later due to the state retirement program.”

    Don’t play the “victim” card by saying you were forced out without some action on your own part. The Florida Retirement System does not force retire anyone, unless he voluntarily went into the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP). With DROP, you set a self-imposed retirement date five years in the future for yourself. I’ll stand corrected if I’m wrong, but isn’t that what really happened here? Truthfulness goes a long way towards creditably.

    Otherwise, good luck with your election run. With a “D” by you name, you’ll likely remain forced retired.

  7. Kate on January 8th, 2020 7:06 am

    He looks good to me, although he should not be ashamed to say he is a democrat.