Century Drafts 10 For Citizens Advisory Task Force

January 9, 2020

The Town of Century has appointed a Citizens Advisory Task Force (CATF) to increase the odds of landing a grant.

By appointing  the CATF, the town will receive 10 extra points when applying for a Community Development Block Grant. The council voted to appoint up to 10 members of the current Charter Review Committee to the CATF without notifying or asking any of the individuals in advance.

Mayor Henry Hawkins said the 10 were chosen because they could quickly meet as a task force because they have already taken part in Sunshine Law and ethics training.

The council did not specify any tasks for the CATF to accomplish or set a meeting date.

The 10 members of the Charter Review Committee — and the CATF if they accept their nomination — are : Shelisa McCall Abraham, Mary H. Bourgeois, Cheryl Boutwell, Michelle Cunningham, Evelyn Hammond, Janice M. Jennings, Dynette Lewis, Eunice McKinney, Delores Wright Miley and Jennifer Read.

NorthEscambia.com photo.


4 Responses to “Century Drafts 10 For Citizens Advisory Task Force”

  1. Oversight on January 10th, 2020 7:02 am

    LOL! Just another Century town council/mayor flimflam.

  2. IMHO on January 9th, 2020 9:52 am

    Like what are they going to do, say no? Typical Century

  3. ProudArmyParent on January 9th, 2020 9:01 am

    “Mayor Henry Hawkins said the 10 were chosen because they could quickly meet as a task force because they have already taken part in Sunshine Law and ethics training.”

    The 10 may have all ready “taken part in Sunshine Law and ethics training”, the question is has Hawkins? It doesn’t seem very ethical to appoint people to a task force without asking their permission or informing them first!

  4. sam on January 9th, 2020 7:35 am

    so they do nothing but hold a position with the town in name only. sounds like the same thing we have now with the elected positions.