Century Spending $60K To Apply For $644K Grant For Wastewater Improvements

January 22, 2020

The Town of Century is applying for a $644,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to make needed improvements to a small portion of the town’s trouble wastewater system.

If awarded, the grant will be used for a new sludge press at the wastewater treatment plant and to upgrade to existing problematic lift stations at Pilgrim Lodge and the Industrial Park.

The town council voted Tuesday night pay for the design and permitting in advance of the grant application in an effort to achieve more points and improve the likelihood of a grant award. The design will cost a lump sum of $58,411 and will need to be completed by mid-March. Work will be done by Municipal Engineering Services, Inc.

The town will also pay Jones Phillips and Associates $2,250 plus postage for a required townwide income survey. Work will include an initial mailout, follow-up door-to-door surveys and electronic maps as needed for the grant application.

The town is asking the Escambia County Commission to foot $50,000 of the costs in advance of possible RESTORE Act funding.

Century is also submitting a request for inclusion and a capital finance plan to the Florida Department of Environmental Protect for State Revolving Fund (SRF) money. Prather said the town could apply for a 90% grant and a 10% loan. The next meeting of the SRF board is in February.

The town will seek SRF money to pay for several million in construction costs at the wastewater treatment facility. The SRF documentation will be complete by Municipal Engineering and accountant Robert Hudson.


4 Responses to “Century Spending $60K To Apply For $644K Grant For Wastewater Improvements”

  1. Fred on January 22nd, 2020 10:43 pm

    Who is responsible for the raw sewage that runs down Tedder rd about three times a week from the prison no one ever says anything about that

  2. jason on January 22nd, 2020 3:25 pm

    To all the people who complained about Mr. Prather . I relize that the mayer could have applyed for these same grants, he had a long time to do it but he never did. if he would have done his job the sewer plant would already be fixed new gas meters would already be in place and century would not be broke. that being said I hope they keep Mr prather until we have a compadent mayor. We’ve come along way but dont think for a minnute that things can’t fall apart Quickly

  3. retired on January 22nd, 2020 8:30 am

    “The town is asking the Escambia County Commission to foot $50,000 of the costs in advance of possible RESTORE Act funding.” NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    let the The town council forgo their pay check and use that money or airplane ticket money

  4. sam on January 22nd, 2020 7:11 am

    appears the town is finally trying to accomplish something that costs money but is a necessity and will benefit everyone.